Tactical vest vs belt reddit. The inner belts also pretty dope for EDC.

Tactical vest vs belt reddit. 0 belt and in vests from Ultraspire and Black Diamond.

  • Tactical vest vs belt reddit Or check it out in the app stores A subreddit for discussing and posting tactical/combat gear. Some of the active duty military folks have to or choose to carry more mags, and may be restricted on what they can do with belts. Weight vests centralize the weight around your entire torso and keeps it tighter against your body so they’re better for running. If I were rebuilding from scratch, I might use a similarity sized ATS Micro. Myself, I run either ALICE old school belt, a 1. Now I alternate between having it on the back of my belt underneath my blowout or horizontally on my belt on my weakside with the sheath inside the belt (it's a Blast Belt). They have determined that the vests are a healthier and safer way for the officer to carry all its equipment because it provides relief and helps to mitigate injuries by redistributing a lot of the weight away from the hips and lower backs. I do have point blank for my work vest along with IIIA soft armor from them. If you try to use a long back rucksack with belt kit either your backpack is going to reach the sky and be very unstable, or your belt kit is going to go below your ass and your glutes will have to push the belt kit away at the tail end of your stride and couple miles in your glutes will be very sore. I personally like padded belts, over Velcro two-piece kit, especially with as much crap as you plan to mount. With a JayJays Brecon Bumroll pouch on top, as well as a JayJays Dump Pouch, and bulldog tactical utility pouch on the right. UW-Eau Claire research team compare the load bearing vests with the traditional duty belt, where officers carry most of their gear. There are other options too, this isn't an exhaustive list. The other is the X-belt duty belt that has a part of the belt that is stretchable including the same with the inner belt. The Velcro holds strong. 56 panels weigh only 16 pounds making them much lighter than most steel and ceramic plate sets on the market. Ive done training with a normal belt and a chest rig, On the LBV belt I have one canteen, as well as a hydration bladder in the small pack that snaps onto the the LBV. E. Any info Officers who carry most of their equipment – which often weighs close to 30 pounds – on vests rather than duty belts experience significantly less hip and lower-back pain, I see pros and cons for each. plate carrier > ballistic vest (press) both have . Once for extra PC and belts, harnesses, pouches and random shit i might need. To work on a belt kit you need a "shelf" on your belt and a correspondence flat surface on your ruck frame. Throw a ruck on with a waist pack and it's gonna be miserable. This was the previous generation of battle belt design. 25 duty belt. But more importantly, you should have the common sense to not add a ton of weight on the shoulders with things that are awkward, bulky, and heavy. I don't wear much on my belt since we switched to load bearing vests a couple months ago but I've had no complaints with the belt. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Can be worn with or without the pad and you could ditch the inner belt and wear it over your jacket. These guys used to make a lot of scenario paintball vests (their name used to be cops911 if memory serves right). 12 video but the patch was released on official 8 days later with no mention in the patch notes about changing the tac vest. Depends on what exactly I’m doing or which equipment I’m running. It's $110 and the liner belt is $45. 11 CrossFit style vest? Worth the money? Or In reality this is closer to a vest which has L210s dropped inside. The belt is super stiff IMO and not easily adjustable when carrying. This design is inferior to the newer inner/outer belts in just about every way, and I would not recommend buying one. I think a “more tactical look” won’t cut it when trying to convince admin, if they haven’t already switched. A dual belt sytem consists of two belts, one covered in loop/soft velcro which goes in your pant loops to hold them up, and the other with hook/hard velcro on the inside to secure it to the inner belt during movement but also remaining easily doffable. No experience with safariland armor. It sucks fuckin ass. The old Blackhawk Omega stuff are OK but not the best, not the most comfortable vests. I run a belt or vest based on weather and time between water resupplies. I have a cheap $30 belt from Amazon, and I’ve been wanting to upgrade to a good belt like a ferro bison. However, I have found that the two do not mix well. Padded belts are great for being able to quickly take off or put on the belt, and they're more comfortable for sure. The Husky is sized for larger dudes, the standard is sizes for most people (smaller). Since you’re in Florida, with heat and humidity, i’d recommend a vest but i’d recommend trying it You want both, but anyone that recommends a belt exclusively over a harness has never worn weight on their hips for 12 hours at a time. The Naked belt is awesome. Assault vest and buttpack give no real bullet protection but 60 slots, and the Press/Ballistic Vest (with pouches) provide the best protection against firearms but with only 24 slots and a significant weight penalty , especially when wet, Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Vest has 2 carbine mags and the radio. The downside is that they don't scale as well, you will be capped at the vest cap. Nuances: GBRS is great if you like your belt to run very snug/ form fitting. Drop-Leg with Strap vs Belt mounted Holster . 62 ammo ('AK' pouches), you should be fine. Not as ambidextrous but a bit better placement and it's not in the way. However, as RF mobik soldiers (especially from "cannon-fodder" formations like "Storm-Z" that recruit heavily from the prison/gulag system) are issued low-quality rubber boots and non-ballistic helmets, it's not that far-fetched that some unfortunate Belt is first line gear. I've run 2-3 mags myself at times, and I've seen a guy running 4x m4 mags in Tyr pouches on either side of his rear mounted belt IFAK (this is how I'd run multiple mags, actually). Plate carrier- a vest that has the ability to carry ballistic plates to protect the person wearing it from small arms fire and almost of them time carry magazines medical gear and small tools. There are foreseeable circumstances where you might not have your armor, but very few where you won't atleast have your war belt on. It is commonly worn like a vest, mounted on the chest, with straps that go over the shoulders. HSGI makes the most prominent examples. On the PC/belt set up I have a collapsible dump pouch that fits my standard canteen or Nalgene, so I have at least 1 on there. However, I haven't really found much solid information on them and I don't trust most advertisers or websites. Chest rig- a light effective vest designed to carry magazines medical gear and small tools. I dislike traditional wrap over style under belts. But, as others have said - if you have money for better gear, buy the better gear. Its three rows of molle wide across the back and slims Another thing to consider that no-one has mentioned is that a dip belt tends to be quite a bit cheaper and more versatile than the weighted vest, or at least that holds true here in Australia. My gloves are on a black steel Nite Ize S-Biner. I’ll either clip it directly to a belt loop, d ring on the buckle, paracord loop around the belt, or a loop of velcro one wrap sandwiched between the inner and outer. 56 shorty, kywi double pistol pouch, tacticon compact IFAK filled with some medical stuff I picked up on T. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Quesrion Ref Safe Life Defense Tactical Belt . I'm looking to get something to attach a battle belt to a vest, that isn't 50 bucks like this spec ops one: doesn't have to have the clips: which is why I think this one costs so much. Placement is on 9 o’clock belt as it is among the last things you take off next to your pants. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Get a better belt. Medical should go on your belt (full blown ifak even). And I love both of them. One of the cons I can think of with plates is Rifle reloads from belt are considerably faster than from chest. I’ve owned the wolf belt for about 8 months and it’s holding up great. But overall, soft armor is gonna be standard. You can use a two piece belt in your undies at night with the pad. I was using an old Law Pro belt and a cheap Tanex(?) velcro inner belt (~$10) and I can say this belt is a huge step up with name brand quality without the name brand price. Battle Steel chinese imported Level 4 Ceramic+Polyethylene plates are better by far than anything AR500 makes. Main thing catching my eye with the magnetix is the extra real estate you can have on the belt cause I do have a smaller waist🫠 Friction Belts. Saves buying a holder! Edit: should of said i did this for my Molle vest, I attached the belt retention through the Molle. No sliding, fits 2 500ml soft flasks, my phone, gu, and some other assorted items. Waistline/stomach for the belt). You will need to following 3/4" or 1" OneWrap Scissors Measuring Tape Quality Two piece belt system (Shown is Applied Gear Double Duty Belt) Pouches / Molle Based Gear (Esstac Kywis) The instructions are easy and intuitive A chest rig is an item of tactical gear designed to hold ammo magazines, as well as other items, tools, and equipment you need to keep close to your hand. The extra 20% would be nice but the cost to my stamina is just so damn high. Question I have a question for you guys. Take a look at it. Tactical tailor fight light 5. I also ordered a Wilder Tactical Urban Assault Belt Pad so I can use the belt with or without an inner belt, which sounds exactly what you're looking for. It covers more, most threats are handguns/knives, and it looks better. Some talking points I've noticed right out the box: Quality. but if i was in the woods i would want an Vests and chest rigs are both compatible with full armor, plate carriers, hydration packs, and backpacks. Vest . I really like that system. One is less bulk but you gotta be a little picker or more flexible with pouches One has more bulk and cost more but you can put anything on it. I found the 1. I've seen belt kits running multiple rifle magazines. Rucks keep it on your back so you can do push-ups, climb objects, and other things common in events. 442 votes, 98 comments. The only benfit to wearing a duty belt and under the shirt vest is that if SHTF I can throw on my active shooter vest (rifle plates, extra ar mags, medkit--basically anything you need to respond to a major active shooter event) in less than 5 seconds and be ready to respond. It doesn’t use molle attachments, it just slides over the belt, so I don’t think it can come loose nearly as easily. It’s less bulky and more comfortable for me, the I have been using a Swedish brand of carpentry tool pants/vests/shorts that have done what most belts and vests couldn't accomplish in my years of searching. If you want to go far with a vest, get a super thin/cool t shirt and you’ll be good to go. I have heard good things about their duty belt, owned one of their under belts and was very happy with the construction. A battle belt is similar but is worn around the waist. Video game, movie, and assorted mall ninja equipment posts will be removed. The only armored vests are the stab vest, press vest, plate carrier. This is an LBT-1195A Harness that was manufactued by London Bridge Trading in the late 90's. look somewhere else. Those Rogue plates seem popular and are recommended to use with the 5. Outer belts in a two piece system are often more rigid than padded belts as well. Let me know! What I did to have the retention for pava on the tac vest is I took the cord off my belt pava holder and just clipped it to itself on my vest and works perfectly. > On average, two Safe Life Defense Level . Too much bulk and hard-to-use centerline area. The first is a belt, with some degree of padding, and usually Rifle reloads from belt are considerably faster than from chest. If you run shirtless, a vest or belt will still chafe you in random spots (biceps, neckline, armpits for the vest. Both methods have their pros and cons, and you can even I am deciding between Haley Strategic D3 or the Pale Horse Concepts battle belt? However, I can not find any other reviews or information outside of Haley Strategic. An officer at a department I worked at made a really good presentation about the health benefits of not having all that gear on your belt, as well as needing to remove the vest easier in emergency situations, such as needing to swim or administering first aid to an injured officer. Anything will work with it. 11 Radio Pouch, a Grey Ghost Gear Radio Pouch, small, laminate, and a Tactical Tailor Radio Pouch - small. Though, the Kore battle belt looks I downloaded this mod which adds belts that you can put on. Literally everything else fits on my LBV. First-ish timer with airsoft related things. Vest all the way. You may already know this but some police shooting drills and quals entail what’s basically a ‘quick draw’/shooting from the waist to simulate CQB and not enough time and/or space to fully extend and aim. Also allows using the belt as go-to kit, Chest rigs vs belt kits is a common question when it comes to tactical gear. urban def a vest or chest rig so you can access mags faster. You can get them to customize stuff you don’t see on the site and, at least a while back, it was not big charges to customize. Goodafternoon, I was wondering what your tips on good tactical vests are. Left to right, a Baofeng radio with extended battery, a Tactical Tailor Enhanced Baofeng Radio Pouch, a 5. The purpose of a battle belt is to have the bare needs in the event that you 100% team vest. If it's just for running fitness I'd skip the vest and run farther, if it's for something like jump training I'd do plyo with the vest on but not for running. The standard LBVs with the solid fabric vest panels, 2" D rings, snap straps on shoulders, were officially started in 1988 as part of the Individual Integrated Fighting System (IIFS) along with the Modernized Load Carrying Equipment Personally, I don’t like 2. g. Or check it out in the app stores   Subreddit for both professional and civilian tactical gear. Where do you guys keep your radio and antenna, ptt attached, so it will not interfere with backpack straps. If it’s like all their other products it’s probably badass. I use a Kore MOLLE belt currently, in conjunction with a HSGI belt pad. 0 looks like a great vest with the chest zipper pocket and the side plate. Self Post I've had the molle version for over a year. If you have the option to wear a load bearing vest do it. 223/5. Look into ALICE frames for short backs. The reason that low profile dual belt systems work so well is how they support loadage. Also the gram likes pals belts more. I usually just wear normal clothes to games, but I want to get a vest because shoving all my spare mags This. Blackhawk Industries also made similar style vests. I have like three and have been using them for roughly 4 years now without replacing any of them. 56 double mag Things on a waistline creates pressure on the hips. As of the past two or so years, I have seen a number of plate carrier designs begin to incorporate First Spear tube design or the ROC buckles into the carrier, on account of Velcro being a consumable, or ‘wear item’ if you will. The holder helps keep the vest in form, as it requires you to tightly secure the Velcro straps, which in turn pulls the plastic of the holder up to match the curve of the LVS. Wear the radio on the harness shoulder strap. Reply reply Base system is a Warrior Assault Systems Patrol Belt Kit. All these are points against padded belts and for two-piece systems. A dip belt here is $50, whereas you're looking at around $120-$200 for a weighted vest depending on how many weights you buy with it. The belt holds the weight I put on I wouldn't trust a company like that with my life. 75” battle belt On Belt: esstac kywi single 5. It has a tourniquet sleeve on the bottom too, so I don’t have to Having straight-down shoulder straps will put excess pressure on your chest and leave a larger gap between the bottom of the plate and your body. I prefer a small blowout kit (2-row max) on the belt with a slightly bigger kit on the vest/PC. IMO this setup (Zentauron tac cbt belt with attachment to "vulcan" pc) makes some sense for roles with heavy loadouts (light machine gunner, combat engineers in a "breacher" role) when protection (heavy combat belts can be often be equipped with soft armor inserts) and loadout Chest rig and a normal belt. I'll keep that in mind, but the vest I was looking at recently has a metal zipper and it has buckles, so even if the zipper breaks, there's a backup until I can replace the zipper Ronin and Crye are my two main back ups. The other trouble is that vests typically don't have much in the way of size adjustments. You could also just get a belt with the pad and no Velcro. I mainly used the pants (Specifically the Ace, Nordic, and Jubilee lines). I've also heard numerous complaints about how warm the vests are and they don't breathe. These vests were orignially inspired by Israeli Ephod webbing of the same vintage. It’s also much flatter, so it doesn’t stand off my lower back as much. 25” awhile ago. 0 PC off of US Patriot for $100, and it has the quality of a carrier 2-3x the https://thevestguy. A chest rig can often either come from the factory or be rigged up to be a chest Keep your belt simple, pistol, extra mag, handcuffs (personal preference), dump pouch, extra mag for your main weapon, and a fixed blade. Stab vest and tactical vest provide the same protection. There are a number of excellent plate carriers and gunbelts that utilize velcro as a primary fastener. Any good brands for the money? My budget would be around €100,- to €200,-; as long as that guarantees some quality ;) Do you guys have any good tips? Taps vs plce/jungle belt/Alice So I’m looking at doing either a Taps rig or something similar to the plce or the Alice belt system I wanna carry water and ammo ifak etc the only thing I can see that the Alice system does better than the taps is I can carry a poncho/jacket and food on my person easier anybody got pros and cons of both Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I would highly recommend an inner and outer belt system there are literally 10000 companies that all make them now and you can’t go wrong. I switch between the Naked run band and the Salomon Adv Skin 12 vest, depending on how I'm feeling, how far I'm going, if there's water access, etc. I don’t EDC a belt kit, but if I had to pick it’d be an IWB tourniquet pouch and a 4” flat They're sized for 2 basic sizes and are adjustable. I feel they From the durable Condor Elite Tactical Vest to the versatile Lancer Tactical Cross Draw Vest, we have you covered. I use a Blue Alpha EDC belt as my inner belt. I find the belt cumbersome for run and gun, plus it snags on things when I enter or exit a vehicle; the vest works much better for me. I don’t bother with the Velcro lined inner for a couple reason - if you need to go code brown fast, having COBRA buckles on both the duty and inner belts makes depantsing very fast; and I’ve never had an issue with my belt twisting around my If you need or want to carry more, you need the tactical carrier. Came across the Kore belts and purchased after reading Reddit reviews. I commonly hear these be called "warbelts" but I'm not totally sure on the terminology. Set up was pretty simple, I cut the belt an inch larger than my size just to play it safe. The belt without bottles is nice though, and phone fits in mine perfectly. Subreddit for both professional and civilian tactical gear. That way if need be you could remove your edc holster, slap on your 1st line belt over your edc belt, put on your chest and a cover jacket, throw your rifle/sbr/pistol in a bag and be on your way. The dude who posted about the HSGI conversion belt knows whats up. Edit. 0 belt and in vests from Ultraspire and Black Diamond. Getting a padded outer belt really improved my range trips for me. Prior army guy here who has a couple plate carriers left over curious to see everyone’s opinion on the 5. Load bearing vest- a plate carrier that doesn’t carry plates I haven't found anything saying that the tactical vest doesn't give the same protection as the stab vest. Or check it out in the app stores   Wide battle belts vs micro battle belts - is it a fashion thing really? Theres a couple different options on the market but the one that springs to mind is the Tyr Tactical MAB. I really like my speedgoat, and I have a smaller fanny pack type thing for 90min runs where I want some calories, but I can also just carry a bottle in my hand. BAG belts are nice to, but honestly it’s hard to beat AWS for the price, especially because they oem for a lot of companies that resell at a higher price. Doesn't weigh as much, offers 50% damage reduction compared to the plates 70% and has pouches. Or check it out in the app stores   Tactical belt has molle Reply reply More posts you may like r/tacticalgear. Manufacture of this style vest by LBT first started in the late 80s /early 90s. I’ll use the battle belt to either fight to my go-box, or use the battle belt for property defense, or when I’m not going to use my plate carrier. I'd take a look at the Snake eater tactical war belt. Ats slim war belt with raptor tactical inner belt for winter training and heavier loads raptor Odin mk3 for everything else. This is doubly true if you're running belt keepers and don't have them adjusted properly. Military Arm channel has a video on a concealable war Anybody have an opinion on Redemption Tactical’s gear? Their price point seems way to low on their carriers and I have seen some of their stuff on Amazon Chinesium pages. I'd assess where your setup isn't meeting that With a belt+harness+hydration carrier, the front of your torso is uncovered thereby helping with cooling. There is a rumour that we will transition fully to MOLLE vests but to be honest I can't see any positive other than weight distribution when compared to a belt. I checked and indeed, it lets me assign the items inside the belt to a hotkey, but in raid, I press the key and nothing happens. that many Level II vests can actually stop higher rated threats, just with excessive BFD (such as Agency/company will dictate which type. What is the best color for tactical gear for someone whose only concern is not getting made fun of for wearing the wrong color? It looks like the three main colors are black, coyote and camo and I'm leaning towards coyote. I want to hear your guy’s opinions on a battle belt setup vs. There are a few PC systems that offer integration of battle belts for optimized weight distribution. 11 TacTec vest but I can't see any reason they wouldn't work with Tactical Tailor (TT) Paraclete Eagle Industries Specialty Defense Systems (SDS) High Speed Gear Inc (HGSI) Tactical Assault Gear (TAG) Patriot Performance Materials (PPM) London Bridge Trading (LBT) / LBX Haley Strategic Beez Grey Ghost Gear SORD Lesser stuff, but still fine quality: Blackhawk 5. I keep my battle belt in my closet, my plan is to use my plate carrier if I’m expecting to get shot at. marathons distance (or shorter) I do belt. Belts: DM Mech,Axl, GBRS, Arbor Arms, Ferro, ATS Tactical, Raptor Tactical, AWS, Ronin. I sinch down my inner belt and I prefer the pliable V2 inner belt as it wraps through the tri glide back onto itself. My belt has pistol, ifak, For all intents and purposes there are two kinds of belts; 1) molle belts/war belts/padded belts/1 piece belts and 2) 2 piece belts. As far as Im aware, the belt acts kind of as pockets, where you can put items and assing a hotkey to them (like 1, 2, 3,). Could fit more on the belt, but don't need to. As for battle belt. r/tacticalgear What style do you prefer with your comped Berettas and black tactical vest? 6. The straps and belt on the backpack interfere with most of the pockets on the vest, making them fairly useless without going through the hassle of loosening or removing the straps and belt. Add some Esstac Kywis, a dump pouch and a decent IFAK and you are good to go. Its not complicated. An additional downside is that as your shoulders get more muscular the vest you bought may not fit you as well. plates. Its all about what kind of gear you put Pretty much. With this set up you have the option to run “slick” and still maintain all but a couple mags and the harness does a Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Both sizes are 2”, I stopped using 2. An officer assistance call goes out, I can throw a vest from my trunk on with my pistol and other kit on the front of the vest and I don’t have to try to put my duty belt on gym shorts that definitely won’t hold it Tactical isn't a static thing, it changes based on situation, however tactical has been adopted as a style to basically mean "military inspired", like camo pattern crocks. random flashlight pouch for my g2x/nitecore p10 with thyrm switchback. As long as the magazine pouch is for 7. You just need a hsgi or wilder tactical belt pad which is just soft Velcro , padding and neropene Running a belt on the outside of a Level V gortex is a must have. No need to mess with velcro or worry about wearing the inner belt. The carbine mags and radio are on the vest . DG16 is ALICE compatible which means you can mix and match frames or bags as required. Personally I prefer the AWS SMU over the normal nylon molle belts, I feel the design is a little stronger. I tried a belt, but the bottles had the tendency to flop around. LBV (Load Bearing Vest), which do you prefer? For the sake of argument, lets say you have to be able to carry your primary + secondary weapon, along with ammo and necessary provisions/equipment for a 24 hour operation while still remaining as Theres a lot of folks that buy a $200+ belts that think there's some magic they put in premium brands that make them leaps and bounds better. I was using a H harness, but I am switching to a vest style for a bit more carry room and the ability to put a hydration pack on the back. To me it felt a lot easier to run or final sprint in and the belt caused issues in the car. Great entry point when trying out different EDC belts. Buy a gun tactical belt. I have been looking at their belts and have been wondering if they’d be good or not, just for a range day once a month or so. The Condor Elite Tactical Vest is a top choice for airsoft players, known for its durability, versatility, and functionality This works great with built in Pals belts, and makes the inexpensive slick belts even more affordable. But if at all possible I encourage you to try both and find what you prefer. Just toss it on and go. If you are looking for a regular “battle belt” that doesn’t use the inner and outer system I ran the Tactical tailor 3 My favorite duty belt that I've found so far is a Blue Alpha Gear Lite belt. The overlap of your inner belt, outer belt layers, equipment, and keepers is plenty of tension on your hips. From left to right esstac canted pistol mag to clear my dangler pouch and faster reload under it is a Aussie peel back tq sidekick defense mechanism or taco double pistol pouch for versatility. Use code TLDco for a discount. Belt: Blue alpha 1. Medical is also first line gear. As for vest vs belt load out, it’s a balancing act. Plus, For me the Kore duty belt is the way to go. I’ve had a leather sam Browne belt for 13 years on patrol, it was worn, saggy, and could never get the perfect fit. Pistol, ammunition, and taser are things I’ll only carry on my belt. My votes in on the non-molle blue alpha double belt. Tried a belt for about a month and went back to the vest. The vest comes with a plastic holder with two Velcro straps, one running vertically and one horizontally. 268K subscribers in the tacticalgear community. anything longer or harder, I'd invest in a vest-ey type backpack hybrid thing. Or check it out in the app stores   The benefits of laser cut are innumerable: more mounting positions available, holds tighter to the vest, the material doesn't stay wet or hold water, it's lighter weight, it's less material stacking off the carrier, it doesn't stink as bad The first is the Kore duty belt rig with their padded inner belt and ratchet system (or adjustable track system). This way you can get any vest, chest rig, battle belt, or plate carrier you like; most of the common-on-Amazon airsoft vests, such as NCStar, tend not to be very roomy (they're also typically 'short', in that they don't fully reach the beltline). While wearing my If you have money for a Scar 20 you have money for a non- airsoft PC. Them being "tactical" doesn't make them the tactical choice for anything other than what crocks are normally worn for. Do you know what patch changed it? Edit: WOBO 1. A lot of light infantry dudes in the military focus on having the most high speed stuff because that’s what all the “cool” guys wear. com. Belts are great for limited, specific gear, and anything you can reasonably offload onto a I run an older model DeSantis nylon duty belt which I’ve modified so it has COBRA buckles. Here are my thoughts, I started out with a full PC, which I eventually replaced with an ALICE battle belt setup, and got rid of everything I didn’t need, and now I’m still using the belt, but I don’t like it too much anymore, and I’m now actually looking into using an FLC vest setup, as in my opinion, it Some other commenters said that small items are ok but plate carrier and belt are not - i would argue that the quality gap is not as huge as it seems. Keep reading to discover the ultimate guide for your airsoft combat gear. Seems like some cheap copy, the seams, the textile garment and obviously the colouration deviate from the RF military-issue kit. They attach with metal plates you screw to the outer belt to clamp them in place, allowing you to place the pouches the exact millimeter where you want them. Both have many carriers available that support both soft and hard plates, but for both a good setup is going to run into the $700 range before plates. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Radio, medical, baton, OC, camera, and handcuffs are negotiable. Stab vest 25% Press vest 50% Plate carrier 75% There’s been many changes so these values might be slightly different now. The tactical vest is the best ‘jack of all trades’, combining light ballistic protection with 35 slots. I just received this belt today and for the price of just under $50 I can say I'm thoroughly impressed. Doesn't get in the way of sitting. However I tend to carry more kit than most as sometimes my backup can be a I've used both and personally prefer the chest rig/vest setup. I'm leaning toward a normal carrier style vest with training plates. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I'd seriously consider a speed pouch on the belt, and feeding the belt from chest rig. As far as vest vs belt goes, I'd go with a vest over the belt any day, weight strapped around your waist is annoying to no end The bison belt has issues with one wrap, so take that for what it’s worth. If MOLLE, your options open up. And bc if a police officer draws from the chest the pistol has to be pointing to their side for a short time. If you're not lanyarding into rotary wing transport or using it for rapelling theres really not a whole lot to be gained for the extra money. If it’s not allowed to be MOLLE, Safariland/Bianchi will be your friend, with some kind of belt padding system. What would be a good main belt that would be used with a plate carrier, would want multiple mags , holster and probably a medical pouch like an ifak (the large one) among other things. They point blank vest is nice, just isn’t my cup of tea You can find the wolf tactical belt on Amazon for $30. It’s important to understand the difference between a trauma kit, and a home/car first aid kit. I didn't like the way it felt, and since I've got wiggly running hips anyway, it wasn't a good fit. I use an AXL gun belt, but if it was between a chest rig and a battle belt for a first piece of kit, a chest rig gives you way more capability. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS A subreddit for discussing and posting tactical/combat gear. I can't afford a 900 dollar vest and level 35+P set of plates and it's My force uses a kit belt at present for everything but issues carry vests for health reasons and has begun to issue a few officers with MOLLE vests. This is the damage reduction of each. These grip tight, and using a TRex or similar thigh strap with a safariland holster, is extra keep in place (Example my molle bfg Ifak doesn't wanna play well with my applied gear belt) Pals belt - little bit bulker, can one wrap and molle easily. 5 projectile but plate has better secondary stats like shock dmg tactical vest > stab vest no difference in dmg only capacity everything else provides little or 0 protection from projectiles, and some reduce melee. The Eagle Tac Vest V1s. However, while their inner belt also has the same stretchable system it seems to lack any padding. On my belt setup I run 4-6 M4 mags, 2 pistol mags, a pistol holster and a dump pouch. 0 and Airlite SLC. I know that last part is kinda dumb, but there are departments that won’t let their officers wear vests with MOLLE webbing, because it looks to “aggressive and tactical”. On rare occasions, I've worn both at the same time. Well worth it. Any good suggestions, I've seen the crye Precision MRB 2. The new DM Mech belt is the best thing out on the market. not all belts are created equal though. But there's a reason folks in competition tend to go for two-piece belts! A subreddit for discussing and posting tactical/combat gear. The vest is magical in a different way. I have EVERYTHING on my outer carrier except for gun and Taser though. Or check it out in the app stores   Myself and a lot of people run 3 on the vest 1 on the belt. a ferro bison belt it works great for me not gonna say it’s the best belt but from what I’ve done I think the inner belt is the big difference rather than the outer. Only reason I'm selling the tyr is being I have three and don't need another lol Belts: DM Mech,Axl, GBRS, Arbor Arms, Ferro, ATS Tactical, Raptor Tactical, AWS, Ronin. a vest/PC setup. Is this going to be against regulation? 418K subscribers in the electricians community. Plate carrier is the best, Press Vest nearly as good. 11 NC Star In this crayon eaters humble opinion utilizing a belt, harness, and plate carrier is the way to go for a do everything set up. That’s what I’m thinking too lol. Everything else can go in the backpack. The inner belts also pretty dope for EDC. let’s say I’m a cop at the city gym in gym shorts and sneakers. I use a Bianchi basketweave belt for non-MOLLE, and for MOLLE I use a Blue Alpha Belts duty belt. I have a rifle, plate carrier, helmet, ammo, and food and water ready to go in a box. A vest has the advantage of stablility. On the vest part, I actually preferred wearing my vest under my shirt. The only things I have on my duty belt are my duty weapon, a baton, a bolawrap, one handcuff case, and a small admin pouch for my notes / miranda card / implied consent card. Reply reply 2nd time at Roo, was going to wear a utility vest. i think it depends mostly on your environment. I know plenty of people like the taser on the vest but I hate it. Welcome to /r/Electricians Reddit's International Electrical Worker Community aka The Great Reddit Possibly 1Q canteens on either side of belt (3 and 9 o'clock, or just behind) 1 emergency reload mag on belt, between 9 and 10 o'clock possibly a sustainment buttpack with poncho, food or both dump pouch at 5 o'clock on belt For competitions or range I've been running much lighter: Two kydex AR mags on belt at 9 o'clock I like it because it has a spear point similiar to my bushcrafty Esee PR4 but more tactical survival like. Rex arms, red glowsticks on a I like the HSGI Bleeder/Blowout on a belt, behind my pistol, at around 4-o'-clock. 75" riggers belt, or a MOLLE II utility belt with ELCS H harness sleeves and salvaged LBV shoulder pads. Personally I also can't tell the real difference between the 3 Ronin belts and the Range belt is the only belt I'd actually consider from Crye (Maybe the MRB 2 if it makes a serious difference). 75 battle belts provided much better mobility than a 2. Honestly man i wore em for a 5 months had fun with inner changeable gear and stuff i loves my vest i still have i use emerson which more expensive but there good stuff i had there stuff so i think personally for me its not bad I got a Shellback Tactical Rampage 2. They feature no-slip material on the inside which is supposed to keep the belt from shifting. Belt: setup from left of belt buckle wrapping around to right ***Ferro Concepts Bison Belt-HSGI kydex single cuff pouch -two single HRT Glock mag pouches -Axon Taser X2/ bladetech holster -ASP baton and scabbard -Zak Tool key clip/ PIG gloves My only experience is with my DAA belt for USPSA along with their mag pouches. 1. I'm still waiting for it to be delivered. Typical load out is usually 20- 25 lbs total. Belt has tazer, 2 pistol mags,flashlight, handgun,tq, baton and oc spray and 2 cuffs in a double pouch. Add some Esstac Kywis, a dump pouch, and a decent IFAK, and you are good to go. These are the only vest that reduce incoming damage from bullets, zombies, wolves and bears. The Crye LVS is an NIJ Certified Level IIIA soft armor vest. . A subreddit for discussing and posting tactical/combat gear. I like to have the option to draw pistol and knife, and This is the correct answer. Is the velcro uncomfortable, yea but its supposed to be hasty. Wouldn't a BALCS vest function better against knife attacks, since there are Level 3A soft armor inserts that offer Level 2 stab and spike protection? I've accumulated daily runs, long runs, and ultras out to the 100 mile in belts like the Naked Running Band and Ultimate Direction Ultra 4. It’s the most comfortable and adjustable set up I’ve ever used. It seems to be a natural hand position for many people. The plates are designed to be super thin, that way you lose as little Velcro inner belt surface area as possible. One for NBC mask, extra filters, spare and bulkier medical supplies, and books like the SOF medical manual and others. Field vest and assault vest provide no protection, but field vest has 500 damage points so it’s durable, you won’t be repairing it all the time Most people have gone to "mid ride", which is where the holster is just dropped enough to sit below a belt but high up on the leg. Condor Elite Tactical Vest. The belt is 14 pounds and some changed fully loaded up Vest is about 8 pounds loaded up. The belt has very limited real estate and is something you have to be very careful about overloading. It's $110, and the liner belt is $45. Depending on your uniform standards, then you could do your uniform shirt/sweater and then vest over top. A trauma kit should be limited to quick clot, a burn patch, compression bandage, packing gauze, and tourniquet(s). Velocity makes good panels in both the LPAC and BALCS cut, as does Stealth Armor Systems. Currently I'm playing with a vest that opens with some velcro on the middle of my chest, which annoys me tremendously. Think of it like s-curved straps on a backpack vs straight straps. Also allows using the belt as go-to kit, with the chest rig to plus up at needed. Back panel is filled with basic stuff. 75” or 2”, and I don’t like the way the two ends fold on those types of belts. Bump in the night? I just throw my outer belt over whatever im wearing. 25” belts and would much rather have 1. It's been amazing to just pull the belt out of the car and have all my stuff ready to go. Bought a nice Salomon vest and love the I like the press vest. H-Harness vs. Members Online • [deleted] Plate carrier vs. You'll get better results by defining what you want. Personally having tried a ronin, bison, and gbrs two piece belt systems, I prefer the padded outer belts with a riggers belt going through them. Or check it out in the app stores   For my duty belt I rock a Coyote tactical burrito. A Reddit space where people can come together to show and discuss their various EDC items, ask questions and And then for late War in Afghanistan I would have a Army Combat Uniform (ACU) in Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP) with an Improved Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV) with a Fighting Load Carrier (FLC)? Assuming I would hang the ammunition and extras on its separate Vest rather than attached directly to the Body Armor. Padded/Ballistic Belts. Their Crusader 2. Does that make even sense to have a battle belt with IFAK, etc while wearing a big backpack? How do soldiers usually setup for a log distance march? Another thing is a tactical vest and radio. I'm debating the virtues of having a concealable bulletproof vest vs. I have 4 of them, one for the first line go gear like helmet, belt, pc, primary firearms and loaded mags. But I know plenty of others who prefer the belt rig. Or vest then uniform shirt/sweater. It hugs your body and is useful for a number of exercises where you can't use a dip belt. qmemdz hoiwlnb nthu lyraazsu xockin nfrwk btnt phj kmuaevcw ckk esi tok rfs dxz vnuwmm