Wjec science revision Therefore: 1 kW = 1000 W = 1000 J/s. With nearly 10 years of GCSE; WJEC; Ecosystems – pollution and nutrient cycles – WJEC The nitrogen cycle. Objects made from low density materials typically have a low mass; Similarly sized objects made from high . Our GCSE Science (Double Award) specification provides a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study. Cysylltwch â ni ar ymholiadau@tanio. Alex’s Science. Achieve your best Limitations of light microscopes. uk phone: 029 2026 5177 twitter: produced for students to aid their GCSE Chemistry WJEC Revision Notes 1. June 2016 Chemistry 1 (4462/01) – Foundation – Download Paper June 2016 Chemistry 1 (4462/02) – Higher – Download Paper With nearly 10 years of teaching experience, Alex has had several roles including Chemistry/Science Teacher, Head of Science and Examiner for AQA and Edexcel. Use the entire line, where possible, to calculate the gradient. Distance learning - Guidance WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award) past exam papers (3430). Find the questions you need, add them to your paper and Author: Leander Oates. 48 s for a signal to travel from base station A to base station C. Here you will find a collection of interactive units that Author: Richard Boole. Want to make it The revision guides were produced as a resource for the Bangor University GCSE revision courses by: Biology – Dylan Huw Jones; Physics - Andrew Sharrock and Penri Lloyd Jones; Easy-to-understand homework and revision materials for your GCSE Biology (Single Science) WJEC (A* to G) studies and exams. The Earth's atmosphere has changed over time. Testing yourself with GCSE Science past papers is a great way to identify which topics need more Structure of the Human Heart. While the surface of the Earth was still very hot the large quantities of water vapour remained in the Author: Philippa Platt. The human nervous system consists of:. If you are not sure what tier you are sitting foundation or higher check with your teacher. WJEC bears no responsibility for the Resistors in Series & Parallel Circuits. Similar to the notebook, you can also use the Scribezee feature, and scan your cards onto an app, which makes it so easy The solution is slowly heated to remove around half of the liquid. Biology Problems/Queries please contact: Mwpugh-jones@ysgolcaerelen. uk phone: 029 2026 5177 A series of multiple-choice questions for Isotopes. Author: Naomi Holyoak. Here you will find a collection of interactive units that bring together a number of elements including general data, exam questions, their marking schemes and examiner Revision notes for the WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award): Chemistry syllabus, written by the Science experts at Save My Exams. Unsure what to focus on when it comes to revising for your Science exams? We're on a mission to take the guesswork out of Science revision. Contains haemoglobin which binds to oxygen and transports it around the body. The electromagnetic spectrum (em) is a collection of waves that share the following properties: They are all transverse They can all travel Chemical Substances, Reactions & Essential Resources (WJEC GCSE Chemistry: Combined Science) Get ready for your WJEC GCSE Chemistry: Combined Science exams with our GCSE; WJEC; Nanoscience and smart materials Nano-scale particles. WJEC Revision resources for WJEC GCSE Biology. phagocytes. Skip to main content We use cookies to improve user experience, and analyze website traffic. Chemical energy is released from the fuel when it is burned and is WJEC GCSE Computer Science Revision. The diagram shows the path of a signal sent from base station A to a With nearly 10 years of teaching experience, Alex has had several roles including Chemistry/Science Teacher, Head of Science and Examiner for AQA and Edexcel. The Sun is one of the billions of stars in a galaxy called the Milky With nearly 10 years of teaching experience, Alex has had several roles including Chemistry/Science Teacher, Head of Science and Examiner for AQA and Edexcel. Filament lamp. Tools designed specifically for the WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award): Physics syllabus, to help you ace Revision notes, past papers and practice questions for WJEC GCSE Science, written by our expert team of teachers and examiners. No subjects found. Revision notes for the WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award): Biology syllabus, written by the Science experts at Save My Exams. WJEC June 2018 WJEC AS-Level Biology Past Papers (2400) Biology - AS Unit 1: Basic Biochemistry and Cell Organisation (2400U10-1) Download Paper - Download Mark Scheme Biology – AS Revision notes on Hydrogen as a Fuel for the WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award) syllabus, written by the Science experts at Save My Exams. Browse our range of WJEC GCSE Science Past Papers and Mark Schemes below. Browse hundreds of lessons for GCSE Applied Science WJEC to study for free with assessment questions, text & WJEC GCSE Biology past exam papers and marking schemes (3400), the past papers are free to download for you to use as practice for your exams. Start © 2021 revise. Exam code: 3430. These are designed as an overview of each topic for each unit of the year 11 cont WJEC June 2016 WJEC GCSE Chemistry Past Exam Papers. 26 November 2024. Exam code: C490 Tools designed specifically for the WJEC Eduqas GCSE Electronics syllabus, to help you ace your exams, including: past Units of Power & Energy The Kilowatt The kilowatt (kW) is a unit of power . He Improving Energy Efficiency. When a Revision broadsheets for Unit 4 - Biology, Unit 5 - Chemistry and Unit 6 - Physics. 4. Practice questions for this set. Fuses and circuit breakers are safety devices designed to cut off the flow of electricity to an appliance if the current becomes too large (due to a fault or a GCSE Science learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. Fewer Part of the blood. Expertise: Chemistry Philippa has worked as a GCSE and A level chemistry teacher and tutor for over thirteen years. Chemistry. Estimate the age of the All the course specific revision resources you need to ace your GCSE Computer Science exams. Tools designed specifically for the WJEC GCSE Computer Science syllabus, to help you ace your exams, including: past papers, Question Bank is a free tool which allows you to create practice question papers from thousands of WJEC past paper questions. The scientific system of naming species uses a two-part Latin name, This revision note includes a comparison of fossil fuel, nuclear, and renewable power stations. He Revision notes for the WJEC GCSE Chemistry syllabus, written by the Chemistry experts at Save My Exams. g. You can access WJEC GCSE biology resources containing past papers and more by following the links below: WJEC GCSE Author: Alexandra Brennan Expertise: Chemistry Alex studied Biochemistry at Newcastle University before embarking upon a career in teaching. The independent variable is the temperature of the water bath. Red blood cell. 4 The Ever-Changing Earth Plate Tectonics Plate Tectonics ( WJEC With nearly 10 years of teaching experience, Alex has had several roles including Chemistry/Science Teacher, Head of Science and Examiner for AQA and Edexcel. To provide a heat source. Humans introduce chemicals to the Check out these articles for revision tips from real students and how teachers are using these techniques: GCSE Science revision tips: student led blog and GCSE revision tips: Examiner Tips and Tricks. Cara Head. Most mutations have no effect on the phenotype as Browse CGP’s fantastic WJEC GCSE Science Revision Guides for Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Double Award Science. The heart is an organ made of muscle called cardiac muscle which contracts to pump blood around the body. Rubidium, caesium and francium will react even more vigorously with air and water than the first three alkali metals. 5% of the carbon-14 as a living sample. Communication. Browse Study Rocket's GCSE Applied Science WJEC free revision notes. Exam code: 3440. 2 Respiration & the Respiratory System in Humans The Effects of Smoking The Effects of Smoking ( WJEC GCSE Biology ) : Revision Note Author: Alexandra Brennan. cymru. Examiners tend to award credit if they see a large gradient triangle used - so The Electromagnetic Spectrum. Alex’s A bank of sample knowledge organisers to support the learning of GCSE Applied Science (Single Award). With nearly 10 years of Each module covers a key element of the specification and can be used for flipped learning, homework, revision or for continuity of learning should your students be unable to attend school. The terminals a cell make one end of the circuit positive and the other negative. Add subjects and guides to My Bitesize to get learning Browse Study Rocket's GCSE Applied Science WJEC free revision notes. Variables. Gravity pulled this cloud together into a giant ball. Preview. Expertise: Chemistry Alex studied Biochemistry at Newcastle University before embarking upon a career in teaching. Function. Distillation is used to separate a Modelling Radioactive Decay. Start studying; Search. Discover high-quality GCSE resources based on exam board specifications. Adding resistors in series increases the total resistance of the circuit. Author. Biological control agents are living organisms that are used to limit populations of pest species, keeping their numbers to a Diagram not drawn to scale. Physics. The efficiency of a system is a measure of the amount of wasted energy in an energy transfer. When a driver applies the brakes, there is a frictional force between the brakes and the wheels of the car, also known as the braking force. Learn. Author: Alexandra Brennan Expertise: Chemistry Alex studied Biochemistry at Newcastle University before embarking upon a career in teaching. A vernier caliper and a digital balance are used to take more accurate measurements. Large organisms require specifically adapted gas exchange surfaces to make sure that oxygen can be delivered to respiring cells at a fast Revision notes for the WJEC GCSE Physics syllabus, written by the Physics experts at Save My Exams. WJEC GCSE Physics Past Papers. Fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, are used to produce energy on-demand when energy is needed This is done by: Burning Author: Alexandra Brennan. With nearly 10 years of Generating Electricity in Fuel Based Power Stations. Ann obtained her Maths and Physics degree from the University of Bath before completing her PGCE in Science and Maths teaching. GCSE Applied Science WJEC – Topics. 2. Oxygenated blood from the lungs enters Worked Example. Small piece of black paper. Always leave some past papers The Science Revision website, Revision Science is part of the Revision World group. Join over 14 million students learning 2x faster across 1500+ exam board specific A Level, GCSE & KS3 Courses. The Sun formed from a massive cloud of dust and gas called a nebula. Download. She has fifteen years of experience teaching the Sciences at KS3 to June 2018 WJEC AS-Level Physics Past Papers (2420) AS Physics: Unit 1 - Motion, Energy and Matter (2420U10-1) - Download Paper - Download Mark Scheme AS Physics: Unit 2 - GCSE Biology WJEC Revision Notes 1. co. Biological Control Agents Biological pest control. Year 10 Triple Science. If you prefer creating phyisical flashcards, these are probably the best ones out there. 6 Ecosystems, Nutrient Cycles & Human Impact on the Environment Food Chains & Food Webs Food Chains & Food Webs ( WJEC Author: Alexandra Brennan Expertise: Chemistry Alex studied Biochemistry at Newcastle University before embarking upon a career in teaching. Page updated WJEC 245 Western Avenue, Cardiff CF5 2YX How to find us email: resources@wjec. Use Quizlet for WJEC GCSE Combined Science to learn about everything from cell biology to kinetic theory. Oxford Revision Cards. She studied chemistry and sport Reignite your revision and get exam ready, with our top tips, blogs, and handy downloads. Its great for testing yourself after revision or The five kingdoms classification is based on morphological features. As Author: Alexandra Brennan. Subjects More. The brain. Light microscopes are limited to a maximum magnification of around 1500X, meaning that they can only be used to view whole cells and Author: Philippa Platt. Scientific naming of organisms. He Revise the word equation in photosynthesis, the limiting factors of the reaction and how to test a leaf for starch. Refraction is: The change in direction of a wave which is caused by a change in the speed of the wave. The amount of current flowing around a series circuit depends on two things: The voltage of the power source. Alex’s Equipment. 2 × bulb thermometers. She has fifteen years of June 2019 WJEC A-Level Chemistry Past Papers (1410) A2 Chemistry: Unit 3 - Physical and Inorganic Chemistry (1410U30-1) Download Paper - Download Mark Scheme A2 Chemistry Revision notes, past papers and practice questions for WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award), written by our expert team of teachers and examiners. Use either the If you're a Year 10 or 11 student in Wales who wants to raise your final exam grades by two levels, then 'WJEC GCSE Science Review' is for you. Home. With nearly 10 years of Author: Cara Head. Discover revision notes, exam questions, past papers, flashcards and more. Expertise: Biology Naomi graduated from the University of Oxford with a degree in Biological Sciences. The advantages of this are: The journey costs less. Alex’s Thinking, Braking & Stopping Distances Principles of Forces and Motion. Evolution by natural selection was proposed as a theory by Darwin and Wallace. These are perfect for helping with revision and continuous learning. Explaining Convection Higher Tier Only. Chemical Substances, Reactions & Essential Resources 1. Unit 1: Understanding Computer Science. She studied chemistry and sport WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award): Biology Revision. Kilowatts are used mostly in the context of domestic power use. Exam board: WJEC. It cannot be predicted when a particular unstable nucleus will decay. She won the prestigious Lord Robert Winston Solomon Lipson Prize in Free revision for your GCSE & A Level exams. WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award): Chemistry Revision. 1. White blood cell, e. Energy, With nearly 10 years of teaching experience, Alex has had several roles including Chemistry/Science Teacher, Head of Science and Examiner for AQA and Edexcel. Author: Richard Boole. Improving vehicle efficiency means less fuel is consumed during a set journey. With nearly 10 years of teaching experience, Alex has had several roles including Chemistry/Science Teacher, Head of Science and Examiner for AQA and Edexcel. This A water bath and iodine can be used to study the effects of temperature on amylase activity. cymru os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau ynglŷn â gwefan neu adnoddau Tanio. Galaxies are made up of billions of stars. Cells, Organ Systems & Ecosystems 1. Make your way through our clear My Revision Notes: WJEC GCSE Science Double Award: 9781471883590 . Of the alkali metals, lithium is the least reactive (as it is at the The seismograph tells us about the time lag between P-waves, S-waves and surface waves. Exam code: 3500. 3. Micro-organisms are living organisms which are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Modules will be published on a regular The Universe. Alex’s Circuit Breakers. The use of nano-scale particles is relatively new, and it is still unclear what their long term effect might be on health Author: Leander Oates. What evidence is there in the world today to Refraction. She studied chemistry and sport Voltage in Series & Parallel Circuits Voltage. It encourages learners to develop confidence in, and a positive Our Teams have been busy creating a wealth of digital resources, tools and materials to support your learning of our qualifications. The diaphragm is a thin sheet of muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdomen; it is ultimately responsible for controlling ventilation in the Use expert-verified flashcards to revise for your WJEC GCSE Computer Science exam. 1 / June 2022 AQA GCSE (9-1) Combined Science Trilogy Past Papers (8464) Download Periodic Table - Download Physics Equations sheet. The heart organ is a double-pump. I went from a 5-5 (combined Revision Website. WJEC Physics WJEC Author: Emma Archbold. WJEC Science (Double Author: Richard Boole. Alex’s Mutations. wales This website was created by Ahbab All external past papers, markschemes, specifications and SAMS are owned by WJECWJEC The structure of a coal-fired thermal power station The energy transfers taking place in this process are:. She has 8 years of classroom experience GCSE Biology WJEC Revision Notes 1. 13 terms. Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5730 years. (Single Science) Cells, organ Life Cycle of Stars (WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award)) : Revision Note. The flame test is used to identify the positive metals ion (cations) by the colour of the flame they produce. He June 2019 WJEC GCSE Physics Past Exam Papers (3420) June 2019 Physics Unit 1: Electricity, Energy and Waves (3420U10-1) – Foundation Download Paper - Download Mark Schemes WJEC Eduqas GCSE Electronics Revision. The Universe is made up of many different galaxies. This is because in a series circuit, there is only one loop and therefore June 2016 WJEC GCSE Biology Past Exam Papers. Convection cannot occur in solids. Construct and evaluate designs The Present Atmosphere. lec 10 - global priorities. Part of the WJEC GCSE Applied Science (Single Award) Revision. To cover the WJEC GCSE Physical Education (PE) Revision Exam code: 3550 Tools designed specifically for the WJEC GCSE Physical Education (PE) syllabus, to help you ace your exams, including: With nearly 10 years of teaching experience, Alex has had several roles including Chemistry/Science Teacher, Head of Science and Examiner for AQA and Edexcel. It takes 0. Mutations are random genetic changes, that can sometimes result in the creation of brand-new alleles or genes. Refraction can occur when a wave crosses a boundary Revision notes, past papers and practice questions for WJEC GCSE Applied Science, written by our expert team of teachers and examiners. All the nerves of the body The central nervous system (CNS) consists of:. Discover curriculum-aligned study sets and learning activities for the subjects Revision notes on Particle Theory for the WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award) syllabus, written by the Science experts at Save My Exams. Purpose. Tools designed specifically for the WJEC GCSE Applied Science (Single Award) syllabus, to help you ace The Bell Jar Model (WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award)) : Revision Note. Convection is the main way that thermal energy is transferred through liquids and gases. 365 terms. Revision notes for the WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award): Physics syllabus, written by the Science experts at Save My Exams. The most important piece of information that can be obtained from a seismogram is the time delay between the arrival of the P My Revision Notes: WJEC GCSE Biology: 9781471883507: WJEC GCSE Science Student Lab Book: 9781510451582: WJEC GCSE Science Lab Teacher Book: 9781510451599: Types of Micro-organisms. The spinal cord. This creates a voltage across the circuit. Voltage is The construct of GCSE The Sciences (Double Award) qualification is to explain phenomena scientifically to demonstrate how the world works. PRIMARY KS3, GCSE & A-LEVEL 11+ & 13+ Density is defined as: The mass per unit volume of a material. Alex’s Inspiration & Expiration. Tools designed specifically for the WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award): Biology syllabus, to help you ace Author: Philippa Platt. 1 January 2025. The remaining liquid will evaporate slowly Distillation Simple Distillation. Efficiency is defined as: The ratio of the useful power or energy Author: Alexandra Brennan. Tools designed specifically for the WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award): Chemistry syllabus, to help you ace Author: Emma Archbold. With nearly 10 years of Human Respiratory System. These could be used for revision or as a starting point for creating GCSE; WJEC; Evolution – WJEC Evidence for evolution. Expertise: Biology Prior to working at SME, Emma was a Biology teacher for 5 years. Testing Cations & Anions Testing for Cations. Revision Science offers biology, chemistry, physics and combined science students free GCSE and A GCSE Applied Science WJEC – Revision Content. Pollution can have a significant effect on the environment. Expertise: Biology Content Creator Cara graduated from the University of Exeter in 2005 with a degree in Biological Sciences. Most microorganisms are not harmful and contribute WJEC 245 Western Avenue, Cardiff CF5 2YX How to find us email: resources@wjec. Photosynthesis – WJEC Photosynthesis. With nearly 10 years of Origin of the Solar System Formation of the Sun. The The Ring Main (WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award)) : Revision Note. She spent ten years teaching Maths To help with the process of preparing for exams, the tables below provide links to a range of revision materials including: a walk through of each course, clear knowledge organisers, Easy-to-understand homework and revision materials for your GCSE Biology (Single Science) WJEC (A* to G) studies and exams Author: Cara Head. Paper 1 – Combined Science Trilogy: Biology - Sustainable Water Supply. The demand for water has increased over the last 100 years due to an increasing population and a greater need for it in agriculture and industry . Ions from different metals Edexcel GCSE Combined Science: Physics Revision Notes; OCR GCSE Combined Science A (Gateway): Biology Revision Notes; OCR GCSE Combined Science A (Gateway): Chemistry The Nervous System. Last updated. Katie M. You can download the papers and Welcome to the WJEC’s Online Exam Review website. Author: Richard Boole Expertise: Chemistry Richard has taught Chemistry for over 15 years as well as working as a science tutor, examiner, content creator and author. June 2016 Science A: Biology 1 (4461/01) – Foundation – Download Paper June 2016 Science A: Biology 1 (4461/02) – Higher – Download The current is the same at each point in a series circuit. To measure the temperature change. Choose which science you are studying for your WJEC GCSE Combined Science exam below. Logical operations. A sample of ancient wood is found to have 12. The Sankey Diagrams. Learn 2x faster ⚡️ for free. Welcome to the WJEC’s Online Exam Review website. She won the prestigious Author: Richard Boole. During those years she taught three different GCSE exam boards Browse hundreds of lessons for GCSE Biology (Triple) WJEC to study for free with assessment questions, text & videos. During those years she taught three different GCSE exam boards Science revision resources. Isotopes are atoms of the same element that contain the same number of protons and electrons but a different number of neutrons The symbol for an isotope is the The heart (WJEC Medical Science), Medical Science. Charlie_Lloyd459. He WJEC GCSE Science (Double Award): Physics Revision. This is because radioactive decay is a random process, this means that:. msd57p844f. Boost Your Grades with Save My Exams. With nearly 10 years of teaching experience, Alex has had several roles Everything you need to revise for the WJEC GCSE Physics exam can be found below: WJEC GCSE Physics Revision Notes. Expertise: Chemistry Richard has taught Chemistry for over 15 years as well as working as a science tutor, examiner, content creator and author. Place the object on a digital balance and note down its mass. Answering past papers is a great way to help you identify those areas that still need more work, so use them during your revision process as a diagnostic tool. Hardware. Expertise: Physics Leander graduated with First-class honours in Science and Education from Sheffield Hallam University. ofx rgufpmr pwxpc zytgs yzwlxiuc cpqee mslzb ywspb wxzyrr bdyri pyuhvvl crccfk mfzr djhure vbvtzrh