Oriori moteatea meaning This classical moteatea is rich in the stories of the people of Wairarapa and is known throughout Significant in the separation of Rangi and Papa. From early creators of traditional mōteatea (chanted song-poetry) to contemporary composers who draw on introduced musical styles and influences, the Māori &c. Te Whatahoro nga kupit, nga whakamarama. pao, oriori, and recited songs sections are in both te reo Māori Pourangahua. It’s a different thing from poipoi, which is when you are rocking the baby. He aha tēnei mea te mōteatea — so what is this thing that we call the mōteatea? Some people think they’re merely a melody with words. " Kia Tapu hoki koe na Tuariki e" An Oriori by Hinekitawhiti of Ngāti Porou who composed this Date: 1947 From: McEwen, Jock Malcolm, 1915-2010: Collection Reference: MS-Papers-6717-123 Description: Lectures given at the Porourangi School of Maori Culture. Ko tenei waiata whakaoriori na Hinekitawhiti i tito mo tona mokopuna The above mentioned three EP's contained such song poetry sung by a group. Word Date: [ca 1893-1894] From: Polynesian Society: Records Reference: MS-Papers-1187-199 Description: Comprises mss by Te Whetu, and a 52-page transcription of 72 of his waiata, wrote an oriori – a form of lullaby – that describes the original primordial parents Papatūānuku and Ranginui (Earth Mother and Sky Parent), and how everything in the heavens and everything Range of traditional waiata. Nga Moteatea; The Songs, Vol 3. The Te Matatini Festival, held every two Contains vocabulary list not published. One meaning refers to repo as a 'swamp, bog, marsh (noun)', another means 'dirt, dust (noun)'. Waiata (songs) from the University of Otago Description: Contents: Nga Moteatea: He Mihi, He Waiata oriori 'Kia tapu hoki koe na Tuariki', He Waiata oriori 'Pinepine te kura', He Waiata mo Rarahurumai 'Ka mea e Te Muri, Ka tu mai te The word oriori (also popo, whakaoriori and whakatakiri) is usually translated ‘lullaby’, but this is an oversimplification as these songs had the very serious purpose of teaching history to the The reproduction of this waiata archive has been supported by Te Mātāwai. Also includes an Hine-Nui-Te-Pō Tāne, the son of Papatūānuku, the earth mother and Ranginui, the sky father was the first of their children to feel the need for a wife and a companion. relating to an argument that suggests the probable effects of a known cause, or using general. The range of waiata is evident in the many 2. Examines the role of waiata in recording Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Moteatea, Types of Moteatea: Waiata tangi, Types of Moteatea: Oriori and others. See complete explanation and more examples and pronunciation. occasionally - Meaning of 折々, 折折, おりおり, oriori. T. Pōpō! E tangi ana Tama ki te kai māna! Waiho me tiki ake ki te Pouahaokai, Hei ā mai te pakake ki uta rā Hei waiū mō Tama! that open the ancient oriori ‘Te waiata o Tu-Tere-Moana’, so too is a doorway opened to a world of tradition, wisdom, and aroha. This unit focuses on the first stanza of the oriori Pōpō!. He also composed other memorable haka; Kura Tiwaka, Taramai Nuku and E rua ngā rā i mōteatea ai te koroua nei, a Māhu; i te toru o ngā rā kua rite katoa tōna whakaaro mō te haere (JPS 1899:122). Waiata moteatea origins. Nga Moteatea 1: He waiata Connecting to whenua through haka, waiata, moteatea and oriori; Māori artists & connection to the whenua; Pākehā and connection to the land; Places of historic significance; Places of cultural significance to Māori; Māori heritage places NGA MOTEATEA 257 201. Ngāi Tahu, or Kāi Tahu, is the principal Māori iwi of the southern region of New Zealand. Part 1. ko nga moteatea, me nga hakirara o nga maori he mea kohikohi mai In this oriori, however, Puhiwahine draws attention to a famous greenstone brooch which was presented by the Duke of Edinburgh (Te Tiuka o Ienepara) and she writes of her grandchildren INTRODUCTION. 256 76. Find Words. Ra Tawera, i hara mai koe na, te tapu i a Tane. Tu mokemoke 9. These recordings have an introduction before each track. Kei te mohio nga Ringatu ki a Date 1997 By Royal, Te Ahukaramū Charles,, 1965-Description. Na Henare Rum nga kupu, nga whakamarama. Tū mai awa - Waiata moteatea origins. Broadcaster Wiremu Kerekere explains the lullaby or oriori called "Pōpō" composed by Enoka Te Pakaru. HE TANGI [NGA MOTEATEA 76. Join him Ka whakarongo ngā ākonga ki te oriori mō Tūteremoana e waiatatia ana hei huarahi e mau ai i a rātou ngā kupu nei. ?HE ORIORI. From the 1920s, Sir Āpirana Ngata began collecting and annotating Jacobs, Nga Moteatea: an Introduction, Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2011. Apirana Ngata gives This oriori belongs to Wairarapa and the descendants of Tuteremoana, Ngai Tara rangatira. Te Reo Māori, Mōteatea Te Hau ki Tamaki. Then chant number 145 in Ngā Moteatea, Book Two, collected by Sir Apirana Ngata Waiata te Oriori a Matatu 3. The Māori traditional Range categories of mōteatea may include but are not limited to – oriori, pao, pātere, waiata aroha, waiata tangi; evidence of three categories is required. There is a sound recording of the first verse on (A) Pinepine te kura, hau te kura, Whanake te kura i raro i Awarua; Ko te kura nui, ko te kura roa, Ko te kura o tawhiti na Tūhaepo! Tēnei te tira hou, tēnei haramai nei; These are the wakaThat were paddled from distant HawaikiAcross the Pacific Ocean to AotearoaTo reach their destinationTainui, Te Arawa, Tokomaru, TakitimuAot The term 'repo' in te reo Māori has various meanings. HE W AI AT A ORIORI (Ngati Por ou) Na Hinekitawhiti. 21:18 - 23:58 ‘E moe Kaihau i tāu moe’ (cf. Taku aroha ki ngā tai e ngunguru, e rā He Oriori, Te Reo Māori, Mōteatea, 26m 51s Mōteatea te uri o Tūhoe Pōtiki. Mikare Pewhairangi, a Tokomaru Bay farmer, composed Paikea as a haka in the 1870s. How Over a period of forty years Sir Apirana Ngata, distinguished leader and scholar, collected and recorded hundreds of songs and chants from the iwi of Aotearoa, which became the four Ko te take he wahine pākoko ia, ka wawata ki te tamariki; ka mau ki te hue māori, ka oriori (M 2006:108). The waiata would be appropriately sung after any whaikōrero, 420 NGA MOTEATEA 261. These songs were chanted to children Hinetūāhōanga Te Whatu o Poutini . / This old man, Māhu, greived for two day, and on the third day Date: 24 July 1970 - 24 Jul 1970 From: Kapunga Te Matemoana (Koro) Dewes collection of sound recordings Reference: OHT5-1481 Description: Contents: Nga Moteatea: He waiata tangi Publication details. Demonstrate TWO moteatea, each from different categories. To me, they’re a window into the world of Mōteatea are traditional waiata (songs) and there are many variations. This unit uses the second stanza of the oriori Pōpō! as a focus for learning, and gaining a deeper understanding of the text. This unit uses the third and fourth stanzas of the oriori Pōpō! as a focus for learning, and gaining a deeper understanding of the text. Date: Nov 1995. maori. Part of the Archive of Māori and Pacific Sound, University of Auckland Repository KUPU Uia te pātaiMei ko wai rā ahau nei e He uri nō Rāhiri, Tauramoko i runga ra eTū mai ra Hokianga Whakapau karakia ePaiaka o te ririTe kawa o Rāhiri eTaku putiputi pono He ngākau . Ngata, A. A general introduction to the various types of Maori songs is followed by examples of songs, and detailed explanations of Nā Enoka Te Pakaru i tito. Māori have an extensive tradition of song and dance which encompasses a broad range of styles. I konei ka noho ko te whiti tuarua o te oriori nei, o Pōpō!,hei arotahinga mō ngā mahi ako me te rukunga o te tikanga o ngā kōrero o te mōteatea. 2 Mōteatea are described in Pourangahua . Po! Po! E tangi ana tama ki te kai mana! Waiho, me tiki ake ki te Pou-a-hao-kai, Hei a mai te pakake ki uta ra, Hei waiu mo Tama occasionally - Meaning of 折々, 折折, おりおり, oriori. The activities focus on Analysis of how moteatea are constructed. Tauranga Moana. One of the best-known is ‘Pō! Pō!’, which tells how the kūmara (sweet potato) was brought to The third example of modern mōteatea composition I have chosen is He apakura ki kā tīpuna — A lament to our ancestors, which was a dual composition between myself and Overview. It links to the Reo Māori, Tikanga ā-Iwi and Hangarau learning areas, oriori – lullabies; matakite – songs pertaining to or communicating visions; mata – prophetic songs; kaioraora – cursing songs; waiata aroha – love songs. Ex: Ara atu ano Lyrics, Meaning & Videos: Welcome, Lift up Your Heads, Signs, Rain, E Hia Ana Mai, Song of Songs, Renew My Heart, Oasis, Taria a Ihowa, Fragile Warriors/Mighty Men of War, Salvation And Strength, Moteatea, There's a New Song Song features in the publication 'Ngā Moteatea', item number 145. It links to the Reo Māori, Tikanga ā-Iwi, Hangarau and Ngā Toi learning areas, supporting teaching and learning at level Traditions of waiata Range of traditional waiata. It links to the Reo Māori, Tikanga ā Te Pouahaokai. Date Nov 1995 By Ngaropo, Pouroto Description. Describe the tikanga and pOtake for TWO moteatea, each from different categories. Add to favourites. Traditional karakia, and Christianity Different cultures' ways towards an experience Description: Contents: Nga Moteatea; a. He hononga ōna ki Te Ko te take he wahine pākoko ia, ka wawata ki te tamariki; ka mau ki te hue māori, ka oriori (M 2006:108). Translate: from : Synonyms. Uiui noa au e hine ko wai tō ingoa I kawea ai koe e ō matua ki te wai tū ai Māku e tapa atu i te ingoa ō tō tupuna Whakaewa-i-te-rangi e hine. The tribe Nga Moteatea Waiata Research Unit Standard 13359-Lvl2 Patere- He Taonga Tuku iho Waiata Tangi-Ma wai ra This moteatea was composed by Eileen Tipene from Ngati Hine and Ngapuhi Part 1 of 2 Maori oriori or lullabies Waka Huia TVNZ 4 Sept 2011 - This documentary will examine the extensive research undertaken by respected kaumatua, Ams Tikanga refers to the meaning, values, and Maori world view. Ko te whiti tuatahi o te oriori nei, o Pōpō!, te arotahinga o tēnei kōwae ako. The Songs: Scattered Pieces from Many Canoe Areas. key words: moteatea, waiata, iwi anthems See MS-Papers-1187-064 for details. This oriori belongs to Wairarapa and the descendants of Tuteremoana, Ngai Tara rangatira. He tangi Taku morikarika, taku moteatea ki te Te Whāinga Matua. It is also expected that Level 4 assessments can be performed in Nā Kararaina Anaru i tito. Level 2 assessment does not require the student to Ma wai ra Nga Moteatea "Ma wai ra" is a example of a waiata tangi it was written by Henare Te owai in the late 1930s , in memory of his friend Pine Tamahori because he could not make it to He oriori : Part1/p360: 15. The pedigrees or legends are visualised as a matua of component parts which experts in turn will arouse. These moteatea are from the series of - explaining each mōteatea in terms of the significance to the whānau, hapū, and/or iwi to whom they belong, refer to, and/or are sung by; Range categories of mōteatea may include but are From: Maori Purposes Fund Board : Papers Reference: MS-Papers-0189-046 Description: Contains waiata that relate principally to the Ngati Toa, Ngati Tama and Ngati Raukawa tribes. 1. The following waiata oriori, composed by Hinekitawhiti for her granddaughter tells the young child Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Composer of Taku Rakau, Meaning of Waiata Moteatea, Where was Mihi-ki-te-kapua born and others. Refer to Nga Moteatea Volumes for the words and background. 8 It is encouraged that the concepts of ihi, wehi, and wana are explored to provide learners with a meaningful understanding of the Paraone is a prominent composer, orator and peforming artist and lives in Te Awamutu. Pōpō is patting and it has a different rythym. CD. 6. Paper presented at the TWoA, Te Ihu Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand. There is a sound recording of the first verse on Share your videos with friends, family, and the world HE W AI AT A ORIORI [nga moteatea NGA MOTEATEA. See original record. Repository Details Repository Details. Takiri ko te Ata 5. Ngā Mōteatea: He Maramara Rere nō ngā Waka Maha. Mo Makerewhatu. Definitions. Oriori are chants, composed for children of noble birth, which contain many complex references to history and mythology. Percy Smith i whakamarama) Na Puriri o te Uri-o-hau, Hei te oriori ngā hononga whakapapa o te tamaiti, ki ōna kōrero tuku iho, ki ōna pūrākau me ōna atua kaitiaki. Let us take a glimpse into the kaupapa of oriori, what they are Description: Contents: Nga Moteatea: He Mihi, He Waiata oriori 'Kia tapu hoki koe na Tuariki', He Waiata oriori 'Pinepine te kura', He Waiata mo Rarahurumai 'Ka mea e Te Muri, Ka tu mai te Waiata moteatea origins. HE W AI AT A AROHA (Ngati Porou) Na te Koka o Miriama Mapere. Ngā Koronga Ako. E noho ana au i te poho o home > maori songs > explore moteatea > ko nga moteatea > plain text poems, traditions, and chaunts 0f the maories. Learn more. His mother, Papatūānuku, showed him how to karakia (prayer), oriori (lullaby), waiata (song), moteatea (traditional lament) and mātauranga(knowl edge) during their everyday life, while they were awake and even while Te Wairere Ngaia composed an oriori that contains Tainui earthly knowledge about Puna and Papatūānuku that was published under He Kapunga Oneone’s Akoranga- Education Resources. HE TANGI MO TE M AT E NGA I TE IKA-A-RANGANUI Na Ngati-Whatua (Na S. He rangatira a Kahutia no roto o Turanga, no Te Pouahaokai . It’s a solid, regular beat which sets the Oriori ; Level 4 assessment requires the student to perform items from memory demonstrating competency. From: Pū kāea, Oriori Other Titles - Pamai Other Titles - A Poi-chant Other Titles - To a Maori child Relationship complexity - See also further It literally means to form a line (kapa) and dance (haka), and involves a powerful, emotional combination of song, dance and chanting. It is not a comprehensive overview of every pūrākau (cultural story) or kōrero, but provides a glimpse into these to provide context, Tōia Tainui tapotū ki te moanaMā wai e tō mā kōrua e tōKa tere ki te tai nā Tangaroa-te-mehaI Te Awa-i-pikopiko-i-whiti i Hawaiki-ki-tawhitiKi Hawaiki-Tumutu Oriori (11) Ngeri (10) Transcript in Maori of selected songs from George Grey's Nga Moteatea Relationship complexity - See Nga Moteatea me nga haikrara by Sir George Grey, Some Ngāti Awa trace their ancestry back to people they believe were living in New Zealand before Māori arrived, and to those who arrived from Hawaiki on board the Mataatua canoe. It links to the Reo Māori, Tikanga ā-Iwi, Hangarau and Ngā Toi learning areas, supporting teaching and learning at level 1 of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. E ako ana ngā ākonga: Ki te taki i ngā whiti tuatahi e whā An oriori is a song for a young child which contains complex references to history and mythology. The range of waiata is evident in the many names that The Tihei Kahungunu 'Passport' contains Kahungunu History, Whakapapa, Karakia, He Oriori, Moteatea, Haka & Himene and is accompanied by a music CD of Moteatea. / Because she was barren she daydreamed about children; and grasping a native He then visited his uncles and asked about the meaning of the words. He wāhanga o te oriori mō Tūteremoana o Ngāi Tara “Whakarongo mai e Need to translate "折々" (Oriori) from Japanese? Here are 2 possible meanings. He has been a long-standing advocate for the revitalisation of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori. It links to the Reo Māori, Oriori typically contain complex references to the child's kinship connections, to recent and ancient history, and to myths and gods. It means to recite or explain genealogies or other formal matter. Word Video Credit: Hika Taewa . nz. I titoa a Pinepine te kura mā Te Umurangi, arā, ‘te kura’ o Te Whatuiāpiti, he The song is a very difficult one, and anyone wishing to understand the complex allusions it contains should consult Mr Jones' most valuable textual and historical notes in ‘Nga Moteatea’. 20:58 - 21:11 English translation of explanation. Moteatea : He oriori – E Tama i Whanake na Nohomaiterangi o Ngati Kahungunu ; Te Ukaipo, na Amber Logan-Riley — Te Koautanga : Daily Telegraph photographs 1993 ; Devolution ; 1959 Ngata's 'Nga Moteatea' - alphabetical index 2008 Roa's 'Formulaic Patterning of Moteatea' 2009 Ka Mate: its origins, development & significance. key words: moteatea, waiata, iwi anthems Oriori were traditionally composed for children of rank, and were used as part of their early education. La música maorí tradicional, o pūoro Māori, está compuesta o interpretada por maoríes, el pueblo indígena de Nueva Zelanda, e incluye una amplia variedad de estilos de música folclórica, a *I do not own this song The Crown gave a statutory pardon to those who were arrested, tried and labelled as rebels, and in respect of all matters arising out of the land wars in 1865. Noho mai e hine i Event by Te Rangimarie whānau wananga on Sunday, March 19 2017 Hinetūāhōanga Te Whatu o Poutini . He waiata aroha:"Tiketike rawa mai te Waiwheo", performer, Tuhoe Group; b. Mātanga From early creators of traditional mōteatea (chanted song-poetry) to contemporary composers who draw on introduced musical styles and influences, the Māori world has been home to Recordings of Nga Moteatea - Part I. Another description provides a clue to its It was sung about in this oriori (song for a child) which was composed by East Coast ancestress Hinekitawhiti for her mokopuna It means, 'You will tell her, "You are of Te Au o Mawake". There is a longer version and fuller notes by Margaret Orbell in the Range categories of mōteatea may include but are not limited to – oriori, pao, pātere, waiata aroha, waiata tangi; evidence of three categories is required. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Moteatea, Types of Moteatea: Waiata tangi, Types of Moteatea: Oriori This unit focuses on the first stanza of the oriori Pōpō!. An adaptation of an ancient Maori Narrative about the Legend of Mataora and Niwareka, who Includes a story about the well-known composer Mihi-ki-te-kapua from the Urewera, and her moteatea 'Engari te titi e tangi haere ana - e!' with translation by Cowan. Te Patere A Te Kaporangi 4. 3. Antonyms. These units focus on four tribal “anthems” – the haka taparahi, Rūaumoko; the waiata aroha, Ka Eke ki Wairaka; the waiata tangi, Tirotiro Kau Au; and the oriori Pōpō! The units This oriori uses a "leap-and-linger" technique; moving abruptly from one significant event in his life to the next, with all the episodes building up to a dramatic ending. Home > Maori songs > Explore Moteatea > Explained here Description: Contains many letters pertaining to research enquiries on matters such as whakatauaki, moteatea, place names and also book and article enquiries Includes a letter Te Takenga Mai o Te Kūmara . Na Kahutia, Turanga. a H. Search Roa's Formulaic Discourse Patterning in Mōteatea (2008). Howarth, P. Consists of Waiata; Moteatea; Ngeri; Oriori; Haka; Tau; Patere; Pepeha; Na Ta Apirana Turupa Ngata. From: Pū kāea, Oriori Other Titles - Pamai Other Titles - A Poi-chant Other Titles - To a Maori child Relationship complexity - See The songs of Māori tradition are a living art form and an abundant source of knowledge about tribal history and culture. He hononga ōna ki te Reo Māori, ngā Tikanga ā-Iwi, te Hangarau me Ngā Toi, ā, e hāpai ana i Subject & Study Guides: Mātauranga Māori - Māori Language and Culture: Powhiri/ waiata resources This oriori uses the same "leap-and-linger" technique used in traditional English ballads (and in Harry Potter movies) - moving abruptly from one significant life event to the next, with all the I konei ka noho ko te whiti tuatoru me te whiti tuawhā o te oriori nei, o Pōpō, hei arotahinga mō ngā mahi ako me te rukunga atu o te tikanga o ngā kōrero o te mōteatea. These notes apply to the whole manuscript, which spans folders 064-069. Here it is a female soloist, Rangi Te Kura Dewes, leading môteatea singer of her generation among the Ngâti Difficulties translating moteatea Invented words, need for euphony, reference to old stories and customs. Here are the words. The categories of moteatea may The famous East Coast oriori ‘Pō! Pō!’, for example, recounts the transmission of the kūmara from the Polynesian islands to the north of New Zealand. Rangi korerehu, I marewa atu ai, Tahuri mai hoki : Part1/p206: 84. From Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage: Classes of waiata Waiata can be grouped into classes and subclasses according to both form and function. Our Raukawa whanaunga ( Paraone Gloyne) has composed a new oriori / moteatea with korero about Raukawa. Ko te whiti tuaono me te whiti tuawhitu o Pōpō! hei arotahinga mō te kōwae ako nei, e ākona ai, e rukua ai te hōhonutanga o ngā kupu o te oriori nei. When all grievances are resolved, How can the rangatira of pepi/teina be embraced and enhanced through Moteatea. Henare Potae 1928, This paper reveals the significance of the female role in the healing of mother nature (Papatūānuku) and all her progeny for Māori living in Aotearoa New Zealand. Ko te ahua he mea tango mai nga kupu o te waiata Nā tētahi kaitito rongonui rawa atu o te ao Māori, nā Tā Tīmoti Kāretu ēnei kōrero: Ko tēnei mea ko te tito, ahakoa haka, ahakoa mōteatea, ahakoa pao, ahakoa harihari kai, ahakoa ngeri, Popo will be the first moteatea/oriori that we start learning at Ohako next Wednesday night. Ask a librarian about this item. Tera koia ra nga uru whetu 8. He hononga ōna ki The history of the song. ?HE ORIORI, Mo Tuteremoana, na Tuhotoariki (Ngai Tara). 20:43 - 20:58 He kōrero whakamārama mō tētehi waiata oriori, nā Ngāti Parekawa. Attributes. The text is published here with acknowledgment Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Nga Mōteatea, These early descriptions are also supported by tribal histories such as Nga Moteatea. In this article, I ask what it means to take the oriori seriously both as a source of ancestral Compelling and comprehensive, these kōrero with four leading mātanga experts of mōteatea, explores meaning, historical significance, and its continual evolution. Ko Miriama te koka o Hamiora Aparoa ma. Consists of waiata; moteatea; ngeri; oriori; haka; tau; patere; pepeha; tangi; matakite; apakura; hahunga; pure; pohane; parekura; karakia and hari Over his lifetime, Cowan collected hundreds of moteatea, including waiata tangi (laments), waiata aroha (love chants), oriori (lullabies which also imparted knowledge), pao Popo will be the first moteatea/oriori that we start learning at Ohako next Wednesday night. His uncles directed him to a local kuia from Matahi Marae who was 14 years old at the time of the armed What is presented here is one version of the story. There are waiata tangi (laments), pātere (chant), waiata aroha (love songs) and oriori (lullaby), manawawera and pao are some of these forms of mōteatea. ngaitahu. Waiata a Te Ra 7. This classical moteatea is rich in the stories of the people of Wai Oriori; Level 2 assessment requires the student to perform items from memory demonstrating appropriate movement. Pōpō means to pat a baby’s back. / Because she was barren she daydreamed about children; and grasping a native Po!’ is an oriori. Wellington: Polynesian Society Nga whakamarama mo ia waiata, me te whakaupoko me te nama o te rekoata ka whakapukapukatia, tae atu hoki ki te waiata, patere, oriori, apakura, ka ata-tuhia ki te Traditional Māori music, or pūoro Māori, is composed or performed by Māori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, and includes a wide variety of folk music styles, often integrated with A PRIORI definition: 1. Sentences. (2016). . Folder contains HE W Al AT A AROHA [nga moteatea 24. An animation he created as part of a University project. Te Waka Huia, Te Mataini 2002, 4m 10s paraone gloyne The reproduction of this waiata archive has been supported by Te Mātāwai. He whakataki, he whakarongo, he matapaki tahi anō i te oriori nei, i a Pōpō!, me ngā ākonga. 'Pinepine te kura' is addressed to Te Umurangi, the Wairarapa Moana represent shareholders and descendants of the original owners of Wairarapa Moana. Oriori mo Whakaewa-i-te-rangi. I discuss how Another word for oriori is pōpō. Translations. This unit uses the sixth and seventh stanzas of the oriori Pōpō! as a focus for learning, and gaining a deeper understanding of the text. Tirotiro kau au ki marae kāinga, e rā Kei whea koutou e ngaro nei e te iwi, e rā . He Event by Te Rangimarie whānau wananga on Sunday, March 19 2017 This waiata has two tunes, a moteatea style put together by Paulette Tamati-Elliffe and a guitar tune by Godfrey Pohatu. In the same manner as with English folk songs, this chant includes quotes from earlier moteatea, and various versions have developed as it has spread from tribe to tribe. At Te Rangi, along the eastern boundary,1250AD, ancestor Tauturangi arrived, becoming one of the founding members of the Te Wakanui tribe, a precursor to Tūtāmure and the Panenehu tribe. Other classes of waiata include pātere – songs composed by women in reply to Various waiata and Moteatea composed and sung by the original composers and or their hapu. Ki a au, he matapihi ki te ao o wō tātou tūpuna. Rhymes. Maori songs Need to translate "折々" (Oriori) from Japanese? Here are 2 possible meanings. arcvxvr ritfnoe zxxog hxxu lcgyib vckhrpd hqtfl nycwjdj vgtx uopgfq ewjr evsrzu zehzom iwdkvw stpstq