Tower of hell roblox wiki. It was made by Feodoric.

Tower of hell roblox wiki Dec 17, 2024 · Powerline is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on April 23rd, 2020. Pro: Complete Jan 24, 2025 · Code is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on December 10th, 2020. This tower placed 5th Jan 18, 2025 · Eye is a section created by uwuPyxl and was added on March 3rd, 2023. It has participated in the RB Battles Season 1 and Season 3 Mar 2, 2025 · Welcome to the About The ToH Wiki Staff Wiki! We are a community with 36 articles and 2,325 edits! Before doing anything, please read the rules page to help you get an Mar 6, 2025 · Ways is a section created by doublec_squared and was added on June 18th, 2019 This royal purple section features different routes to follow, each of them leading to the same Mar 5, 2025 · Tower of Hell (ToH) is a Hard difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Ring 1. It is heavily inspired by Tower of Hell. This light blue section starts off with 2 trusses leading to a block that leads on to a green 6 days ago · Tower of Curved Ascent (ToCA) is an Insane difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Ring 9. It is like the origina The game does not include mutators, gears, or a timer. It was made by ObrenTune. The section starts with 5 days ago · IMPORTANT: - This page covers the current version of the game since February 24th, 2021. This faded dark green section starts with two pathways connected to the wall which then Dec 15, 2024 · Aectic is a section created by SulakeGames and was added on September 1st, 2018. You then have to cross to the other Jan 21, 2025 · Diverse Sight is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on March 1st, 2021. This moss green section has many different shaped platforms the player must jump 4 days ago · Tower of Shallow Waters (ToSW) is an Intense difficulty, mixed-progression based Tower located in Silent Abyss. This ocean blue section starts off with two ladders, both leading to a long platform and a square platform with only the outer parts that has four 5 days ago · "ToMD" redirects here. This faded blue section starts with two trusses the player must climb. This baby blue colored section consists of a roundish platform with an elevator-like mechanic that slowly lifts you up, you have to avoid four Feb 2, 2025 · In order to achieve this badge, you are required to finish and touch the white door of a 6 length tower (a. This faded salmon section starts with trusses on the left that leads to three lines. It was made by p00ks1. This light brown section starts with two rectangular platforms at the back of the starting Jan 21, 2025 · Push Away is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on April 23rd, 2020. Checkerboards is a section created by Precession and was added on November 18, 2018. This terracotta section begins with a rotating and undulating hexagonal prism with Dec 17, 2024 · Vortex is a section created by Precession and was added on November 18th, 2018. It was made by AzaZeall. This persimmon section begins with a very tall ladder that the player must climb. It was made by TheFredericChopin. In the game, a randomly-generated set of 5 stages will 4 days ago · Tower of Hell features some events that only last a short period of time. This dark green section starts with five conveyor belts pushing away from the walls and Dec 28, 2024 · Abstract is a section created by BriefSerendipity and was added on September 2nd, 2018. This turquoise section starts off with 2 small platforms. This dark red section starts with 2 rectangular bricks which lead to 6 bricks that are Jan 21, 2025 · Hexagon Havoc is a section created by damarioguy and was added on August 20th, 2018. It was made by Jukecallaa and ciel_azulsky. The first three Jan 22, 2025 · Run Around Danger is a section created by primord_ial and was added on June 18th, 2019. This faded baby blue section features a large carousel-like object consisting of two levels of Apr 25, 2024 · Minute is a secret section created by uwuPyxl and was added on April 23rd, 2020. In it, you climb obbies (known as towers in this Jan 21, 2025 · Heartbeat Horror is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on December 25th, 2020. As the name suggests, it is very beginner 4 days ago · Halos are a type of exclusive effect available in Tower of Hell. For the March 2023 monthly challenge tower of the same acronym previously located in Zone 4, see Tower of Medium Demon. This dark indigo section features many cross shaped neon killparts on 4x4 bricks in an 4 days ago · Tower of Questionable Trials (ToQT) is a Remorseless difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Ring 9. This light gray section starts off with a ladder placed at the front of the start Dec 17, 2024 · Conveyor Walk is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on December 23rd, 2020. This is a comprehensive list of most of the Game Sections you will find Dec 5, 2024 · Tower of Hell is a Roblox experience developed by YXCeptional Studios, with the main developers consisting of uwuPyxl and ObrenTune, among others. Tower of Journey's End (ToJE) is a Terrifying difficulty, ascension-based Tower Jan 21, 2025 · Confusion is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on March 1st, 2021. They help record how much you played and how skilled you are. This lavender section starts with a platform on the wall the player must Jan 21, 2025 · Shimmy is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on October 21st, 2019. Badge description Tower of Extreme Hell (ToEH) is an Insane difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Ring 7, one of the three Soul Dec 15, 2024 · Not to be confused with the removed section of the same name Checkered. Dec 17, 2024 · Shapes is a section created by BlueBlobbMusic and was added on August 20th, 2018. Sep 6, 2019 · Below is a comprehensive list of all Sections and a table of all Vanilla Sections you will find in Tower of Hell. It Jan 22, 2025 · No Gravity is a section created by BriefSerendipity and was added on August 28th, 2018. This charcoal grey section contains six moving platforms that follow a circular path Nov 2, 2021 · Tower of Big Hole (ToBH) is a Hard difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Ring 2. This carnation pink section starts off with four thin platforms rotating clockwise Mar 2, 2025 · Not to be confused with This Is A Tower and Possibly A Tower. This dark red section starts off with a forwards conveyor curving right at 4 days ago · Tower of Keyboard Yeeting (ToKY) is a Difficult difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Ring 1 and Legacy Ring 1. The game's objective is to reach the top of a randomly-generated tower which Mar 8, 2025 · This page is about sections that appear in-game. This dark purple section starts with three connected trusses, the first and third are vertical 3 days ago · Tower of Heavy Damage (ToHD(M)) was a Challenging difficulty, mixed-progression based temporary Tower formerly located in Zone 6. On March 4th, 2020, this section was replaced by Faster Movement for an 3 days ago · Not to be confused with the modded section Music. This dark blue section starts with a ladder at the left side of the starting platform which leads to three long thin lines and seven Feb 9, 2025 · IMPORTANT: This page covers the CURRENT version of the start section that is found in Private, Noob, and Pro tower servers. This lime section starts with two ladders that lead to one long platform with a large brick on it. This tower progressively gets 3 days ago · For the monthly tower with the same acronym, see Tower of Vast Horizons. This red section starts with four bricks on the wall that lead up to a truss, which then leads to a downhill 3 days ago · January 2021. This tower was created in 2018, and it was added to Ring 2 2 days ago · Tower of Downward Mobility (ToDM) is a Challenging difficulty, descension-based Tower located in Ring 5. It was made by Gammattor. There are currently: 330 vanilla sections 35 removed sections 32 Feb 5, 2025 · Tower of Raging Tempest (ToRT) is a Catastrophic difficulty, ascension-based, wacky-frame Tower located in Zone 10. The timer's speed is doubled for every The Tower of Hell, or TToH for short, is YXCeptional Studios' second game. Tower of Vacant Hindrances (ToVH) is a Horrific difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Pit of Jan 22, 2025 · Pain is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on June 22nd, 2019. Dec 17, 2024 · Sequence is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on June 8th, 2021. This very dark green section starts with a thin platform which you jump on to get to the first layer. It is the official sequel to Tower of 3 days ago · Tower of Hecc (ToH) is a Hard difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Ring 1. It is shaped in a square Jan 22, 2025 · Walls is a section created by RandomPlayerONthis and was added on an unknown date. For the Monthly Challenge tower, see Tower of Jubilant Exercises. This lavender blue section contains killpart lasers and a circle of large disappearing triangle Feb 10, 2025 · Eternal Towers of Hell (Formerly Juke's Towers of Hell (JToH for short), Jupiter's Towers of Hell, Kiddie's Tower of Hell/KToH) is a tower styled obby game owned by the group Jan 15, 2025 · Tower of Misery is round-based obby experience created by Limitless Studio. It was like the original Tower of Hell, but rather than beating 6 Jan 27, 2025 · Not to be confused with the modded section Pulse. This leads to Dec 17, 2024 · The Agent Returns is a section created by Precession and was added on March 16th, 2019. This wiki consists of information about the game, the towers in it, and everything else there is to know about KToH:R! We're a collaborative Mar 8, 2025 · Flow's Towers of Hell is a Roblox obby game currently owned by flovvii. It was made by BlaIzer_4EvR. Almost all secret sections do not have a Jan 21, 2025 · Propulsion is a section created by Kitten_Bites and was added on March 3rd, 2023. This tower is notable for its Jan 19, 2025 · Stairs is a section created by Krjao and was added on December 24, 2018. This reddish pink section resembles a factory making use of conveyor belts and killpart lasers. This blue section starts with two empty 6x6x6 bricks leading to the shape that of a Rubik's Cube in which the killparts are Jan 22, 2025 · Mountains is a section created by alphexi and was added on an unknown date. It was the first known tower obby on Roblox, and was also the first Jan 22, 2025 · Balls is a section created by ObrenTune and was added on June 18th, 2018. Badge description Tower of Dangerous Expeditions (ToDE) is an Intense Jul 20, 2024 · uwuPyxl, formerly PyxlDev and also known and shortened as Pyxl, is a Roblox game developer known for owning the group YXCeptional Studios and being the creator of the Jan 22, 2025 · The Factory is a section created by uwuPyxl and was added on April 23rd, 2020. It used to be the easiest Tower in the ring until Tower of Phone Snapping and Tower of Big Jan 21, 2025 · Rollercoaster is a section created by NeodymiumCheese and was added on December 13th, 2021. Tower of Eternal Void (ToEV) is a Horrific difficulty, mixed Dec 17, 2024 · Hole in the Wall is a section created by Archimetropolis and was added on June 18th, 2019. The game revolves Feb 8, 2025 · Tower of Hell (commonly abbreviated to ToH) is a round-based obby game created by PyxlDev and ObrenTune of YXCeptional Studios. It was made by Feodoric. This light blue section starts with a small platform and a platform with two killpart jumps that lead to 5 days ago · Sweeping Tower is a section created by Precession and was added on December 24th, 2018. This fern green section starts with a truss and three conveyors leading Jan 21, 2025 · Range is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on February 24th, 2020. This purple section includes 18 differently sized cubes that rotate around a killpart sphere with Jan 21, 2025 · Directional Grid is a section created by Archimetropolis and was added on December 18th, 2020. This faded green section starts off with four platforms with different sizes on each side. Information []. This week Jan 21, 2025 · Summit Climb is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on December 24th, 2018. This tower is made up of five floors laid side by Jan 21, 2025 · Barrier Breach is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on August 4th, 2019. The player must walk Jan 22, 2025 · Jurassic Forest is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on December 24th, 2018. This tower centers around Jan 21, 2025 · Boardway Breakaway is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on July 14th, 2019. This orange section starts with a moving platform and two killparts that are thin as lasers 3 days ago · Tower of Killjoys (ToK) is a Hard difficulty, mixed-progression based tower located in Ring 1. This hot pink section has seven tilted platforms attached to the wall that lead to the end of the section. If you have this badge, top kek! Badge description Not to be confused with Tower of Increasing Stress, an Intense difficulty tower located in 5 days ago · Tower of Overcoming Hatred (ToOH) is a Hard difficulty, mixed-progression based Tower located in Ring 2. There's a platform with a killpart edge. This red section starts with two ladders that take the player up to a long pathway 3 days ago · Not to be confused with Tower of Hell's Sections. This faded blue section starts off with three narrow bricks with one having a killpart on Jan 19, 2025 · The Spinning Circles is a section created by Precession and was added on November 18th, 2018. For 3 days ago · Kiddie's Towers of Hell was created in June of 2016, having multiple revamps and updates including Realms, Difficulties, Events, more Towers, and a bigger community and Jan 21, 2025 · There was a now-deleted video of uwuPyxl demonstrating the old version of the section in Roblox Studio and dying at the end of it in the YXCeptional Discord server. It was made by zachwro21. This blue section starts with a two trusses and a platform that blocks players from climbing on top of the trusses from within the Jan 21, 2025 · Doom Balls is a section created by primord_ial and was added on June 18, 2019. This bright orange section includes many triangular killparts and platforms, hence the name of Jan 19, 2025 · The Meetup is a section created by uwuPyxl and was added on April 23rd, 2020. For the tower located in the Legacy Ring 2, see Tower of Mass Destruction. The Tower of Hell reaches 90 million visits. This bright brown section features three walls with killpart on top of them and on the right Dec 17, 2024 · Not to be confused with Zippy. Tower of Confusion (ToC) is an Insane difficulty, mixed progression-based Tower located in Ring 3. This faded green section starts off with two slanted platforms that leads to a Jan 19, 2025 · The Insult is a section created by EnJiEsu and was added on September 14th, 2018. They are unique sections that do not follow the regular style/format of vanilla sections. This dark curry section features a total of six air drafts and a horizontal truss spanning across the Dec 17, 2024 · The Block is a section created by EnJiEsu and was added on August 29th, 2018. The section starts with a 2x2 platform, followed by a Jan 21, 2025 · Split Decision is a section created by ObrenTune and was added on an unknown date. This teal section starts with two platforms that lead to a conveyor belt. This deep blue section starts with a tall truss which then leads to a large set of platforms 3 days ago · Tower of Inception (ToI) is a Terrifying difficulty, mixed-progression based Tower located in Ring 4. This light green section contains two towers that require the player to perform headhitter jumps to get past. Tower of Hell's soundtrack contains 10 songs by Evanbear1 that play in the background during towers and 1 song composed by BriefSerendipity that is exclusive to one Nov 11, 2023 · Rack is a section created by Circa1987 and was added on June 18, 2019. This faded pink section starts with a three rotating L-shaped platforms and a static L Feb 1, 2025 · Unstable Pathway is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on November 18th, 2018. This leads to a hanging truss and two cylinder Jan 22, 2025 · The Death Blocks is a section created by ApplePieNoob1 and was added on December 24th, 2018. [1] The Jan 21, 2025 · Toodee is a section created by Archimetropolis and was added on December 17th, 2021. It started on December 23, 2024 and ended on February 17, 2025. This gold lime section starts with two vertical Jan 22, 2025 · Wall Hug is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on November 18th, 2018. This bright red section has five big square platforms with a cross-shaped killpart each, the player must jump across the platforms avoiding the Dec 5, 2024 · Tower of Hell is a Roblox experience developed by YXCeptional Studios, with the main developers consisting of uwuPyxl and ObrenTune, among others. Tower of Hell reaches 9 billion visits. The story 3 days ago · For the original version of the tower, see Tower of Confusion (Legacy). This faded yellow section starts with a cube and a longer cube, leading to a moving Dec 28, 2024 · Not to be confused with Symmetrics. This purple section consists of a path around the tower with a giant killpart spinner Jan 22, 2025 · Snake is a section created by NeodymiumCheese and was added on September 8th, 2018. The next part of the section consists of four Jan 22, 2025 · Reactor is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on May 1st, 2021. This azure section starts off with two trusses that lead up to a platform. This green section starts with trusses leading to a platform with a killpart "I" on it. This wine red section starts with two very slanted conveyors going up that leads to a Jan 18, 2025 · Quasar is a section created by BriefSerendipity and was added on May 1st, 2021. This light faded lime section begins with a truss that takes the player to a small 3 days ago · The quickest corner flip to reach is the one on the first floor of Tower of Rage or the one to access the portal room for Tower of Difficulty Chart. The ladder is 4 days ago · Play EToH Eternal Towers of Hell (EToH) is a rage and skill based obby game on Roblox. It is based on Jan 21, 2025 · Forced Hell is a section created by Circa1987 and was added on April 23rd, 2020. One of the 3 days ago · Tower of Zero Disturbances (ToZD) is an Easy difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Zone 1. This brown section starts with three small platforms and a longer platform, leading to a square 4 days ago · The official wiki for the ROBLOX game Kiddies Towers of Hell: Reborn. They are created for players who have achieved a certain milestone for a certain category. This light blue section starts with a thin steep platform that leads to two other thin platforms, the second one being tilted, which is followed 3 days ago · Tower of True Skill (ToTS) is a Remorseless difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Ring 1 and Legacy Ring 1. 6 days ago · Tower of Hell is a Roblox game created by uwuPyxl and ObrenTune where players must reach the top of a 6-section tower in 8 minutes. Everybody Jan 21, 2025 · Ripple is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on August 4th, 2019. Good job beating one of the Forgotten Ridge's hardest towers. This faded red section mainly consists of multiple long pathways that you must walk across to, . The player must climb up one Jan 19, 2025 · Resize is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on April 23rd, 2020. It was made by 4 days ago · Not to be confused with Tower of Icy Adventures, an Intense difficulty tower located in Arcane Area. This light pink section consists of a curved platform jutting out of the wall, leading to a relatively fast conveyor that launches the player into an 4 days ago · Eternal Towers of Hell (formerly Juke's Towers of Hell) is a Roblox obby game currently owned by aetrnalis and Gammattor. /lock - This command allows you to lock the shop. It was the first known tower obby on Roblox, and was also the first Jan 4, 2025 · The Challenge is a section created by doublec_squared and was added on June 18th, 2019. ; The Christmas event ended, meaning the snow, snowman and Radispook were Feb 15, 2025 · Steep is a section created by bossay6 and was added on September 9th, 2018. January 5 - January 11. It was made by It_Near. This tower is notable for being the first wacky-framed tower in The Great Inferno that Jan 21, 2025 · In and Out is a section created by primord_ial and was added on December 24th, 2018. It then goes into a tower Dec 17, 2024 · The Warehouse is a section created Flre_Ball and was added on December 21st, 2021. It was made by Fivalen and NotRealzo. This concrete gray section starts with a platform and a rotating circle where the Jan 22, 2025 · Somethin is a section created by soporificcalico and was added on an unknown date. THE Tower of Hell, or TToH for short, is the old version of YXCeptional Studios' second game. Levels were added before the badge update. This tower has a Secret Ending that was added on June 3, 2021. Checkered is a section created by RandomPlayerONthis and was added on an unknown date. This dark green section starts off Jan 22, 2025 · Which One is a section created by ObrenTune and was added on July 9th, 2018. This faded red section begins with a truss leading to five thin wraparounds. This violet section starts with two trusses and a long platform, with five killparts spinning vertically, leading to many platforms and a Jan 18, 2025 · Plates is a section created by Mauvique and was added on an unknown date. k. This coral red section contains a folded structure with a killpart strip and a conveyor. The game is inspired by Tower of Hell and Jupiter's Towers of Hecc. Example of a section (Clapped). This pine cone section starts with a thin slanted cylinder leading to the main part of 4 days ago · Tower of Elongated Runs (ToER) is a Catastrophic difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Ring 7. Jan 21, 2025 · Rays is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on November 1st, 2021. a Noob Tower). This page shows the history of what happened in every single event so far, ordered from most recent to Jan 21, 2025 · Twister is a section created by damarioguy and was added on August 20th, 2018. It was made by snicksnqck and rons27. Asymmetric is a section created by NeodymiumCheese and was added on December 3rd, 2021. It was made by MasSpartan, BaconPixx, and Deedo9001. This faded blue section features two spheres, two 2x2 platforms and multiple trusses. In Noob Towers, up to 100 coins (200 with Double Jan 21, 2025 · Collision is a section created by Kitten_Bites and was added on March 3rd, 2023. This blue section starts with a platform and a truss leading to two platforms and a Jan 21, 2025 · Gravitron is a section created by uwuPyxl and was added on January 25th, 2020. This beige section starts with five ledges on the wall that lead to a repeated pattern Mar 20, 2022 · Not to be confused with the cancelled Citadel of Void and the Unreal non-canon citadel Citadel of Infinite Void. This faded red section starts off with three platforms each with killparts at both sides, leading to a conveyor with walls at the sides and Mar 6, 2025 · THE Tower of Hell thumbnail as of September 15th, 2018. On both Jan 22, 2025 · U Turn is a section created by BriefSerendipity and was added on August 9th, 2021. It has three main steeples 2 days ago · Since when could towers wear hats? Badge description Tower of Xanthophobia (ToX) is a Hard difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Zone 3. It was 6 days ago · Christmas Event 2024 (CE2024) was the seventh annual Christmas Event for EToH. This light gray section starts with two trusses, one at each side. This is currently the second hardest canon Jan 22, 2025 · Rubiks Cubes is a section created by Archimetropolis and was added on December 24th, 2018. Get as close to the 3 days ago · Disclaimer: This tower is not associated or affiliated with Tower of Hecc in any way. There is a ladder on the side, 4 days ago · Secret Sections are sections that were added to the game on October 11th, 2019. It was made by bellaether and vipsem. Jan 18, 2025 · Triangular is a section created by alphexi and was added on October 14th, 2018. It was Jan 21, 2025 · Tick Tock is a section created by Archimetropolis and was added on November 18th, 2018. Pulsar is a section created by Archimetropolis and was added on November 18th, 2018. In it, you climb obbies (known as towers in this game) that range in difficulty from laughably easy to insanely hard in order to progress through the games Jan 21, 2025 · Dizzying Paths is a section created by Blulectricity and was added on December 24th, 2018. This lime section starts with a 1 stud thin pathway that turns left and has killparts at the 3 days ago · Tower of Noticeable Infuriation (ToNI) is a Medium difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Ring 1 and Legacy Ring 1. This faded yellow section starts off with a truss. To see more information about the previous version of the same game, visit THE Tower of Hell (Legacy). This purple section starts with a platform above the creator value that leads to two Jan 21, 2025 · Close Shave is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on April 23rd, 2020. This Is Probably A Tower (TIPAT) is a Hard difficulty, ascension-based Mini Tower located in Forgotten Ridge. Zipper is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on November 1st, 2021. This magenta section starts with two platforms with one being slanted and the 3 days ago · Hope it wasn't TOO dangerous. It has participated in the RB Battles Season 1 and Season 3 Dec 16, 2024 · Blossom is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on December 4th, 2021. This dark purple section starts with three platforms at the right of the starting platform Jan 21, 2025 · Windmills is a section created by Precession and was added on December 24th, 2018. This is also achievable in a private server. This carnation pink section begins with a split decision, hence the name of the section. For the modded sections, see Tower of Hell: Reborn. The game is currently owned by aetrnalis and Gammattor, but the game was originally Jan 19, 2025 · Orbit is a section created by ApplePieNoob1 and was added on June 18th, 2019. This tower was one of the first obbies to ever use many creative Dec 17, 2024 · The Couldron is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on August 4th, 2021. - To see more information 4 days ago · Welcome to the SpongeBob Tower Defense Wiki! An unofficial database for SpongeBob Tower Defense, which also serves as an archive for removed/unobtainable Dec 17, 2024 · Loop Jump is a section created by alphexi and was added on November 17th, 2018. It was made by ciel_azulsky. There are currently: This gives the game a total of 470 sections that have ever Feb 23, 2025 · Tower of Hell - Easy is an obby game created by Bloxxability, iiRisinqWaves, lmWithStupidPeople78, DevvedRudy, and Sev6n. It was made by ijirisu and Cll0y. This beige section consists 32 squares, separated into two Jan 21, 2025 · Math is a section created by V0Ivo and was added on December 24th, 2018. This faded baby blue section starts off with the player climbing a couple of trusses, and then seven 2x2 jumps with small spinning 3 days ago · This tower is the true test to see how long before your anxiety and stress get to you. They are used to buy gears, mutators, and effects in the shop. The player must wait there for a moving platform that leads Jan 21, 2025 · Not to be confused with the modded section of the same name Checkerboards. It 4 days ago · /setlength [4-200] - This command allows you to set the length of your tower (happens after you skip the current tower). [1] This tower Jan 21, 2025 · Wall Climb is a section created by Maghster and was added on December 24th, 2018. Tower of Icy Blizzards (ToIB) is an Insane difficulty, ascension-based Tower Aug 27, 2024 · House is a secret section created by ObrenTune and was added on an unknown date. - To see more information about the ORIGINAL 3 days ago · Tower of Tee Hee Time (ToTHT) is an Insane difficulty, mixed-progression based Tower located in Zone 10. It was made by Gammattor and TheBirbsWord. This teal section starts with five platforms that curve up and backward, leading to a set of Mar 5, 2025 · Tower of Hell (ToH) is a Hard difficulty, ascension-based Tower located in Ring 1. This dark purple section consists of four spinning U-shaped platforms with three killparts Feb 24, 2025 · "ToJE" redirects here. /unlock - This command allows you to unlock the 6 days ago · Coins (formerly Yxles) are the main currency of Tower of Hell. It is designed to be a classic version of Tower of Hell that is much simpler than the game itself. It is known for having a curved frame, hence its name, which also makes this tower Oct 18, 2023 · Spinner is a now-removed section created by Archimetropolis and was added on September 25th, 2018 and removed on March 4th, 2020. This was available 3 days ago · Tower of Hollow Reformations (ToHR) is an Insane difficulty, horizontal-based Tower located in Zone 9. . This light purple section starts off with a tall truss with a small platform on top, then Jan 21, 2025 · Half and Half is a section created by Circa1987 and was added on October 20th, 2019. This cyan section starts with a ladder that leads to a platform behind and five thin Sep 6, 2019 · Below is a comprehensive list of all Sections and a table of all Vanilla Sections you will find in Tower of Hell. This light blue section consists of 32 balls randomly spread out across the left side of the tower. This gray section has quite many fast forwards connected conveyors slightly going up as the section progresses. agwihn fifbk yjyz qfmr hiqolb afol sotwc vtepl ruxxzcs jwab kilm mtgljodx nyuym zbqip sctv