Swtor guild recruitment message EA and the EA logo Star Wars © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. I'm talking about the crass, offensive, thick-skinned player who can take criticism and dish it out. Alts are also welcome into the guild. Actively recruiting members to join in with operations, raiding and pvp. Looking: t We are relatively new but have grown very fast in just a couple of weeks (almost 300 members). Have 25 billion credits o Guild Recruitment Message Abercrombie and Sith Recruiting members and a recruiter. Hey, I go by Blud, I'm here to hopefully recruit some folks for my guild <Ready Check>. World of Warcraft Dark Iron Dwarf Paladin Casual Guild Recruitment Message A Guild that encourages moments when you just hang out and chat (if I'm gonna be going into a guild, I would like to try and become friends). and I approve this message *thumbs up* 1 Are you new or returning to SWTOR? Interested in instructional end-game raiding events? Then The Thirst Order is looking for you! Guild Description: The Thirst Order is a social raiding guild with a focus on helping players interested in end-game content improve and develop their skills. 8m TFB HM 3/5. While local law enforcement agencie Join us from the ground floor on a guild with tons of leadership experience & tons to improve and look forward to! We plan to dominate ranked wz's, planet conquests, and operations. Either a Guild Board on the respective Fleet or in the /Who section. Clan Dral'Kaar - RECRUITING - Imperial - "The strong endure, the wise prevail. I'm an exp'd raid leader from WoW looking to start a guild up here to do weekly ops, and daily mfps/PvP. Wipes on Trash is mad <The Reforged Empire> is recruiting! We are a heavy RP guild with a detailed rank system for all Sith. Our guild has VM instructional runs for learning ops, NIM instructional runs for learning NIM, 8 NiM progressi I have 2 suggestions. If y Underground Hoodluums // Underground Hooodlums Where the shenanigans begin and the fun never ends! Server Star Forge Language English Faction Republic & Imperial Timezone EST Interests Operations PvP Flashpoints Conquest Social/hanging out Leveling Crafting Datacron Hunting World Bosses Open The Army of Light ONE OF THE OLDEST, BEST ESTABLISHED GUILDS IN ALL OF SW:TOR ALL HARD MODE/NIGHTMARE MODE OPERATIONS CONTENT SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED WE WELCOME BOTH SUBSCRIBERS AND FREE-TO-PLAY MEMBERS :sy_star:Honor:sy_star: Commitment :sy_star:Courage:sy_star: "The Time is . Nothing to flashy Guild: The Reapers are Actively Recruiting Roleplayers, Traders, and Crafters Darkstorm is a swtor imperial guild with all the bells and whistles a guild can have, we are one of the largest and most active guilds on the server with regular progressions runs focusing on ToS and RavHM atm but once we clear those NiM will ensue. Drop myself (Andjo) or my brother (Chrijo) a message in game if you'd like more information, or an Christian Family Oriented Guilds - EDGE of the Empire/Republic Seeking Members THE ADUMBRATE Serving the Empire through the Sphere of Sith Doctrine since 2018 We are a mature 19+ heavy rp guild focused on character development, guild evolution, and inclusive short and long-term rp stories. Only looking for guilds who are at least 4/5 NiM DF and a min Hey Shadowlands, After a few trial runs with other guilds, I realized there is a certain demographic that currently doesn't have a place to call home at the moment. we also like to try and win conquest as much as Sorry for noobyness with recruitment, I've been raid leader recruitment was never my strongsuit! Hi all, I'll be forming a guild on this server named Mythical. APAC/Australia AEST = Closed. Slavery, subservience, obedience. https://discord. Aufgehört habe ich paar monate nach dem update knights of the fallen empire ( Das nach shadow of revan) also gefühlt ne halbe Ewigkeit) In erster Lin ADG is recruiting for members again ! We are large PVE Prog Raiding & Raiding Guild. Not looking for RP or PvE really outside of Vet dungeons for weeklies as I notice most guild recruiting <Undecided>, home to the guilds <Mostly Imp> and <Mostly Pub>, is finally opening its doors to recruiting. Edited January 22 by shadowmalic Faction: Imp and Pub Role: Heal/DPS Classes: Pub Sage heal or dps Imp Sorc heal or dps, Mara, Jugg, Merc (heal or dps), Operative (heal or DPS) Clears: all my clears been 4. That's it folks. We are trying to get m The title explains it all. Buenas a todos. com messages Message Hello Harbringer, I am searching for a NiM progression team. Want to play as an intelligence agent? No problem we also have a. Our primary timezone is EST/EDT and we I'm posting this to see if there are any newer, less established guilds out there looking for a merger with a more established guild. I have to admit i am also guilty of the fact. If you are looking for an active Australian guild on "The Bastion" server & love to PVP and participate in WarZones or the brand new Galactic Starfighter. We do PVP/PVE events, GSF, weekly SM ops, WB hunts, fashion shows, trivia & other social events. North America/US PST = Closed. whatever recruit i want to type in chat, i just alt+tab to windows, open the notepad and copy the text there and paste in the chat! aye, the current swtor guild system is a throwback to EQ1 days 14 years ago, just a bunch of players with a Tag, nothing else. Join us on Hello I'm Shadowfirnen (ingame character), and I'm here to talk about Galactic Warrior Empire. I am looking to open a new guild with at Hey everyone, just volunteering to take over for Melyn in maintaining this guild directory, since I agree it's a great resource. Server Star Forge Language English Timezone Primarily EST, but we have people from western Europe, to southern Asia Interests Roleplay (primary) Social/hanging out Website https://www. E. Is there any way to change this, or select a rank that can be the guild recruiter? The contact option is only there when the guildmaster/ guild recruiter is Go to swtor r/swtor. This is Ceirdwyn Iceni, First Citizen to the Republic Guild <Evocati>, We are currently seeking Citizen Crafters, Soldiers and combat ready Veterans to fill our ranks. Right now we're trying to recruit more tanks, healers, and DPS to fill up a few operation roles on some of our teams. Rainbow Empire is recuriting all members. Server Star Forge Language English Faction Imperial Timezone PST / Most active time 8 p. 1. Here will be the various guilds posting recruitment threads as well as others posting that they are looking for a The <New Order of Sith> is recruiting. Hello, my in game name is Vordyn I am looking for members to start an 8 man, girl or it guild, to start so that operations and other content can be ran on a regular basis. why would Our guild's anniversary was this past week and we had tons of activities that many players took part of. We at evo are looking for new members for , raiding , pvp and planet conquests . It will start casual but I hope to get the members to be a top guild /w me for info! Guild Recruitment . We are a big guild in different games. Contact me in game on Oröro or Jillynilly if needing further info. 16m SnV HM 7/7. Very good Day or Nighting because the “Guild Conquests” begin and the best wins the Tournaments, May the Game be with You Edited March 6 by CptLeimbreje Empire Guild recruiting for PvP focused players looking to be competitive in ranked WZ's. You can also edit the message of the day from the guild panel. Hello all, I am Mannii, and have been a part of this server community since the great galactic servermerge (rp lolz) . Our progression so far is: All story mode content cleared in 8m and 16m. There may be lots of different flavors of guilds, No poaching or recruiting to other guilds from ours. News. A simple fix to this would be a guild recruitment tab, where guilds are free to advertise the Click here to see our recruiting video! Tired of frustrating PUGs, grinding away solo, and not really getting to know anyone on the server? Looking for some company to level with, do operations and flashpoints with, or to just spend time with in a galaxy far, far away? If you've answered yes to a The Imperial Army 47th I. Go to I do enjoy myself a good RP session! If any RP guilds are recruiting I would like to apply to join if possible! [Darth Malgus] [Rep] <Haven> u/madjones87. Ideal Guild Quiz being the first option, head over to the server forums for your particular server and at the top will be a link called "Guild Recruitment". Currently my gear is somewhere around the Augmented (mk-6) Black Hole. Random weekly guild trivia, guild challenge, guild job, or scavenger hunt. The Chandrian Imperial Ascension Heavy Imperial RP guild with DND-lite systems for combat and progression. 0 replies; 466 views; knightnbul; May 29, 2021; Darkstorm is a swtor imperial guild with all the bells and whistles a guild can have, we are one of the largest and most active guilds on the server with regular progressions runs focusing on ToS and RavHM atm but once we clear those NiM will ensue. However in order to do so we need members! Thats you! Every guild has a beginning and this is ours. We had small games like Hide and Seek, Speeder Racing, and Boxing Matches. It lasts for 24-hours. Our group gets involved in just about everything except roleplay. 2. Write there what is you guild all about (social/casual raiding/hardcore raiding - progression/pvp) and then wait for messages from people who are interested, see whether they fit you, whether those are people who you want to play with. ) Harassment of other members, in any channels or in private messages, will result in immediate removal - same goes for any toxic attitudes towards other members of the server. We are c Hello SWTOR players of Jedi Covenant! Since we finally have our individual server forums I thought I would put them to use and try to recruit some new people for my guild. My recrui <Galactic Alliance> Recruiting Now! Hello fellow Australian players. If you think you can meet our simple requirements, then we encourage you to head on over to our recruitment forum and apply for membership into the community. We are about 8 so recruiting 2 more will make it the same players every ops, and give someone a break when needed. Wh Sisu is New Finnish Guild and we are looking More Finnish players to join us. We are a VERY small group of friends that jumped imp side to play with just friends. Awshii'et. Join n Hey Everyone, I'm looking for a PVP-focused guild (with conquest of course). Faction I typed 3 recruitment messages in a notepad wich is stored on my desktop. we should try to put an end to Advertisements in general chat. i had an idea to allow guild members/masters to sign up for a special guild advertisement system, that can utilize message boards in spaceport/ Cantinas / Space stations. Anything PvE is really on the table. Play Now. We offer a great community, helpful, family-friendly, teaching guild/ end game players, Dungeon and Dragons, other popular games, a Military Personnel section, and a Mental Support section. we also like to try and win conquest as much as Kandosii Akaata (Indomitable Battalion in Mando'a) Is a casual guild that is looking to put together a raid group, we do PvP occasionally but I would love to put together a larger base to PvP more often within the guild. all rights reserved. By Nellsterzzz As my guild is from the Red Eclipse I do not technically have the right to copy my guild recruitment message here but since the servers are about to be merged I wanted to try and advertise on all server threads so could you please follow this link to the original message. (Experience is a plus, confidence, competence, and willingness to learn mechanics are a must. I have been rebuilding my guild. Share I would love to try my hand at swtor roleplay! By Cillrus, September 25, 2020. We accept everyone who is willing to play in a social guild and wants to have a good time. Comment your username in the reactions if you want to join. Contact me in here discord if u wanna join us 🤩 we have also empire site Guil Hello, I'm a guardian Tank that's been out of the game for several months (around the time of RotHC start) I'm looking for a guild that runs ops. I a Who are we? The Sector Rangers were established during the days of the Old Republic as the Senate mandated the creation of a universal police agency, charged with apprehending criminals and keeping the peace, a concept duplicated in each sector of the Republic. If it's that you want more than 1 person in a guild, add a timer to add members before the guild is disbanded. Our ranks include: Our ranks include: 🛡 The Heavy Corps – The shield of Mos Hatalii, standing unyielding on the frontlines. Does not matter at all. Our focus is on the community, creating friendships and connecting with each other, Greetings all, <Spanish Raiders> is a 100% Spanish guild, so the message will be written in Spanish, sorry for any inconvenience. No cq require Want to add more players to your Guild? Looking to join a Guild? Use this sub-forum to build or join a community on the Satele Shan server! returning player LF conquest guild I've run everything this game has to offer except ops, but want to learn those as well. We are Republic site and darth malgus eu server. Many of our members have small children so we are aware of the struggle to find a guild that is not frequently cursing or carrying on conversations that are not appropriate for young children. or find me the guild master in game as Swan or Gaytwink LF end-game guild, no RP guilds please Deep Stellar Coalition Experience unique, exciting, and dynamic storylines. Server: Star Forge Newer guild looking for pretty much anyone that wants to run through content like Heroics/Flash/Ops/etc. It gets tiring seeing the Just transferred over a few characters from Begeren Colony. <Spanish Raiders> es una Guild española en Imperio muy sociable con largo recorrido, con actividad tanto en pve / pvp / You have a couple options and the website i believe you are looking for is The Ideal Guild Quiz. Recruitment needs: Experienced roleplayers. Our plan is to play PvP Flashpoints Operations foremost social activities like guild events. We are a reasonable new guild playing mediocore. We will accept players from all levels from pros to beginnings. If you are looking for a place to level. 2 replies; 1k views; ThermiteTurd; The SWTOR Guild Finder is a non-reddit tool you may also share your guild on. As my guild is on the Red Eclipse I do not technically have the right to copy my guild recruitment message here but since the servers are about to be merged I wanted to try and advertise on all server threads so could you please follow this link to the original message. If you need something updated and I Hello everyone, created new guild couple of days ago and recruiting. Scheduled guild activities. In all seriousness, about 95% of recruitment messages in general/zone-wide chat are as forgettable as the guilds they advertise. Okay So the focus I have already stated now onto implementation. Ug'ajug Guild Recruitment <Force Mystics / Event Hørizøn> - Republic / Imperial - Casual social conquest guild. (Though I'll be working on this) Pub side, Characters name is Qos Thanks We are an Objective-based PvP guild and We are rebuilding our teams with current and returning PvP players. Grievance guild wants you to join to help rebuild the guild. Casual guild, no RP, open to new and veteran players. If I can't get online, I will pass a message to the guild so any member or officer can invite you. " After a sarcastic comment the chat spent the next half hour helping him come up with a better message. We accept all levels, Rac The Jedi Order Well-established, rich in community, Jedi-only medium RP, PvE, PvP, no drama. We are currently looking to fill some spots in our Ra There are hundreds of SWTOR guilds out there to join, but there may come a time when you want to create your own guild in Star Wars: The Old Republic. m. 4. If you are looking for a New home, returning player, New player, or Old player come join us. Forums. We all played at head start and I have played off and on since then. Here at Grievance, we know life comes first. ) We raid most night of the week between 7-10pm EST but we understand if someone can commit to only 2-3 days a week. Join us on Join us from the ground floor on a guild with tons of leadership experience & tons to improve and look forward to! We plan to dominate ranked wz's, planet conquests, and operations. 5k views; CommunityDroidEN; 702 views; EvilHarlequin; October 26, 2017; Hey Looking for a New Guild In swtor By Dollchops, August 6, 2017. We primarily use raidcall for communica Bioware most assuredly needs a Guide Recruitment tool in world. "The" guild for high rollers. The Chandrian is a 16-man guild focused on high-end PvE progression. Server Satele Shan Language English Faction Imperial Timezone PST / Most active time 8 p. Me (Killam) is trying to rebuild this guild in SWTOR. We're looking for intelligent players who have a little bit of experience and would like to be a part of a real team. From what I can tell this guild recruiter is just the guild-master. Type in your faction and let the staff know you wish to join the guild. PST Interests Roleplay Active Members 15+, 3 during prime time [we are slowly migrating from Satele Shan] Guild Level 17 I want to know everyone's opinion on my recruitment message, this is what I put on our community website and other ebon hawk sites. 0 and never had a group "hardest" fight i've had was underlearker HM was just a replacement for that week. The masses of the Empire have been subjugated for centuries, all while the "glorious" Empire rots from The Eternal Order / The Eternal Ordér We are an active Social guild that does progression PVE/PVP and RP and EVERYTHING SWTOR! Server Satele Shan Language English Faction Republic & Imperial Timezone PST / Most active time 4PM-11PM PST Interests Operations PvP Ranked PvP Flashpoints Conquest We're a newly formed guild with large aspirations, seeking active players to be apart of something new and exciting. We are seeking a strong dps to fill our last vacancy and a successful applicant will have prior NiM experience, Teamspeak 3 with working m Write a post on SWTOR forum in Guild Recruitment (section for your server). we have 2 raid teams: 1st team thuesday and sunday from 07pm-11pm GMT, 2nd team wednesday, friday and monday 06pm-10pm GMT. We are starting from scratch, and are looking for players that would like to be part of something new, and want to be there while we grow and achieve goals in both guilds. 0 replies; 1. APAC/Singapore GMT8+ = Open (Early morning US East Coast) PVP = Open LORE Dread Legion is a guild on European "Tomb of Freedom Nadd" server, it has been around since Soa first held Korriban, the guild has endured operations and story for all levels. We are not planning on setting This is just an idea id like to see come to Swtor to help out guild recruiting. Brief Description: Guild repair allowance. 1 reply; 461 views; Duckydactyl; September 28, 2020; Anyone Interested in starting a guild? Star Forge Pub Sith Imperium Heavy RP Guild Recruiting! [6+ year community][diversity-friendly] By nicosalm, February 9, 2020. Ideally I am looking for men, women or its that can run operations at least two nights a week. None of the characters are very geared, since I just returned to the game recently. The only thing that ever stopped me from playing the whole time was a good guild. Server Star Forge Faction Republic Timezone EST / Most active time 5PM - 12AM Interests PvP Flashpoints Conquest Roleplay Social/hanging out Leveling Datacron Hunting Galactic Starfighter Dailies Heroics Solaris Academy Solaris Academy is a large, mostly active jedi Role Playing Guild operating within the current timeline but not interacting with it. or just want a friendly place to chat and socialize, or want The White Knights Guild (Republic) is a guild that is looking for members who want to participate in any way that they can, whether that be through guild chat or guild events. Guild Message of the Day. i am spilldrdiss if your intrested wisper me or fellow guildies on the game, or tell me your charater name advanced class and level if you wont be playing lot ill ad you to freinds when you come online ill whisper and ill invte on fleet i Guild española <Hijos de la Gran Hutta> recluta (España) - Spanish Guild recruiting Recruiting: Actively Recruiting. we also like to try and win conquest as much as poss and place top 3 most weeks but we need more conquistadors Darkstorm is a swtor imperial guild with all the bells and whistles a guild can have, we are one of the largest and most active guilds on the server with regular progressions runs focusing on ToS and RavHM atm but once we clear those NiM will ensue. we also like to try and win conquest as much as SWTOR. The type of players that I am to be part of the guild add me on The Hunter's Society Channel on discord and remember I am ChickenManHero1, message/text #thehunterssociety text channel. IA was founded in 2003 during the beta test of Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. Any tips for a newly created guild trying to recruit? I recently created a guild, we have a recruitment message and all that but those usually don't work, I was wondering if there was a Write a post on SWTOR forum in Guild Recruitment (section for your server). I am looking forward to someday getting us The Rishi Hideout, for not all of us need a Hutt to lead a crime syndicate. We're focused on a good and friendly guild atmosphere, welcoming players of any skill or level. I'm currently in a guild as a Co-Leader for the past few good months, in the past being an Acolyte > Lord > Darth > Council Member > Co-Leader (Working way up for +-2 years). Were you spamming chat? Offering credits for your referral link, posting a guild recruitment message, just being an all around obnoxious git, did you perhaps participate in a PVP match and do too well or too poorly, is your guild perchance in a feud with another guild and squelch is being Hello all, I used to play this game 7 years ago and now I just restart playing it again. Our 'casual' IMPERIAL side guild <Ziost Remnant> is also recruiting again Want to add more players to your Guild? Looking to join a Guild? Use this sub-forum to build or join a community on the Shae Vizla server! Star Wars © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. Hello if you're looking for a Gay / LGBTQ+ guild Join our shadowlands LGBTQ+ Discord . Rank system for non force users as well, whi Phoenix is a mature guild for PVP and PVE players looking to enjoy all aspects of the game. Then once they have a Guild Recruitment tool in place, they need to start passing out 3 day suspensions to anyone who spams the forums or in world General Chat. Please message either Rorb or S Hi, I was wondering if there are any endgame pvp guilds out there looking for a new member? It doesnt have to be strictly pvp but that's mostly what I focus on. And we are a family guild. The Chandrian (Imperial) is currently recruiting for Nim-level skilled players. 8m SnV HM 6/7. We are currently working on TFB and S&V Nightmare. IN-GAME name must match DISCORD nickname. We have Flagship, Guild bank and discord site. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. There is a feature in the new guild setting, where if a guild is recruiting a player can message the "guild recruiter". Weekly guild meetings. I am expecting the member It happens when enough people report you for spam. The Force User ranks include the Sith academy and a Master apprentice system. In the past we hunted world bosses, completed flashpoints and discovere Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this recruitment page. In guild crafting resources. For seasoned players we also organize master Guild Recruitment Message Abercrombie and Sith Recruiting members and a recruiter. Uglymr-j. Some info about me, for those who My new guild is recruiting its called reinternal republic. In addition to name, faction, It's not funny haha, but I once saw a guild recruitment message that was basically "Join my guild, we're nice. Our coal is doing raids and all fun together. 1 coming March 12th! Guild Recruitment <The New Empire> Recruitment Message! <The New Empire> Recruitment Message! By Whitenois June 19, 2015 in Guild Recruitment. Only looking for guilds who are at least 4/5 NiM DF and a min Hello guys I'm an SWTOR player for 3 years now, who enjoys heavy RP. The core of the guild is a mix of players with different levels of HM experience but with a similar goal and drama free attitude to the game. One is a post in general chat where the hyperlink starts the posting and the second way is to send a whisper to unguilded on a planet. By Kurvah, October 3, 2022. We are also looking for someone to build and lead a GsF team to reinforce our ground troops. Best of luck in your recruitment! Server: Prophecy of the Five Faction: Galactic Republic *Also have an Empire Guild* - Malum Factis SWToR Chapter Leadership: corrupted Singularity Server Star Forge Language English Faction Imperial Timezone EST Interests Operations PvP Flashpoints Conquest Roleplay Social/hanging out Datacron Hunting World Bosses Galactic Starfighter Dailies Heroics Active Members 18+ 4 during prime time Guild Level 24 Guild Descripti Me and two friends have returned to the game. We host instructional Story Mode, Hard/Veteran Mode, NiM Operations on a weekly EDGE of the Empire/Republic is a Christian based guild. , in a relaxed, casual atmosphere where you will not be judged based on your AC, experience (or lack thereof), [Priority Channel 1] {In The Clear} To all Spec Force, Master Jedi's and Republic aligned forces. But there is so much I need to understand and it would be so much easier to just have dutch/flemish people around me to explain everything. I'd prefer if I'm looking for a RP/PvE guild on the Empire side, I do enjoy myself a good RP session! If any RP guilds are recruiting I would like to apply to join if possible! [Darth Malgus] [Rep] <Haven> Interested an invite, or just looking for some more information then either drop me a message on here, or /w andjo in swtor itself. If you're new to roleplay, or even new to mandalorian roleplay, this is not the guild for you. The players will be able to look at: *Guild Rank *Avg level *Avg players *Group Guild Recruitment <Force Mystics / Event Hørizøn> - Republic / Imperial - Casual social conquest guild. If you're such a guild, message me. We have a fully unlocked guild stronghold and flagship. Message Alvirya in-game if you're interested in joining. PST Interests Roleplay Active Members 15+, 6 during prime time Guild Level 307 Website https://deepstellarcoalition. We offer a family friendly environment. I probably won't update it as fast as he did, but I'll try to check it at least once a week. A empty guildship, mostly empty guild bank. 1 reply; 832 views; Kurvah; April 22, 2023 <Tython Coalition / Korriban Conspiracy> - Republic / Imperial - No requirements and come have fun! Meme's, we are all about the meme's. I Guild Recruitment <MANDO> Children Of Mandalore | RECRUITING <MANDO> Children Of Mandalore | RECRUITING From our rip-roaring days back in SWG 2004 to tearing it up in SWTOR now — we're not just a group; we're a saga, an epic! There's a chair in our cosmic pub with your name on it. Tell me what you think and how I can make it better. (Discord, In-game. I would love to join a guild but, it seems there isn’t currently a guild out there that fits the vibe of a non-Jedi, military-inspired guild that values blasters over lightsabers (and not Mandalorian-centered). 0 and DF HM to Corruptor Zero do *Bonus points for anyone that can guess what was censored by the profanity filter* Let's start this recruitment message without all the "we have Guildship" irrelevant information. Also if you have your own messages go ahead and post them to let others judge and see if they're good. Players without a guild can look up in a GTN style consul- to be able to view and apply to the available guilds in their current server. Have a 65 Juggernaut, 65 Sorceror, 62 Operator, 62 Guardian. . - 12 p. I have never experienced Nature, Gods, or R-4, even on SM, However we will do a "Recruitment Campaign" on the Satele server. Guild Recruiting Guild Recruiting. Our Rishi Stronghold and Guild Ship are 100% unlocked with instituted Perk bonus'. [Pub] New player -----EDITED 3/9/15----- The guild information has been moved to the Guild listing here on the forums. I remember seeing a recruiting message for the guild <Cat on keyboard> (or sth) and it was literally random <Crimson Raiders> Guild Recruitment! Darth Malgus Server, Join our lovely community! By Kasukei, August 20, 2021. we also like to try and win conquest as much as <The Galactic Republic> & <The Sith Empire> Are Looking For You! Deep Stellar Coalition Experience unique, exciting, and dynamic storylines. gg/PRt3VeTQA7 The New Empire Order is a RP guild, focused on <Nerfherders> is a relaxed raiding guild on the imp side. Game Update 7. The guild I'm currently trying to rebuild has a stronghold, guild ship, guild bank (with multiple tabs), but few members, as most of the members left when it moved from another server to Jedi Covenant. But, I would like to start a raid team for prog raiding. Looking to start up a HEAVY RP guild for the empire side. Require only 1 person to start a guild instead of a group of 4. We have a Flagship and A Stronghold. Our guild is currently level 29 for our starship. " Imperial Warriors Recruiting! <Your Companion> - You guild should strongly consider posting a recruiting thread with your guild's name, your faction (so many forget this!), and your guild website. EA and the EA logo Hello! Order of Light is now recruiting! We are a brand-new Jedi RP guild looking to grow and expand our community! We do medium-heavy RP with a focus on IC Missions, Jedi Academy RP, and Master-Padawan RP. This message pops up in the chat window whenever a guild character logs in – it can be a good place to put upcoming events or a nice message to I recruit for my guild in two different ways. BioWare and the BioWare logo are trademarks of EA International (Studio and Publishing) Ltd. We are competitive on reaching the conquest leaderboard as well. " We were promised an Empire of broken chains: Freedom, strength, and power. Our best event was our Republic guild (<Aura II>) versus <Aura> in which we battled it out on Tatooine and had other guilds join the fight on both sides. German at first Hallo ich bin Pfirsich 30 Jahre jung und bin wiederkehrer mit einem neuen Account da ich von meinem alten nich mehr die daten weiß. Guild Recruitment. Our goal is to give new/returning players the opportunity to run FPs, PvP, WB, Heroics, and/or Ops without pressure, harassment, loot drama, abuse, etc. i take care of sick family so someone who isnt to strict on inactive policy wiould be great. We offer Heavy Role Play centred around learning and or teaching the next generation of Jedi! recruitment process done via our guild discord. We have all returned, hit 55, started gearing/completed gearing for PvP, and are checking out all th We are a guild of fighters, medics, tacticians, and operatives working together to reclaim our home and dismantle the growing threat in the Outer Rim. We need a guild recruitment tab! There are guilds constantly sending guild messages via General chat, and there are almost always people who complain (Or at least get annoyed). Regional Recruiting at a Glance NZ Evening GMT12+ = Recruiting. We are c EDGE of the Empire/Republic is a Christian based guild. We are only asking t <Dantooine Enclave> is looking for people interested in doing story mode, veteran and master mode operations. Game. So who are we? We are a social, casua The Chandrian is always recruiting! The Chandrian is a multiple server first 8-man guild focused on PvE world progression. co Looking for a Non-Jedi, Guild! Returning player Looking for a Non-Jedi guild. We are not a training guild. Write there what is you guild all about (social/casual raiding/hardcore raiding - progression/pvp) and then wait for These 10 casual guild recruitment messages are designed to attract laid-back gamers seeking a supportive and relaxed online community. Guild events will include PVP warzones, boss battles, flashpoints, and in the future ops. 8m DF HM 3/5 It is important to note that our guild was until 3 weeks ago a social guild just organizing weekly 16m OPs on SM and having a no stress and all fun sort of environment. 0 or 3. Looking for a guild I can do some PvE content with, and maybe some casual PvP. I am 3/5 NiM DP Pre-nerf, and 4/5 NiM DF Pre-Nerf. Attention, battle-hardened veterans of the raid, warriors forged in the crucible of countless challenges! It’s time to sharpen your weapons, gather your wits, and join the ranks of Dreadful Sanity, the ultimate raiding hub where only the strongest thrive!This is no place for the faint of heart—here, only those who have faced the most brutal encounters and emerged Republic Corvus/Imperial Korvus APAC PVE/PVP/GS Guild Republic Corvus and Imperial Korvus formerly of the APAC server Dalborra are a bunch of awesome people who come together and love SWTOR and we are always happy to except more awesome people into our ranks. Greetz, Fabius Princeps Meridius What we are The Paragons Covenant is the result of an operation and concept created by a small cadre of Sith and Military officials in the Empire to create a lasting bastion within the Imperial ranks that would be able to reliably keep order and forge unity between its members in order to influence the Empire in a more efficient direction. DREAD LEGION Welcome to my thread and I hope to see you in game, Firstly I will talk about the rank system, I shall We are a 10 yr old guild on SWTOR, that is laid back and understands that real life comes first. 0 replies; 247 views; Kasukei; 7th Fleet SWTOR Guilds are recruiting! We aren't your typical guilds on Star Forge! By knightnbul, May 29, 2021. We have a guild ship, stronghold, bank, and are up too 10% xp bonus. We are Dral'kaar, and our legacy is eternal. F. 1 reply; 814 views; Insidead; August 11, 2017 [IMP] Looking for PVP/PVE Guild By electromind, February 15, 2016. Instead, we have been met only with bondage. Here are some Important things to know: Server: Star Forge. Message me in game or apply at Nothing-Personal . I have no problem helping out with ops and fp's as well though but I don't run them right now because I have just gotten back into playi <Four of Five> is a NiM raiding guild on empire side of the Harbinger server and have recently returned to the game and are looking to rebuild our team. SWTOR. Granted we are still very small at the time of posting this, we'd rather have a few quality roleplayers than a guild full of newbies and blueberries. r/swtor. Active guild bank. For some time now people have been recognising us because of the flamewar going on about players from our guild intentionally making other players lose rating in solo ranked. Support. These 10 casual guild recruitment messages are designed to attract laid-back gamers seeking a supportive and relaxed online community. Weekly Events available. Reverence is a guild aimed at steady progression through end-game content. i have four characters on each side so would like a guild with pub and imp guilds. We also have a Master/Apprentice system. We have a Flagship and a fully-unlocked Stronghold. We also have Sith, military, intel ranks, and an Academy system among other things. Our goal is to expand our raiding community, and we offer tutorial runs, and open raids in both story and veteran modes for new players. I main an Operative Healer, who is geared in mostly 186s, with some 180. We have a fully unlocked and furnished Guild Ship and Galactic Stronghold available for the guild to use for these varied activities. What Is The Imperial Army 47th IEF? The Imperial Army: 47th Imperial Expeditionary Force (IA) is a military themed roleplaying guild. 5/7 NiM S&V, 3/5 NiM TFB, DE 1/1, Pulls on HE. Military Theme, Family Approach. Whil The Mandalorians The Mandalorians is a large, casual, imp-side guild on Star Forge looking to recruit new and veteran players. We offer from easiest content and possibility to learn to progression raiding in hardest content. Then Hello all, Pieces of Sith is now recruiting new members, we are currently a small guild but looking to expand and are currently in the process of building our own raiding teams. If anyone can reach out that would be great. Have 25 billion credits o The Dark lord and commander of the legion, Darth Irasol while watching from the window of his apartment on Dromund Kass watching the explosions from the eternal empire's fleet light up the night's sky decided to implement a safety measure he had hoped to never use - the legion protocol - all his Wipes on Trash an Imp side guild is looking for a main raid tank. Add guild invitation to the mail. gg/M2TuPjn message anyone in here to get an invite. Non-RP focused, but your free to do what you want. We can chat over the forum or on Discord, if you prefer. imperialascension. Adults only and ventrilo required. If you are an imperial or looking to make an imperial and want to focus mostly on RP with very little pvp OR pve focus than please continue reading. We strive to maintain an authentic Imperial experience within the Adumbrate through t Guild Recruitment Forum Guidelines By CommunityDroidEN, July 8, 2013. There are some Ops run throughout the week for those who enjoy the PvE content but that will NOT be our focus for recruitment. Darkstorm is a swtor imperial guild with all the bells and whistles a guild can have, we are one of the largest and most active guilds on the server with regular progressions runs focusing on ToS and RavHM atm but once we clear those NiM will ensue. We are looking for raiders that can consistently commit, are highly knowledgeable of their class, and have the attitude/mentality of a world progression raider. Edited March 19, 2012 by JessieColt <The Banished> recruiting for SM and HM raiding - vets and newbies both welcome. com A RP Guild with a Sith and Military Academy and A Bounty Hunters Alliance. Active players can earn credits. The biggest thing that kills a new guild is losing members over time – most SWTOR players have a story about being a part of a guild Name In game: Miranda Hamne, Eufrat Hamne, Iris Hamne, Adriana Hamne are my 4 mostly used characters Faction:Imp side do have Republic now ever since picking combat style been added in game Roles: DPS or Heal I don’t have much if any experience as a tank only in 4. We participate in Conquest, and casual PvE. Uglymrj. I have not played for a few years and think I'll stay around. “Looking for a laid-back guild to enjoy the game with? Join us at [Guild Name] Use this sub-forum to build or join a community on the Darth Malgus server! Any active English speaking guilds on this server? The Thirst Order is Recruiting! [Empire] New Guild Message of the Day. We want to experience the end game content of SWTOR in a chilled environment while having f NEW: We are actively recruiting a wide range of players with plenty of alts. Store. I don't have whole bunch to offer. Whether you want to compete in Ranked Warzone arena's or smack out an op with some down to earth laid back people then this might be the guild for you. Our raid positions are competitive so if you think you have what it takes and wish to do the "Through victory, my chains are broken. Want to add more players to your Guild? Mature Guild of SWTOR Players who are over 40 years of age. Link to discord: https://discord. We are a 250+ character RP/PvE guild with a Master/Apprentice system. A Guild where even a primarily Solo player can find some sense of belonging. igpc bkzz ebhtoq wtjvrmpc optgp syp dylvs jrvf nnvhxp nwzq kftj duw iyktq cdif xjki