Michigan cpl application CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSE ONLINE RENEWAL. Here is a directory for approved locations for getting fingerprinted for a Michigan CPL application. DO NOT SIGN THE APPLICATION UNTIL PRESENT BEFORE THE CLERK’S OFFICE. 00 application and licensing fee payable to the county clerk in cash or debit. STANDARD AND EMERGENCY APPLICATION. top of page. When mailing a renewal application to the Michigan State Police, please make check payable to “State of Michigan. gov/firearms. Renew your CPL by using the Concealed Pistol License renewals system on Michigan State Police website using your PIN (See your renewal letter for PIN Number) 1. This is the kind of post that gives responsible gun owners a bad look 'I didn't really pay attention during the application process, and I'm so easily upset and agitated that I'm What is the status of my CPL application? If you are a new CPL applicant you should receive your license within 45 days of the application date. County Administration Building 1 South Main St michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of february 01, 2025 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,491 121 2,099 53 37 9 11 0 8,821 montmorency 1,479 19 600 1 9 2 0 0 2,110 muskegon 13,610 416 5,462 67 105 65 16 0 19,741 A CPL Course (also known as “Pistol Safety Training Course”) is required for all new applicants and anyone with a CPL that has been expired for more than one year. To apply for a Michigan CPL, you must take a training course that includes classroom and range time, so after the travel restrictions are lifted you can sign up for the 3 hour range training course and get your CPL training certificate at the completion of that course. Prohibited Premises. 6. ; Complete a Review of the Required Training: Michigan law requires a minimum of three hours of review and one hour of range time in the 6 months preceding your renewal application. If you take a MCRGO CPL class, you will be given a one year membership in the organization. 5. Use the upper and left-side panel tools to change CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSE GUIDE AND APPLICATION Please refer to this guide to complete the Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Application found on pages 7-8. com Phone: (313) 346-7386. Michigan New CPL holders, you may obtain your application at the County Clerk’s office or online by clicking or by mail to MSP CPL Unit, P. Guide to Local Unit Finances. 00 application and licensing fee payable to the county clerk. Clair County in an effort to reduce the time needed to complete the process physically at the Clerk’s office. 4. To apply for a new CPL, you must be an Alpena County resident and you should follow these steps. Often times the drills and courses of fire we use for training and practice have us stuck shooting silhouettes and bullseyes. New Applicants. michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 Applying for a Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL) can feel daunting, especially in a populous county like Macomb. The option of completing the new application in person at the Clerk’s office is always available. These licenses are required to carry a concealed weapon in Michigan, although the state also recognizes concealed carry permits from every other state. Michigan State Police . CPL Reports. County Clerk filings are accepted Monday through Friday from 8 a. The timeline for default by the Michigan State Police to You must apply in the county where you permanently reside according to your Michigan Driver’s License or State I. 425d, if your CPL application was disqualified or revoked by the Michigan State Police, and you received a notice of statutory disqualification or revocation from the County Clerk's CPL applications. michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of february 01, 2022 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 5,747 105 1,531 42 20 14 10 0 7,469 montmorency 1,334 13 446 2 3 10 0 0 1,808 muskegon 11,915 346 4,129 56 126 57 15 2 16,646 Certificates of completion from safety training courses that don’t meet Michigan’s minimum requirements typically can’t be used to apply for a Michigan CPL. Concealed carry courses made easy! After you submit your CPL application and get your fingerprints taken, the county has 45 days to run your background and issue the permit but most people receive their license An applicant for a Michigan CPL must: 1. 425b, including age and residency. The class will give you a proper foundation to: firearm safety, home defense, firearm laws, Michigan CPL On the 1st Wednesday of the month, the Clerk’s office is unable to process Concealed Pistol License Applications (CPL’S) between 8:00-10:00am, due to routine maintenance on the Michigan State Police CPL program. The Clerk's Office is available to process CPL applications between 8 AM and 4 PM. ($35 value) Outdoor range-weather permitting. See MI state laws * Curriculum Description. One of the first steps to properly prepare for your concealed michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 Renewal Application - $115 CPL holders will be notified by their county clerk, via regular U. The information within this An applicant for a Michigan CPL must: 1. citizen or legal resident, and An applicant for a Michigan Concealed Pistol License must: 1. The class covers essential topics such Please refer to this guide to complete the Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Application found on pages 5-6. Applicants must be at least 21 years old, a U. pending against the applicant in this state or elsewhere at the time they apply for a CPL: • MCL 257. 00 application fee (cash, check or money order only), a valid driver’s license or Michigan ID, your completed CPL Applying for a Concealed Pistol License (CPL) in Michigan can feel daunting, but with the right information, the process becomes manageable. Digital copies of the Firearms Laws of Michigan will be provided at time of . The cost of the CPL application process varies between counties (specifically County Clerk departments) and according to the Michigan State Police, in Southeastern Michigan it cost Washtenaw County the most, on average, to process an application at $36. A Please refer to this guide to complete the Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Application found on pages 7-8. pending against the applicant in this state or elsewhere at the time they apply for a CPL: MCL 257. The Michigan State Police (MSP) does not issue or deny applications for a CPL. Reapplications for CPLs are designed for individuals who have had a Michigan CPL in the past and it has either: Been expired Located in Livingston County Michigan, we have trained Michigan residents and prepared them for application for their concealed carry Permit since 2000. ” The mailing address is: Michigan State Police Attn: Concealed Pistol Michigan State Police Page 1 of 8 . A To qualify for a CPL in Michigan, applicants must meet several legal requirements. 425j. For a list of all requirements, please see pages 4 and 5 of the CPL application. 32231 Schoolcraft Rd. Locations for IdentoGO can be found at the IdentoGO website. application. 00 – for re-applications (If the applicant’s CPL is expired for more than one year, they must apply as a new license, including taking the training and being fingerprinted. concealed pistol license information new concealed pistol license applicants must apply in the county they reside in - please print and fill out the application found below ****a fingerprint appointment is required for the st clair county sheriff's office - Michigan CCW / CPL class tuition includes: • Minimum of 8 hours total class and range time. A coworker and I were discussing CPLs and who is eligible for the permits and who isn t. Be a citizen No new CPL Applications will be accepted after 4:30 p. This guide breaks down the process, focusing specifically on the requirements and procedures within Macomb County. michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of october 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total alcona 1,719 21 640 10 4 2 4 1 2,401 alger 1,156 13 460 13 4 3 2 Qualifications: The application contains the eligibility requirements. Exemptions for Veterans and Peace Officers Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense. However, to ensure the CPL number remains the same, it is processed as a re-application. Call Today: 586-625-9744 . The information within this guide is Be a resident of Michigan for at least six months prior to application. Step 5: Wait for Notification. Shooting Fundamentals. Second, take a gun safety course. Does anyone know how we can check the status on our applications. First, check your eligibility. Be at least 21 years of age. to 4:30 p. Be a citizen of the United States or an immigrant alien lawfully admitted into the United States. Please refer to this guide to complete the Concealed Pistol License Application found on pages 9-10. Locate your form and get it with just one click. Please have everything ready when coming in to apply, if you have questions please call 517-543-2494. MSP CPL Unit PO Box 30634 Lansing, MI 48909. Michigan bills, SB 442 and SB 0561 would allow for an exemption to carry in gun free zones for permit holders who apply and are granted an endorsement If an applicant does not have a digitized photograph on file with the Michigan Secretary of State, include a passport-quality photograph. mail, that their license is approaching expiration. They must be at least 21 years old and have resided in Michigan for at least six months. Take your CPL application along with your training certificate to the County Clerks office for the county in which you reside; Sign the application in front of the clerk; If you want to get your Michigan CPL (CCW), there are 3 main steps that must be done. www. michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 Following an Application Submission in Michigan: The Waiting Period. Classes; Michigan CPL CPL classes across Michigan. The minimum age for a CPL in Michigan is 21. Please click the "Make appointment" link below to schedule a time to file your first-time CPL application using our QUICK SERVE app. Steps to Renew Your Michigan CPL. Bring your completed CPL application, CPL class certificate and your driver’s license to: Monroe County Clerk’s Office 106 E. michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 the last 6 months preceding the application you completed the requirements for renewing your CPL (section II on the application). Step 1. Contact us. Be a legal resident of Michigan and reside in Michigan for at least six months immediately prior to application. Contact. Learn about the eligibility criteria, application process, and fees for a concealed pistol license (CPL) in Michigan. Pay all applicable fees. Step 3: Join MCRGO. • FREE lesson of basic firearm instruction, by appointment. CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSE GUIDE AND APPLICATION Please refer to this guide to complete the Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Application found on pages 7-8. We apologize for any inconvenience. A MCOLES “Program Certification” application shall be completed and submitted to the Career Development Section of MCOLES. You will then sign the application under oath which will be administered by the county clerk or their representative. (If completing on your own, range time must be done at a michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 Free Consultation - Call (248) 306-9158 - Barone Defense Firm aggressively represents the accused against charges in Criminal Defense & Crime cases. If the CPL is not issued, the reasons for the disqualification will be specified in the notice sent to michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 CPL Renewals $50 – 3 hour mini class, held daily by appointment. For renewal application training please see this page. You can apply up to six months prior to expiration. I have a CPL application question for Michigan residents. Michigan cpl Application Forms. 586-469-5100. Applicant must file their completed application at the County Clerk's office in the County where they reside and must be a You must arrive before 3:30 pm to have your CPL application processed. We offer Concealed Pistol License classes, safety and awareness tips, and tactics for escaping and defending against dangerous situations. If you would prefer to visit another local agency for fingerprinting service instead of the County Clerk, staff will provide you with additional information and options at the time of your application appointment. Lessons: Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan. Renewal Application - $115 CPL holders will be notified by their county clerk, via regular U. To renew your Michigan CPL, you must: Hold a Current or Recently Expired CPL: You must have an unexpired CPL or one expired within the last year to qualify for a renewal. 617a, failing to stop when involved in a personal injury accident A: Many Michigan counties have a CPL application status lookup function on their respective County Clerk web sites. An applicant is a resident of Michigan if one of the following applies: Michigan CPL/CCW holders may soon be eligible for an enhanced endorsement after completion of the Personal Protection outside the Home class which would then qualify for an Enhanced CPL license. (120 North Main, 1st Floor, Mount Clemens, MI 48043) PK !méªUÆ ® [Content_Types]. Information for Macomb County residences on filing or renewing a CPL license, state requirements, and firearms laws of Michigan Michigan State Police Page 1 of 6 CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSE GUIDE AND RENEWAL APPLICATION Please refer to this guide to complete the Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Application found on pages 5-6. Renewal applications may also be completed online through the Michigan State Police (MSP). gov To apply for a Michigan Concealed Pistol License, fill out an application and file it with the county clerk in the county you reside in. S. CPL Applications – New and Renewal Applicants: CPL applications are available in person at the Saginaw County Clerk’s Office, 111 S. If you apply more than one year AFTER expiration you will need to take the CPL training course again. WAYNE COUNTY FIREARMS TRAINING. *Successful completion of this class will allow you to APPLY for a Concealed Carry Permit (CPL). Form CC79 Claim of Appeal on Application for Concealed Pistol License - Michigan; ATF Form 7/7CR (5310. Active To obtain a CPL in Michigan, applicants must meet criteria outlined in MCL 28. An applicant is a state resident if one of the following applies: Apply in Person. Wait 45 days for the decision: By law, decisions regarding CPL applications must be issued within days of an applicant being fingerprinted. If you have not received your license after that time you may call us to check on your status. Self-Defense Firearms Basics. CPL Renewal Information. Applicants must be at least 21 years old and have been In Michigan, obtaining a Concealed Pistol License (CPL) requires meeting specific eligibility criteria. Main St. 16) Application for Federal Firearms License; Form CC80 Order Following Appeal on Application for Concealed AMBER Alert, Michigan Blue Alert, Public Threat Alert, Vulnerable Adult Medical Alert Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Go to Community Service Troopers (CSTs) CPL Application and Instructions. Renew in Person. Monthly maintenance will be performed the third Wednesday of every month between 8 – 10 a. Overview. The form requires personal information, including your name, address, and details about your previous CPL. michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of november 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,498 121 1,995 39 39 15 11 0 8,718 montmorency 1,472 18 574 14 10 2 0 0 2,090 muskegon 13,483 417 5,304 82 110 64 17 0 19,477 To renew in person, you must file your CPL renewal application with the County Clerk in the county in which you reside. To obtain a Michigan CPL you must be 21 years of age. Class is open to everyone over 18 years of age. Click on the image above to view the Firearms Laws of Michigan. National Rifle Association (NRA) (703) 267-1430 What Does the Michigan CPL Application Involve? Applications, available online here, must be completed and submitted to the county clerk (in your county of residence). Learn how to apply for a CPL in Michigan, including the required documents, fees, training, and fingerprinting. michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 The state of Michigan requires Michigan CPL renewal applicants to sign an affidavit certifying that they have completed at least three hours of review of the required training and have had at least one hour of firing range time in the six months immediately CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSE GUIDE AND APPLICATION Please refer to this guide to complete the Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Application found on pages 7-8. To print application: Michigan State Police Website. You can edit our large library of pre-existing files and upload your own documents. You can find the Michigan CPL application and instructions online HERE. Carrying Under the Influence. See detailed training course requirements at MCL 28. You can renew up to 1 year from the CPL expiration date. michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 UD-194 - CPL Chemical Test Rights; CC-79 Claim of Appeal on Application for Concealed Weapon License . Application materials and checks made payable to "State of Support systems utilized by the CPL unit. Proficiency in safe pistol handling is assessed through a live-fire exercise, and successful participants receive a certificate required for their CPL application. 2. 425d, if your CPL application was disqualified or revoked by the Michigan State Police, and you received a notice of statutory disqualification or revocation from the County Clerk Participants also review Michigan’s firearm laws, focusing on the legal use of deadly force and the rights of CPL holders. 6%, have a Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL). Box 30634, Lansing, Michigan 48909, along with the completed CPL Renewal Form and a check or money order payable to Michigan State Police. The FFL may elect to use a valid Michigan License to Purchase a Pistol (LTP) or have the purchaser complete a Federal Form 4473 for a NICS background check. , Suite 201, Livonia, (View class schedule and register for a Michigan CPL Course) $115. Processing the application: michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 As of December 2016 there were 497,016 active CPLs in Michigan and now there are 751,102. Virtual and In-Person CPL CCW training. To renew by mail, please send your completed application and check, payable to the “State of Michigan,” to: Please refer to this guide to complete the Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Application found on pages 7-8. Stanton, MI 48888. , Saginaw, MI 48602, Room 101. The course is a complete guide to understanding conflict avoidance and situational awareness; home security and home defense; handgun, shotgun and AR-15 basics; shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of september 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total alcona 1,701 21 623 35 4 2 4 2 2,392 alger 1,149 13 457 13 5 3 2 0 1,642 allegan 11,627 160 3,452 73 48 31 22 0 15,413 Michigan State Police Page 1 of 7 . Michigan Department of State Subject: Michigan Application for Military Waiver Even Exchange Keywords: Michigan Application for Military Waiver Even Exchange, FMCSA, Michigan Department of State, MDOS, Secretary fo State, SOS, CDL, Commercial Driver License, even exchange, waiver form, service members, CMV, Created Date: 12/20/2021 3:05:17 PM An applicant for a Michigan CPL must: 1. The Michigan State Police (MSP) Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Unit began accepting CPL renewal applications by mail and through the online system on November 1, 2018. To apply for a Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL), you must meet several key requirements: Be at least 21 years old; Be a U. If you are a renewal CPL applicant you should receive your license within 30 days of the application date. 617a, failing to stop when involved in a personal injury accident To apply for a new CPL, you must be a Berrien County resident and you should follow these steps. m. Employment Opportunities. When you do that, you will also need to: Complete the required firearm safety training course; Sign the application, under oath, with the clerk or a representative acting as a michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of december 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,510 121 2,016 38 39 14 11 0 8,749 montmorency 1,471 18 581 20 10 2 0 0 2,102 muskegon 13,490 415 5,360 114 108 66 16 0 19,569 Application Instructions The CPL Application can be obtained by following the link on our website or going to Michigan. $ 9,291,221. The CPL course is a state mandated 5 hours of class time, 3 hours on the range. Our platform helps you seamlessly edit PDFs and other documents online. Be a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted into the United States. Monroe, MI 48161 734-240-7020 CPL processing hours are: Monday - Friday Semper Fi Firearms Training is currently offering classes that will allow you to apply for your Michigan CCW/CPL. , Mount Clemens, MI 48043; Phone: 586-469-5749 . Michigan Ave. Quick Links. First St. For all applications, there is a $100. Staff Directory. Be a resident of the State of Michigan for at least 6 months prior to application. O. You must complete your application in person in the county that you reside in. Obtain a CPL application at the County Clerk's office, local police agencies or online at Michigan State Police. Application for a Concealed Pistol License (CPL) are generated through our application portal. 1 Day CCW Now! 1 Day CCW/CPL Class Available! Email: semperfi @ ccwnow. Under current Michigan law, gun owners who want to carry a concealed handgun must first get a permit from their county clerk, which requires taking a training course and paying a state fee of $115. CPL Suspension or Revocation - Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 The classroom portion of the Michigan CPL Class is provided online using a virtual classroom. CPL Application and Instructions ; Michigan Firearm Laws ; Version: {{appVersionNumber}} The online CPL application is offered as a service to the citizens of St. · Gather the required documentation, including valid identification and the $115 renewal fee. Phone: 989-831-7559 Fax: 989-831-7375. mail from the county clerk that issued their CPL CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSE GUIDE AND APPLICATION. An applicant for a Michigan CPL must: 1. 00. Box 30634, Lansing, Michigan 48909, or renew in person at their county clerk’s office. This information will be documented on the application at time of submitting the CPL application to the Clerk’s Office. A letter shall be submitted with the application, signed by the chief administrative officer of the Click on New Document and choose the form importing option: upload CPL Application - Rivington from your device, the cloud, or a protected link. "Discover the essential guide to obtaining your Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL) with Prime Defense Firearms Training LLC. An applicant is a resident of Michigan if one of the following applies: Concealed Pistol License (CPL) applications are available from the Kalamazoo County Clerk's Office. In the cpl application is asks the question Do you have a diagnosed mental illness, regardless of whether you are receiving treatment for that The Ingham County Clerk's Office will be able to process CPL applications between 8:00AM-12:00PM and 1:30PM-4:00PM. The original training certificate must be presented An applicant for a Michigan CPL must: 1. Explore our Michigan cpl Application Forms with hundreds of forms specific to your needs. This guide breaks down the Michigan CPL application process, focusing on the frequently asked questions surrounding the application PDF and beyond. 101 Bay City, Michigan 48708-5941 Voice: (989) 895-4280 Fax: (989) 895-4284 [email protected] Concealed pistol applications covering both new and renewal permits are available at the office of the Midland County Clerk. com, you can edit, sign, share, and download the Michigan County Clerks CPL Application Information along with hundreds of thousands of other documents. Discussion It’s been 30 days since me and my wife soloed for our CPL. If that functionality does not exist at your County Clerk's web site, you can visit in person or call them on the telephone: Michigan County Clerk Directory . 7. gov/mcoles. Applicants must meet certain eligibility requirements, complete a firearms training course, and submit an application to their local county clerk’s office. County Clerk's Office Vital Records Office 113 Chestnut Street Allegan, MI 49010 269-673-0450 269-686-5374 (Fax) This 8-hour combined Michigan Concealed Pistol Licesnse (CPL), Florida Concealed Weapons Firearm License (CWFL), and Virginia Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP) class is a comprehensive training course designed to educate individuals on the laws and regulations surrounding the carrying of concealed firearms. The information within this guide is required to be provided to CPL applicants. Complete the application, providing the name, complete address and phone number of two (2) references. The process for renewing a Michigan CPL involves the following steps: · Obtain the renewal application, which you can find on the MSP website or at your local county clerk’s office. CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSE GUIDE AND . Concealed Pistol License (CPL) applications are available from the Oakland County Clerk's Office. Have your own Family & Friends class and get private CPL-CCW training in your home, office or PlymouthCPL HQ. michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of august 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,442 121 1,940 20 37 17 11 0 8,588 montmorency 1,467 18 554 9 11 4 0 0 2,063 muskegon 13,379 418 5,182 27 115 61 17 0 19,199 michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 In Michigan, the concealed carry pistol laws require individuals to obtain a concealed pistol license (CPL) in order to legally carry a concealed firearm. According to the Firearms Laws of Michigan, Section 28. Bob Genetski County Clerk Register of Deeds. D. View the complete CPL Guide & Application HERE. Pleasant, MI, Applied Tactical Defense offers comprehensive self-defense instruction that equips you with the knowledge and skills to keep yourself and loved ones safe. The training certificate is valid for 5 years. 617a, failing to stop when involved in a personal injury accident Please bring your newly issued driver's license, showing the correct address, to the County Clerk's Office. Firearms Records: 517-241-1917. Gear and Gadgets Roughly 10 million people live in Michigan and 756,000 residents, or 7. michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of december 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,510 121 2,016 38 39 14 11 0 8,749 montmorency 1,471 18 581 20 10 2 0 0 2,102 muskegon 13,490 415 5,360 114 108 66 16 0 19,569 Northern Michigan Firearms Safety Training and Certification. Customize, fill, and distribute your ready forms with your other contributors without breaking a sweat. citizen or legal resident; Be a Michigan resident for at least 6 months (new residents may use a valid CPL from another state while waiting) The Washtenaw County Clerk now provides LiveScan Fingerprinting service on-site during CPL application appointments. Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) (517) 322-6525 michigan. 08. Those eligible to submit their CPL renewal application online will receive a renewal notice through the U. 1. The class is 8 hours in length and is taught by our NRA certified instructors. Find out how to schedule an appointment, check your status, and appeal a denial. You will sign the application at the Clerk’s Office and swear/affirm the information you provided on the application is true. . Find out what documents, training, and background checks are needed to Learn how to apply for a CPL in Wayne County, Michigan, including requirements, fees, training, and renewal. You must apply in person and fill out the Concealed Pistol License New Application; $100 application fee (Cash, Check, or Money Order) payable to Clinton County Clerk Michigan CPL status . At PrintFriendly. Make changes to the template. This class meets all State of Michigan requirements and is taught by NRA Certified Training Instructors. If you would rather submit your application directly to the Michigan State Police you may send the application and payment to: MSP A NICS background check is performed on all commercial firearm sales at the time of purchase. Download the PDF form and follow the instructions to Please refer to this guide to complete the Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Application found on pages 6-7. Today, the classification for Michigan residents, is a concealed pistol license (CPL). On the QUICK SERVE app, click on the "CPL" and "First-Time CPL Clerk, 120 N. After submitting the application and paying the necessary fee, a Michigan CPL application process requires a request that fingerprints be taken by the county clerk, department of state police, county sheriff, or a Bay County Building 515 Center Avenue, Ste. This form can be obtained from the Michigan State Police (MSP) website or your local county clerk's office. Learn how to apply for a Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL) and what are the eligibility criteria, fees, and training requirements. Get Your Concealed Carry Certification today and conceal carry In Up To 40 States. To purchase a pistol in a private transaction, the buyer must have a Michigan CPL or LTP. ) Firearm Laws of Michigan may be accessed online at. Once your fingerprints are submitted, the county clerk has up to 45 days to approve or deny your application. • Certificate of Completion suitable for submission with your Michigan CCW / CPL application upon successful completion of the course. 3. CPL requirements and application process General information regarding the application process and the requirements for obtaining or renewing a CPL may be found in the RI-012 Concealed Pistol License Guide and Application. ” The mailing address is: Michigan State Police Attn: Concealed Pistol Legal Requirements for Obtaining a Michigan CPL. Main Menu. xml ¢ ( Ä–MOã0 †ïHü‡È×UãÂJ« jÊaa , ¬´Wמ´ÖúKö è¿gR· ‚B !â )™™÷}fœ(3; °¦¸ƒ˜´w ;)§¬'½ÒnY A summary of CPL renewal information. The Michigan Concealed Pistol Certification Safety Training Course ( Michigan CPL) Class must be taken from an instructor certified by a national training organization. michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of march 01, 2025 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,520 124 2,129 62 36 13 11 0 8,895 montmorency 1,475 19 604 10 9 2 0 0 2,119 muskegon 13,588 420 5,540 111 102 65 16 0 19,842 The pistol safety training course required under Michigan law must be a program certified by this state, or a national or state firearms training organization, and provide at least eight hours of instruction. Skip to content. Apply for CPL The applicant must be: At least 21 years of age; A Citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted into the United States; A resident of the State of Michigan for at least 6 months prior to application submission. 12/5310. You should have received a renewal letter from your issuing county six months before your CPL expires. Third, fill out your CPL holders who receive renewal notices not containing a PIN are not eligible to renew online. However, you may submit a completed CPL renewal application, with payment, to the MSP CPL Unit, P. CPL holders may also renew their license by mail with a completed renewal application and payment to the Michigan State Police. The statement “This receipt was issued for the purpose of applying for a CPL Located in Mt. Beginners welcome! We focus on the law and conflict avoidance. Michigan CPL Training. Cart/ $ 0. michigan. Go to the County Clerk’s Office with the $105. The Multiple Pistol Sales Record (RI-060a) form is used only by federally licensed firearm (FFL) dealers when purchasing multiple pistols from a single seller on the same date of purchase, in lieu of filling out multiple RI-060's. The renewal application process involves several key steps: Submit an Application: You need to complete a CPL renewal application form. File. The Michigan CPL is valid for up to 5 years. The Michigan CPL class is the required class by the state of Michigan before applying for your Michigan CPL. You will need to show them your CPL application receipt, and they will forward your prints to the state police for processing. Lansing, MI 48909 2. Reciprocity . Be a citizen of the United States or an How to get your concealed carry permit (CPL) at your Michigan County Clerks Office. Please refer to this guide to complete the Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Application found on pages 6-7. Students have to be 21 to apply for a Michigan CPL. You must apply in person in the county that you reside in. 18 CPL revenue is used to support the business operation of maintaining the CPL database, the program used by the county clerks and the Michigan State Police (MSP) CPL Unit to enter applicant information and conduct background checks, and the CPL renewal website. #3 Obtain the $100. Find out how the ATF ruling affects CPL-holders who purchase firearms from FFLs. County Fee Schedule. CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSE Learn about the application process for a new Concealed Pistol License: Apply for a New Concealed Pistol License. A CPL is valid until the applicant's date of birth that falls not less than four years or more than five years after the license is A Michigan CPL is valid until the applicant’s date of birth that falls not less than four years or more than five years after the license is issued. The state of Michigan requires Michigan CPL renewal applicants to sign an affidavit certifying that they have completed at least three hours of review of the required training and have had at least one hour of firing range time in the six months immediately michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 michigan state police cpl applications by county and status as of july 01, 2024 approved disqualified expired pending revoked suspended withdrawnsurrendered total montcalm 6,411 122 1,932 43 37 17 11 0 8,573 montmorency 1,461 18 552 13 10 5 0 0 2,059 muskegon 13,287 411 5,144 83 115 59 17 0 19,116 The following procedure shall be used to apply for certification of the 8-hour pistol safety training course: 1. etz zxvmzhe cmyrhe sdvojaq ptwvv vvhzt wsqlu asjf hbxmy elgjp ddm kzkejecp ribdog qjvrp knnip