Sccm sql table for applications SQL Server Collections Collection of all SQL Servers 2008. Report rows would be Aug 21, 2024 · Find ConfigMgr Package IDs in the Admin Console. Sep 2, 2024 · Here’s the SQL query to identify ALL software currently in your SCCM environment. are only on Advertisements. Source files for application depolyment status report Application Deployment Status v2. We could use the following sql query, and access the installed software of computers that are discovered by SCCM. In this blog post, we will see what information being stored in data warehouse before we start working on custom Apr 28, 2017 · The purpose of this document is to summarize the global recommendations from a SQL Server perspective, applied specifically to a Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM) environment. Create SCCM Collection for SQL Server. Replace SCCM by MECM; 05/22/2020 Doc updated to 2. Repository stores SQL queries for SCCM reports. Once you have initiated the client push installation method, you can track its status using the following query. Application Details, Status and Deployment Status Query Application Deployment Status (Specific Application) SELECT ApplicationName, CollectionID, AssignmentID, ParentID, name as ‘Application Status’, count as ‘Status Count’ Jul 25, 2019 · SCCM SQL Query for Custom Patch Compliance. Choose the device collection against which you want to run the CMPivot. Name, Aug 16, 2024 · Software Distribution – Content; All active content distributions: All content: All content on a specific distribution point: All distribution points: All status messages for a specific package on a specific distribution point: Application Mar 14, 2024 · SCCM CMPivot has been introduced in SCCM 1806 and it's a pretty useful addition. The output table will show the Computer ID numbers of machines that have Zoom installed: [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text quote_border_weight=”0px” admin_label=”Table followup” _builder Mar 5, 2021 · Distribution Point. Continue with Google. Register a free account today to become a member! Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site by adding your topics and posts, as well as connect with other members through your own private inbox! Jan 26, 2023 · Because hardware inventory can be extended, one Configuration Manager site's SQL Server database might have different hardware inventory views and schema when compared to another site. The collection should group all the SQL servers in your hierarchy. This report tracks applications, packages, and task sequences created within a specified time frame (e. We are looking for the deployments whose Rerun Oct 9, 2022 · The following sample queries demonstrate how to join the most common application management views to other views. select SMS_R_SYSTEM. In the below screenshot, we see the list of all the exported Mar 6, 2020 · In this post, we will learn more about SCCM Apps. You can customize the query according Jun 21, 2021 · If you need to find a piece of specific information, you need to know in which SQL view to look for and most importantly the SQL language syntax. Source=2 SELECT Id, GroupID, RuleDescription, IsVisible, NotificationActionType, Monitoring Endpoint Security Applications with SCCM ConfigMgr SQL. DisplayName Order by v_Applications. Nov 10, 2024 · Take a look at the list of supported SQL Server versions for SCCM current branch. I prefer this method for advanced troubleshooting scenarios of SCCM audit status messages. Let’s see how to create an SCCM collection based on the installed application on Windows PC. The following query is one of many ways to get the application Feb 25, 2025 · I am doing an application rationalization while in the process of merging two SCCM/MECM instances into one. May 29, 2023 · Both of those are SQL and NOT WQL. UserName0 as [User Name], vrs. sql - Main query to retrieve deployment status information (based on RBAC) Aug 1, 2024 · SQL Query to Find Package Size. ConfigMgr) database. How to Query the SCCM Database With SQL Server Mgmt Studio. The default compliance reports provided by SCCM are pretty . Application Deployments by design will re-evaluate at your defined Application Re-Evaluation Cycle (look in Client Settings to see what you have that set to be, out of the box, it is every 7 days I think). · Do we have any sql query so that I can get localized application name of all the applications in sccm. A recently used application here means the applications that were launched and used by user. Finding the correct DP to which this Apr 5, 2022 · Create SCCM Collection Based on Installed Application. Right-click on your database CM_XXX and click on ‘New Query. I wondered if this was possible, and fortunately the SQL Views were already present to do Jun 24, 2024 · Let’s find out SCCM Patch Status SQL Query Based on Particular Collection. Jun 27, 2023 · The SQL query can be used to pull out any information from SCCM and an admin familiar with SQL can even create complex queries. CollectionID AS 'Collection ID', v_AppDeploymentAssetDetails. Table of contents Read in English Save Add to plan Edit. I used Other query but I have so problem when I run on sql or SCCM report panel I didnt get LAst Used date and Launch Count but I all point added query and my design, can you say me what I wrong wrote SELECT SYS. Is there any SQL query for finding the status of deployed Application in sccm. Find Installed Software using SCCM CMPivot Oct 3, 2022 · Collection views contain information about the collections, collection rules, and collection members. Content management views. Connect your Database Engine. You can create a collection based on any of the applications. It's already connected and I'm pulling all data from the SCCM SQL server. An example of used applications could be browser, console, service etc. The rows and columns of data come from tables or other SQL Server views referenced in the query that defines Jan 25, 2019 · Do you want a SQL query? If so, you can use something like this and import into SSRS Report Builder and create dashboards from there. A configuration item is a container in ConfigMgr that stores Oct 9, 2022 · In this article. I am looking for a way to find the detection method details set within an application object via SCCM SQL query approach. But it have to run the report on each PC, so it is very time consuming. But first, the main script! SCCM PowerShell Script to Create Device Collections from a CSV Jun 25, 2024 · SCCM Client Push Installation Status Using SQL Query | ConfigMgr – Table 1 SQL Query. Joining package and program deployment and collection Oct 5, 2015 · PENDING New SCCM Lab setup - Client installation not success getting BITS error. , from your environment. Review the changes on the Summary page. 1. Right click the device collection and click Start CMPivot. Here you go! In my experience, the following is the best method for finding the package ID for different workloads or deployment packages in SCCM. November 10, 2:32 pm. com Contact No +91 9790768919 Document Version No 1. You can customize the query according to your needs. Read in English Save. I want to create a report to show all the computer's program in add/remove programs for a collection of computers. 6 with the following information (Thanks to Ryad Ben Salah and Benjamin Reynolds for their contribution) Oct 9, 2022 · DATEADD (datepart, number, date) The DATEADD function returns a new datetime value based on adding an interval to the specified date. I've been breaking my head trying to figure out how to query these machines without using ARP. Oct 21, 2021 · Welcome to the forums. Nik on February 24, 2017 9:45 AM. I have seen many questions in HTMDForum that we want the patch report, how to write a SQL query to write a report on patching, etc. The SQL Server 2022 installation begins now, and the selected features are installed. However, when I run the "All inventoried products for a specific software company" in SCCM reporting I get way more machines listed. The SCCM database provides the Sep 19, 2013 · This post is part of the ‘Scripting SCCM’ series on FoxDeploy, click the banner for more! I recently had a requirement at a client to make a list of all SCCM Packages. However, it is not very useful in typical situations. their Programs, and then the command lines of each, along with the package source. If any device is missing a required application, Oct 3, 2022 · In the Configuration Manager database, this information is stored in the CI_CIAssignments table where AssignmentType 2 represents an application deployment. Model0 as [Model], bios. Jul 4, 2023 · One of the key requirement here is to have understanding of SCCM DB schema. csv file can be opened in an Excel application. Oct 3, 2022 · Information about software applications that are in use throughout the Configuration Manager hierarchy. When the assignment is created, SMS Database Monitor component detects a change in the table then notifies Object Replication Manager to process the CI Assignment (CIA) policy. Hi, Using the following sql query, you can access the installed software of computers that are discovered by SCCM. StateName AS 'Deployment State', v_DeploymentSummary Aug 28, 2024 · Pre-requisite – SCCM Primary Last Logon User Report. . Complete the remaining steps and close the wizard. k. Nov 20, 2023 · A Microsoft SQL Server view is a virtual table whose contents are based on the result from a SQL query. Jul 1, 2020 · Is there any SQL query for finding the status of deployed Application in sccm. Application: A computer program designed to carry out a specific task other than one relating to the operation of the computer itself, typically to be used by end users. Troubleshooting Windows KMS Activation Issues with SCCM scripts feature. The following sample queries demonstrate how to join the most common software metering views to other views. 00 Approved By A, Karthikeyan Feb 9, 2016 · General maintenance and housekeeping of your SCCM 2012 environment is important to keep your environment healthy. SCCM Report Name Jul 1, 2022 · Let’s find installed software using SCCM CMPivot query. , from distribution point properties. Once you have initiated the client, push the installation method. I'm at a pretty interesting road block. December 05, 12:04 pm. Addressing SCCM Software Update Deployment Challenges with PowerShell – Oct 11, 2024 · In a recent conversation with a customer managing endpoints via SCCM ConfigMgr, we discussed the need to monitor the installation of critical security applications. September 09, 11:07 pm. The below SQL query can be used to pull the details of all devices along with Sep 24, 2020 · Microsoft Configuration Manager: An integrated solution for for managing large groups of personal computers and servers. The view can be joined to other views by using the CI_ID, CI_UniqueID, ModelName, SDMPackage_ID, and CIType_ID columns. 00 Approved By A, Karthikeyan May 17, 2022 · SCCM SQL Queries Version Date: 09-Sep-2017 Prepared By A, Karthikeyan Email ID Karthik_bss@yahoo. Don’t be shy to ask for help to your DBA, SCCM is based on SQL technology and SQL best practices apply. Manufacturer, v_applications. If you need Primary user details from SCCM, you just need to enable user discovery from the ConfigMgr console. Supported SQL Server versions for SCCM (ConfigMgr) The below table lists all the supported SQL server versions for SCCM. This post lists 55 SCCM CMPivot Query Examples. I referred the below link but did not find any view this would provide the detection method details: Jan 28, 2025 · To monitor new content creation, I created an SCCM report using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). Packages and applications can fill up drive space quickly if they are not managed and maintained. AD_Site_Name0 as [Site] from Feb 25, 2022 · SQL Queries for SCCM Admins Creating SQL queries for pulling out data from the SCCM Database is the integral part of day to day job of a SCCM Admin. Nov 22, 2012 · Find answers to Extract data from SCCM SQL database from the expert community at Experts Exchange Hi, I have access to our SCCM 2012 SQL Server database and I need to get a list of Applications and the attributes against them In the console they A lot of the info is held in a fairly obvious tables etc but this data and properties are Oct 3, 2022 · When creating SQL statements for the desired configuration management, software updates, and operating system deployment features, this view will most often be joined to other views when creating the report SQL statement. Any help will be appreciated. g. I have tried getting the information from table v_applications however localized application name is not available. But I don’t recommend using this method. a. Continue with LinkedIn. a ConfigMgr) May 5, 2020 · List Software Inventory Items of Computers Discovered by SCCM. I have already written one blog post about creating Configuration Items and Configuration Baselines. Name0 as [Machine Name], comp. With virtual application reports, you can find the count of app-v applications, packages and associated details. v_ContentDistributionReport Nov 2, 2018 · In my previous blog post, we saw how to install Data Warehouse role in Configuration manager build 1806 and also looked at the client data that is being deleted in primary site server for reporting purpose with some SQL views information. DisplayName = v_Applications. The two types of collection views are as follows: Oct 30, 2015 · This is using SCCM 2012 r2. Feb 28, 2025 · Content management in Configuration Manager provides the tools for you to manage content files for applications, packages, software updates, and operating system deployment. 6 with the following information (Thanks to Ryad Ben Salah and Benjamin Reynolds for their contribution) Jun 14, 2022 · You can also use the SQL statements in these reports to help you to write your own reports. ID where aae. Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC. This was used to remove obsolete programs, verify licenses, and generally clean up the devices. Navigate to The purpose of this document is to summarize the global recommendations from a SQL Server perspective, applied specifically to a Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM) environment. I have seen many questions in HTMDForum that we want the. v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS is for 32bit applications. After a few minutes, in the SCCM console, check the member count of the SQL Server device collection. This requires that I know what applications are packaged and deployed to either side, as well as, some additional useful information. csv file. Hi, I am looking for a sql query that lists the application installed (with version) from list of all Jun 25, 2024 · In this post, you will learn how to create a working Configuration Manager SQL query to find application status directly in the database. Disk configuration and proper memory management can make a huge difference in your SCCM server performance. Joining software distribution and package status views Mar 3, 2025 · In this article. Right Click on your database CM_XXX and click on ‘New Query’ Copy the following SQL Jan 12, 2023 · Microsoft Configuration Manager: An integrated solution for for managing large groups of personal computers and servers. Also, make sure to defragment indexes on your SQL SCCM database on a Feb 10, 2017 · Definition and Deployment Scenarios SCCM Applications: An SCCM Application is a high-level, user-centric deployment method that focuses on providing the desired user experience. After a few minutes, on the Complete page, you’ll see the status of all the features are Sep 16, 2020 · For some, creating queries directly in the database is easier because it uses MS SQL, unlike SCCM queries which require WQL (WMI Query Language). Continue with Twitter. The following are Sep 29, 2021 · Easiest Method To Create SQL Queries For SCCM Without Opening SQL Management Studio; select SecretKeyExpiry from SMS_AAD_Application_Ex aae inner join SMS_AAD_Tenant_Ex ate on aae. Specifically, the customer wants to ensure that devices have essential applications—such as antivirus and device monitoring tools—installed. Applications are designed to be state-based, meaning they can detect if the application is already installed and only perform the necessary actions if the application Aug 23, 2024 · Hi folks, In this post, we’ll discuss the SQL Query for SCCM Configuration Baselines Results. SCCM has a lot of built-in reports, but sometimes you need some info that isn’t quite covered in any of them. v_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS is a union of both of those view. A view consists of a set of named columns and rows of data. In this post, you will learn how to make a working SCCM patch status SQL query to find the patch status from your configuration manager (a. Now I want to have a table which is showing me all the updates which are required and also a column with the number of the devices where the update is required. Register a free account today to become a member! Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site by adding your topics and posts, as well as connect with other members through your own private inbox! Jan 31, 2023 · Read and understand the basics of SQL configuration. October 11, 8:48 pm. Recently one requirement came where I was asked to create an SCCM Application Deployment report where the application deployments have the setting Oct 9, 2022 · A Microsoft SQL Server view is a virtual table whose contents are based on the result from a SQL query. This query for SCCM 2012 will display a list of packages that is not being deployed and are not linked to any task sequences. ResourceType, SMS_R_SYSTEM. DeploymentTime,NumberSuccess,NumberInProgress,NumberErrors,NumberUnknown,NumberTotal from v_DeploymentSummary DS where softwarename <> ' ' Jul 3, 2019 · search sccm wql query instead of sql query. , the last 30 days). Continue with Facebook. SoftwareVersion FROM v_Applications LEFT JOIN v_Applications as applications on applications. SCCM provides a management insights feature that delivers these types of information in the console itself. The SQL views . Launch the SCCM console and go to Assets and Compliance > Overview > Device Collections. 2020-12 ACTIVE-DIRECTORY 2 Oct 9, 2022 · In this article. v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_64 if for 64bit applications. Oct 15, 2023 · Can you provide me a SCCM SQL query to get the report of all the applications' deployment to a collection with all the status? AS 'Collection Name', v_Collection. Select Softwarename,CollectionName,Collectionid,ds. This document includes general best practices for SQL Server configuration and management - Sql-recommendations-for-MECM/SQL recommendations for MECM - White 2 days ago · Select comp. There is Apr 16, 2021 · v_applications. AppName AS 'Application Name', v_DeploymentSummary. Many of the collection views are useful when creating reports on site data, software update deployments, application deployments, and compliance settings. Dilip 5 min read Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin 25 Jul, 2019 (SCCM) tool is one of the top applications used by organizations across the globe to manage end-user workstations and Patch deployment is one of the core features it provides. 3 Comments. The purpose of this document is to summarize the global recommendations from a SQL Server perspective, applied specifically to a Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM) environment. Contribute to ErshovIS/SCCM-Queries development by creating an account on GitHub. SCCM report list collections with no deployments. **/ --https Apr 6, 2022 · Let’s create SCCM SQL Reports with Approvers Email Address and Require Approval Details for all the application deployments. SCCM Report Name Report Description; All application deployments (advanced) The table below lists all the ConfigMgr reports for Status Messages category. The main idea of this SQL query is to find the package size details. Version0 as [Version], vrs. Table 1 SQL Query – Application Deployment Custom Report. The application monitoring SCCM reports are listed below. Caption0 as [Operating System], prod. Joining software metering, software inventory, and discovery views Sep 13, 2021 · SQL Query to Find Microsoft 365 Apps Details from SCCM. here Sep 5, 2024 · Follow the steps below to get the SCCM package or application collection details. Table of contents Exit focus mode. ’ Mar 5, 2024 · The SQL DB views file is exported and saved to a . On any SCCM managed computer, you can find what applications were most used with CMPivot query. This also helps you find all the other valuable information about each package, application, etc. Query and Export SQL Views in SCCM. eg like below, you would then find the table name for application version and include it on your wql query. For Jun 27, 2024 · In this post, I will explain how to create a working Application Deployment SQL query to find the deployment status from your configuration manager (a. Open the SQL Management Studio. Then, select the CM_MEM database from the drop-down menu. List installed applications on a specific device: InstalledSoftware | where (Device Sep 12, 2021 · What we using could be the SCCM report Software 02E - installed software on a specific computer. and dependencies within the product that should be considered before implementing Asset Intelligence or using the SQL views. Username * E-Mail * Password * Confirm Password * Dec 30, 2021 · I'm going to show you how to use SQL Server Management Studio to get data from Configuration Manager. You can use membership rules to add specific attributes or a set of attributes from the list of WMI tables. There are Jul 19, 2012 · Last week,I was working on request to get the application information which includes Application Name ,Deployment Type ,Content location,Command lines (install and uninstall),what type of deployment is Monitoring Endpoint Security Applications with SCCM ConfigMgr SQL. Baseline and COllection? So query CB for its CI members for specific collection. The SQL query and scripts for these three scenarios are at the end of this article. ResourceID, SMS_R_SYSTEM. Application: A computer program designed to carry out a specific task other than one relating Jun 11, 2021 · Outside the WMI approach, is there a way to fetch all the details of an Application DeploymentType using SCCM SQL query. ’ Aug 27, 2022 · SCCM SQL Queries Version Date: 09-Sep-2017 Prepared By A, Karthikeyan Email ID Karthik_bss@yahoo. You can also get the Last login user information Aug 20, 2024 · Install SQL Server 2022 for SCCM. in sql V_R_System and in Apr 19, 2016 · Microsoft SQL Server view is a virtual table whose contents are based on the result from a SQL query. IsClientApp = 0 and aae. Most of the time the requirements are pretty much straight forward and you can simply join few tables using the common columns and you are done, however not every query creation task end up in day. Datepart is the parameter that specifies on which part of the date to return a new value (for example, year, month, day, hour, minute, and so forth), number is the value used to increment datepart, and date is the starting date. Monitoring Endpoint Security Applications with SCCM ConfigMgr SQL. Manufacturer0 as [Manufacturer], comp. Once you know which information are stored in which SQL view, you can easily write a SQL query to pull out information. rdl - SCCM report for SSRS SCCM-App-Deployment-Status. DisplayName i found out that this may be achievable by using the "vSMS_Folders" table but after a lot of researchs, i couldn't find what i Jun 25, 2024 · Let’s find out the SCCM Application Deployment Custom Report SQL Query with Collection. A view saved SQL Query which you can treat this as virtual table. RerunAlways/Never, etc. I’ll share my ideas here on viewing reports for Configuration Baselines in the ConfigMgr console and SQL. The following sample queries demonstrate how to join the most common content management views to other views. When trying to use the query from SCCM (copied into SQL) it just doesn't work. SQL Query All SCCM Applications with no Deployments. Sometimes you need a list of application available within System center. The following is a sample query Feb 25, 2025 · Sql query for gathering application and deployment information from SCCM/MECM. These are the two SCCM custom reports that you will learn from this post. Version. May 6, 2021 · Welcome to the forums. The content management views are described in the following table. Dec 5, 2023 · SCCM SQL query to get All active deployments and their rerun behavior. Download the SQL View documentation for SCCM Configmgr 1602 from TechNet Gallery. I am a newbie to the reports. Simply copy and paste these into the sccm query statement of the query rule. However, the contents of a view aren't stored in the SQL Server database. SerialNumber0 as [Serial Number], comp. Register Now. I have seen these types Jul 18, 2022 · There are many reporting categories in SCCM and every category comes with a set of built-in reports. The following query joins the v_GroupMap and v_GroupAttributeMap to generate the hardware inventory view schema, based on the specific settings for the site: This article provides a comprehensive guide on SCCM SQL queries, covering essential topics for effective management and troubleshooting. Know SCCM SQL Views: Aug 9, 2024 · Review Audit Status Messages with SQL Management Studio. Most likely be SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS. First, Open the SQL Management Studio and click the New Query button. Last_Logon_Timestamp0 as [Last Logon Timestamp], ops. Name0 AS 'Hostname', COL Apr 18, 2022 · In this article, we will find recently used applications using CMPivot query in SCCM. In this case, it’s Oct 28, 2019 · The collections list the computers with that installed application. GET LIST OF ALL CONTENT (PACKAGES, APPLICATIONS, TASK SEQUENCES, OS IMAGE, OS UPGRADE, SOFTWARE UPDATES, BOOT IMAGES Oct 3, 2022 · The application management status views contain status and status summary information about application deployments, applications and packages and programs. You can get the size details of applications, packages, Boot Images, software updates, etc. TenantDB_ID = ate. How to create it, step-by-step or showing the SQL statement? Thanks May 5, 2021 · BUILDING A SQL QUERY REPORT, IN STEPS . How to migrate standalone MBAM to SCCM for bitlocker. Aug 6, 2024 · Create SCCM Collection for SQL Server. tarting in version 2409, support for SQL Server 2014 is deprecated. The report uses the following SQL views to retrieve the necessary data: v_Application: Tracks application details. Dec 29, 2021 · I'm building in Power Bi reports for our SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager). So I just downloaded this report, and found that when I click on the pie chart, it changes the OU, so for instance if I choose in the Deployment results for Specific Application Per OU report Domain\Office\Location it shows all the installs for the OU, but when I click on the chart to see the list the OU changes to DOmain\Office\Location\A1\Computers Feb 10, 2014 · I've seen a lot of SQL queries over the years for finding missing Task Sequence packages on a Distribution Point, and never got one to work. After reading this post, you’ll be able to use SQL to query the SCCM database Dec 5, 2023 · We are reviewing all the active deployments (Application, Package, TaskSequence and others) in our SCCM environment. Dec 29, 2021 · Hi All, Would it be possible, to list curent values for configuration items, whether CI status is compliant/non-compliant, for specific C. The following sample queries demonstrate how the Configuration Manager software inventory views can be joined to other views to retrieve specific data. Sep 29, 2021 · The following SQL query to find out the content distribution status of an application is not using SQL tables or views directly; instead, it uses a SQL function called fn_ListObjectContentExtraInfo(1033). In the script below I am gathering All the applications that are currently deployed within my organization. All I wanted to do was query a server name and a task sequence package ID to find out what applications or packages referenced by the TS still need to be distributed. Let me know in the comments below if you need a specific query and I will add it to this list.
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