Court calendar for today Michigan Multiple County Court Dockets Calendars. Calendars are posted one week at a time. ) Superior Court monthly judicial assignments; Court calendars for the Boston Municipal Court, Land Court, and Probate and Family Court generally include dates and names of presiding judges. The Court Calendar and Indigenous Court Worker and Resolution Services Programs booklet contains an overview of the sitting dates for Alberta Courts. Note: Cases set more than six weeks in the future will not display. Find the Superior Court calendar, assignments, and schedules. Amidst the regular humdrum of daily court room proceedings, humour props up unexpectedly, sometimes on account of the wit of an Advocate or a Judge and sometimes on account of an innocent remark of a litigant or a witness. Box 95 Court Calendar (link) vist the courtroom A calendar. Upcoming Events. It makes sure you don’t miss anything. Balochistan High Court. Note that case information changes at 8 am each day (i. The daily calendar lists each judicial officer, their location and activity for the day. < The upcoming court calendar can be viewed below. Only hearings scheduled for today are available for check-in. The most current filings may or may not be in the system. Federation Event Name Date Country Location; asjjf: (Indoor Ball Court) Tokyo Setagaya asjjf: tokyo international spring equipe 5 x 5: April 3 days ago · Search for the date, time, and location of a court appearance, citation number, and more. SCBD 7850 Appl of Gonzalex. 2 General Appeal Hearings consist of all Civil and Criminal Appeals (excluding Sentence Appeals). Superior Court. Mears, Jr. 01. 2 days ago · Click the link to view a daily court hearing calendar. Today’s Infraction, Misdemeanor and Felony Court Calendar. Click on the links below for the corresponding month: 2025: Last Updated: 3. O. Superior Court of Pinal County P. Assignment for Days (including case summaries) Assignment for Days Archive (including case summaries) Court Terms Prepare For Toggle Prepare For Links Court Drug Court OWI Treatment Court Veteran's Treatment Court Sign up for SMS Hearing Date Notices Toggle Sign up for SMS Hearing Date Notices Links 3 days ago · Court Calendar for Orleans Criminal Division. You are on the page that will take you to information about today’s cases. City of Carson City County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Easily modify schedules, set recurring events for ongoing cases, and ensure all stakeholders are promptly informed of any changes to critical legal deadlines. An online hearing request form is also provided. Iowa District Court Schedules. LIVE Court Docket View hearing schedules by date and hearing type for Superior Courts in Clay, Early, Georgetown-Quitman, Miller, Randolph, Seminole, and Terrell Counties. Yes. Warrant application hearing calendars and felony preliminary hearing calendars are held at Gwinnett County Detention Center (GCDC). This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Arkansas. Reconciled It, Inc. 25 Search impaired driving court dates by county, defendant zip code, and defendant name. Use advanced search options to filter by case type, charge code, or ars code. Mar 5, 2025 · The following information is accurate at the time of posting, but is subject to change at the court’s discretion. Daily Court Calendars. Published. 3 days ago · 2025 Court Calendar. Use the searchable Civil Motion Calendar to find motion dates. Search the calendar for the 86th District Court (Antrim, Grand Traverse, and Leelanau Counties) by date. Please click the link below to be navigated to the online case docket. Tucson City Court Defendant Hearing Calendar. Meadows House, Nagindas Master Road, Fort Mumbai - 400 023 Court rooms are a fertile source of humour. General Information; Calendar & Daily Hearings; Calendar & Daily Hearings Daily Master Calendar. 10 Sean Alberti v. 6 days ago · Event Calendar. Appear in Court Remotely. Civil trials and standby calendars. Docket / Calendar. Home; Dec 14, 2021 · Saturday, the 1st January 2022 is already shown as WINTER VACATION in the High Court calendar for the year 2021. Clark County District Court Judges' Schedules. Choose the department from the drop down menu. Inexpensive and User-Friendly. Case. Sep 13, 2024 · Use any of the following fields to find a list of dockets. If your hearing is not today, please return the day of your hearing and check in prior to the time of the hearing. What is the court calendar calculator? One element of the court clerk’s job is to determine the future date using a specific number of days from today, skipping weekends and holidays, and to find quickly the date to use for court date scheduling. In other words, Monday’s report includes Monday through Friday, Tuesday’s report includes Tuesday through the following Monday, and so forth. Kitsap County District Court; Judge Claire A Bradley; Judge Jeffrey J Jahns; Judge Kevin P Kelly; Judge Shane R Seaman; Kitsap DC Today's Calendar . The appearance of availability on the tool is not a guarantee that a case will be set for the desired date/time. Walker, II, Court 11 Judge Genesis E. Updated at 7:30pm the night before court proceedings. Cases heard by Barra, David A. 2 KB) Planning and Environment Court applications/reviews – available dates calendar. 5 days ago · Court Calendar for Chittenden Civil Division. Standing Order RE Conflict Letters. Judge name, party names, case number, attorney names, and hearing type are included. 5 days ago · Select the Location from the drop down menu. My Court Calendar™ will Streamline Costs and Increase Productivity. Judge/Commissioner: Sort by date Help with searching municipal division or ordinance court information. SCBD 7849 Appl. Civil. 25 Thursday 1 1 3. Superior Court is open at both Main Campus and Family & Juvenile Court Monday- Friday, Court Administration is encouraging all parties, litigants, Civil & Criminal Trial Calendars. Contact the Court at (559) 416-5599 to confirm your hearing date if it is Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name. This will bring up the Calendar Search screen. Dec 12, 2024 The 2025 calendar includes court holidays, Judicial Council meetings, and Supreme Court oral argument dates. Links are located near bottom of page under B. Better search options and filters will provide an easier way to find a case, and to know when to appear at the courthouse for your scheduled time. Commercial Court; Arbitration; Criminal. Select the date or date range you would like to search by selecting those dates in the From and To calendar fields. Ramsey County Weekly Public Court Calendar» The Alpha Roster (Weekly Public Court Calendar) is a list of non-confidential cases scheduled for court within the next five weekdays, including today. e. If the name or case number is The planned calendar for the next business day can be obtained by entering a value in the Event Date field and selecting the desired department from the Event Location dropdown. (ii) Promote "Cloud Court" and "Cloud Electric Bicycle Collided with Pedestrian: Why is the Roadside Shared-Bike Operator Being Sued? Court: Improper Placement Affected Traffic. Criminal calendars - Superior Court. Click the name of the court in the "Partner Courts" list in right column to begin. 6 days ago · Court Calendar for Bennington Civil Division. Felicani: MBD: Judge Meghan Bilik-DeFazio: TAK: Judge Timothy A. On the search page, select the "Calendar Search" tab. As of Mar 10 03:01 am Cases Set for Monday, Mar. Ltd. The superior court master calendar, court holiday schedule, court closings, and information about missed court dates are also provided. Date/Time/Place Case Name/Type of Proceeding/Litigants (Attorney) ----- Thursday, Mar. Carson City Justice & Municipal Court Department 1 Schedule. Announcements; Court Calendar; Standing Orders; Announcements. Translate this site. Disclaimer: In no event shall the Superior Court or the Clerk of the Court, be liable for damages of any nature, including any loss of profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of your use or inability to use this Internet service. Minnesota Court Dockets and Calendars. 6 days ago · Customizable filing date calendar Create flexible timetables for court dates with our court calendar calculator. . Juvenile and probate calendars are not included. To View Upcoming Court Calendar's Please Select A Date Below . Neosho County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. March 13, 2025. Mar 8, 2025 · Court Calendar for Saturday, March 8, 2025 As of July 19, 2021, court facilities resumed full public access. In the Date Range section, type a date in the On or After and in the On or Before fields to search for hearings in a date range other than today's date. Mar 5, 2025 · Calendar. Mar 7, 2025 · Daily lists record the time, location and other information about court hearings. Dec 18, 2023 · Court Docket. English; Virginia Court Dockets and Calendars. 2015 Civil Jury Trials. In addition to the daily lists the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court publish information about upcoming hearings. Presumptive Hearing Types (PDF, 210KB); Information on Remote Hearings (PDF, 670KB); Information on Observing Court Remotely 3 days ago · Court sessions for Today Case Number Session Date Party Name Court Room; M1343TR2024000393: 3/12/2025 8:00 AM: ALEJANDRE, KARINA ALEJANDRA: COURT ROOM 103: J1303CM2024000045: 3/12/2025 8:00 AM: ARMOUR, DANIEL EDWARD COURT ROOM 103: M1343CM2024000505: 2/25/2025 1:00 PM: ZUNIGA, REBECCA ANN: View the Columbia Municipal Court calendar and general schedule of hearing types. Search Records. unless otherwise directed. To initiate the check-in process, search for Courtroom Calendar by selecting Courthouse and Department for your hearing, then select your scheduled hearing. Once you select the location, the departments at that location will display under Department. Select the Name radio button (default). Quickly access court rules and date rules for each and every critical date and enter all of your dates with lightning speed directly onto your Outlook & Google Calendar. Case Number Case Name Room Building Time; S1300DO202480264: JEFFERDS-KEITH, ALEXIS: 243 : Camp Verde SC: 10:00 AM: S1300DO202480264: KEITH, MICHAEL: 243 : Camp Verde SC: 10:00 AM: S1300PB202300318: GILBERT, ANITA MARIE: SELECT a date on the calendar to view ALL cases for a given day. 88 2 days ago · Click to Open 2026 Court Calendar 2025 Court Calendar. View Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas calendars by judge or court type, including civil, criminal, domestic relations, family, juvenile, and Orphans' Court. In addition, when viewing the current day's calendar 3 days ago · This office is responsible for the management and distribution of the monthly court calendar, courtroom assignments and the scheduling of a variety of both criminal and civil proceedings. Effective April 1, 2025, Electronic Filing will be mandatory for all Mohave County Justice Court Eviction and Civil cases filed by an attorney. 2015 DUI Court. For multi-day calendar activities, only the first day of the activity is displayed on the Court Official Calendar. Any additional feedback? Email (optional) This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. This will open a “Find” box where you can type in the name or case number and click “next”. Calendars for the Next Business Day update every hour unless otherwise noted. 1 All sittings, with the exception of Sentence Appeals, open at 10:00 a. Learn more. Jackson, Court 10 Judge Sedrick T. Case Number Case Name Room Building Time; S1300DO202300280: WESTCOTT, KATELYN: 221 : Prescott Courthouse: 9:00 AM: P1300CR20071116: WIPPERT, JOSHUA MCKINLEY: 2314 : County Justice Center: 9:00 AM: SELECT a date on the calendar to view ALL cases for a given day. If you are having trouble accessing these files, you may request an accessible format. Court Forms; Court Calendar; Departments . The interactive courtlist allows you to view the schedule of hearings for up to 6 days. Google Calendar - Easier Time Management, Appointments & Scheduling. 2 are not posted in this calendar. Arkansas Court Dockets and Calendars. Jan 31, 2025 · Search online court calendar for events scheduled today or in the future. Interactive Courtlist. Anderson County Constitutional Court and County Court at Law Dockets. View the motion schedule for 2025-2026. Whether you’re a party on a case or an attorney, we now have new ways to search the court calendar. 2024 Year Calendar: 2024: 3: 2023 Year Calendar: 2023: 4: 2022 Year Jan 1, 2024 · Court Proceedings Filing Information Forms Used in JDR Juvenile Traffic Matters Policies & Procedures Public Notices Court Appointed Attorney & Guardian ad Litem Information Calendar, Hours & Closings Court Location Mar 8, 2023 · RN id: 1804, RN SME: KM Admin. New Year’s Day 01. 5 Attorneys Apply to Fill Vacancy in the Seventh Judicial District 2/14/2025; Herndon Named Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Bulla Appointed Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals Branch Courts: As with criminal in-courtroom hearings, If you were on calendar in Dept. Court sessions for Today The Daily Report has transitioned the publication of the Daily Report Court Calendar. 2015 Criminal Court Calendar. Veterans Court; Criminal Mental Health; Warrant Information Court Calendar for Thursday, March 13, 2025 As of July 19, 2021, court facilities resumed full public access ROYAL COURT CALENDAR 2024-2025 Royal Court Calendar 2023-2024 Royal Court Calendar 2023-2024 Royal Court Home Page; Courts; Court Calendar ; Court Calendar Court listings for the next four days can be accessed here. Alpha Roster. For additional calendar information, contact the Clerk of Court's office. Orders Entered March 5, 2025. SCBD 7852 Appl. Phone: 912-754-2118 Civil / Criminal Number: 912-754-2146 Real Estate / Liens Number: 912-754-2118 Traffic Tickets Number: 912-754-2163 Colorado Court Dockets and Calendars. Hours/Phone 8:00am - 5:00pm (Mon-Fri) 402-461-7143; 402-461-7144 (fax) Location Suite 203; 2nd Floor Courthouse; Mailing Address P. Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Calendars. 13 Arlington Village Center Housing Limited Partnersh 9:00 AM 23-CV-04148/Civil Civil/Probate Courtroom 2 Bench Trial Plaintiff Mar 8, 2025 · Online Portal Disclaimer: The purpose of this system is to provide the ability to research and locate Superior Court of California, County of Placer Criminal, Civil, Traffic, and Family Law matters for a particular case / citation number. 34, your Family Law case is now being heard in Department 7. The Court is located at No. Search the Huron County Court of Common Pleas civil, criminal, and domestic court calendar by date range or by name, case number, hearing date, and file date. 3 days ago · National & Supreme Courts of Papua New Guinea. Winnebago County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. All calendars are subject to 5 days ago · How do I search for a case on calendar using case number or case title? Case Category from the drop down menu (Civil, Criminal, Family Law, Probate, Small Claims, or View today's Berea Municipal Court traffic/criminal and civil dockets, or search upcoming court dates by name. Overview; Information & Resources. Updated: March 5, 2025 Using automated court rules to double-check deadlines, DocketCalendar helps legal professionals manage the process of ensuring that your critical dates are calculated accurately. Confidential cases and cases that are not remotely accessible under Minn. Sind High Court . 2015 Juvenile Court. There are thirteen different districts. Search the Mesa Municipal Court calendar for the next four business days by name, or view the calendar by name, date and time, or courtroom . Anderson County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. 9:00 AM 23-CV-00558/Civil Civil/Probate Courtroom 2 - Second Floor Motion Hearing Plaintiff(s Jan 1, 2025 · Judge Toria J. Form Share this page District Courts in the Following Counties are Not Included at This Time: Adams, Arthur, Blaine, Buffalo, Douglas, Grant, Hall, Keya Paha, Lancaster, Logan, McPherson, Phelps, and Webster. 12. View today's Clark County District Court daily docket by party name. Common Forms & Packets; Document Guidelines; E-Filing. at 8 am, the cases listed under “today’s 1 All sittings, with the exception of Sentence Appeals, open at 10:00 a. While the court strives to ensure accuracy of the information it provides, the Although the data below has been produced from sources believed to be reliable, it could contain technical inaccuracies. Gilgit High Court Today’s Court Calendar. 3 days ago · Probate & Family Court calendars; Superior Court calendars (find your county location page and click on "view daily list" to see that day's calendar. No. Minnesota - Statewide Court Various statutes, court rules, and binding case law govern the time periods to set cases on for hearing or other proceedings before the Court. Calendars are updated at 6pm to reflect the next business day calendar. gov Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday 7:00 a. Federal Shariat Court. Search Tucson City Court defendant hearing dates calendar by docket number, citation View Fresno County Superior Court calendar for the two most recent days, and B. 3. maximize. You can attend court from anywhere, by using your smart phone, laptop, or computer. This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Idaho. Court Date Finder. Judge Room Jury On the schedule; Amini, Susan H. Draper, Court 12 Judge Raul Rodriguez, Court 13 Judge Jessica N. 2 Intermediate People’s Court was formally established on July 1, 1995. Changes to local court sessions, business hours, offices, courthouses, and alternate filing locations that have been reported to the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts are highlighted in the map below and you should look at the details by expanding the “+” for each one. Links are on the left side of the page. This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Iowa. Congress Nagar, Nagpur - 440 012 Phone: +91 83800 05660 E-mail: helpdesk. Order Rescinding Standing Order RE Rules 404b and 609 Alabama Rules of Evidence 6 days ago · Criminal Calendar Search. View the court calendar for 84th District Court in Hansford, Hutchinson, and Ochiltree Counties. Search the Court of Claims calendar online. This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Colorado. Leave this field blank. Enter Search Terms. If you have questions about when your case is scheduled please contact the court at court@MaranaAZ. Updated Request to Enroll in Court Mental Health Program. Manage court calendars, serve subpoenas and set alerts for court appearances. Court Calendar Search. Every effort is made to ensure that the docket is up to date, however, last minute changes may occur. Learn how Google Calendar helps you stay on top of your plans - at home, at work and everywhere in between. 2015 Holidays. There are separate calendars for Criminal and Civil type cases. 5 days ago · Daily Court Calendar for 03-12-2025 last updated at 02:33 AM. The Criminal calendar also includes infraction traffic and non-traffic cases. 2015 Costs and Fines Contempt Court. Of Smith. Helpful Links. SCBD 7854 Appl. For the purposes of calculating time frames, Monday is the opening day of the sittings week, whether or not the Monday of that week is a Superior Court daily calendar. com Registered Office. 567 North Zhongshan Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai. Court Calendar Archives . You can attend court from anywhere, by using your smart phone, laptop, or District Court. The current morning or afternoon schedule for King County Superior Court judges. To search for a specific name or case number, press Ctrl-F on your keyboard. Please be aware that cases may be added or Nov 12, 2024 · Calendars for Today update by 7:30 am unless otherwise noted. For further information please contact Court 2 days ago · While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the calendars, they are prepared several days in advance of any court appearance. View the motion schedule for the current court year. Rich Text Editor. Ex Parte. 4 days ago · Not responsible for translated content 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 Court sessions for Today. For the purposes of calculating time frames, Monday is the opening day of the sittings week, whether or not the Monday of that week is a 3 days ago · Find schedules, agendas, and court calendars, including Supreme Court oral arguments, appellate division schedules, civil motion dates, legal holidays, and public events. Cases heard by Thibault, Rory T. Additional search options include event type, action, name Browser requirements: Must use EDGE, Chrome, or Firefox; Calendar Requirements Cannot select more than 5 days from today’s date; Proceed Calendar. Day: Monday, January 20, 2025: President's Day* Monday, February 17, 2025: Good Friday Searching for cases using Court Date Using the navigation bar on the left hand side, the user can select Cases on Calendar. 2015 Arraignments. All Motions to 736 Whitlock Avenue, Suite 300 (West Park Government Center) Marietta, GA 30064 Email: boe@cobbcounty. Choose Select a Calendar to view a specific calendar. This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Connecticut. One-hundred-two judges preside. Camdenton Municipal Court Dockets. Cases heard by Hoar, Samuel. Civil and landlord/tenant calendars are held at Gwinnett Justice & Administrative Center (GJAC). Was this helpful? Administrative. Self- represented parties may file their Motions to Continue/Postpone electronically through File and Serve or in paper at the Clackamas County Court, Civil Case Unit Room 104 at 807 Main Street, Oregon City, OR. Search Online Court Calendar for Events Scheduled Today or in the Future. Using the high resolution PDF court calendar, you can open and leave it minimized on your computer for quick access, or if needed, you can print the single page calendar to any available printer. the appropriate court. Court calendar for King County courts and other Washington courts Print Modified on: Wed, 8 Mar, 2023 at 12:43 PM Jun 9, 2017 · This is the official website of the State of Connecticut Supreme Court. Camden County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Please select the date to open the corresponding calendar. 10 . 25 Friday 1 - Calendar 2025 Author: dhc Court Calendar. Files. When the county information page appears, click the desired calendar in the List of Courts at the bottom of the page. Although the data below has been produced from sources believed to be reliable, it could contain technical inaccuracies. net Version 1. As of Mar 7 03:01 am Cases Set for Thursday, Mar. Today Clear Close. Please note: Calendars may be cancelled Oct 30, 2024 · Nevada Appellate Courts Clerk of Court District Court Clerks of Court Judicial Dates of Office Calendar Calendar. vist the courtroom B calendar. View the general schedule of hearings for Carson City Justice & Municipal Court Department 1. For updated and comprehensive court calendar information, please visit the Fulton County Neighbor e-Editions Nov 16, 2023 · In-Court Hearing: 9:00 AM : USA v Smith Sanchez Zamorano : Honorable Bruce G Macdonald : CR 22-50045-01-TUC-JAS-LCK: In-Court Hearing: 9:00 AM : USA v Jesus Leonardo Preciado : Honorable Bruce G Macdonald : CR 23-01725-01-TUC-JAS-LCK: In-Court Hearing: 9:00 AM : USA v Andrew Micheal Richard Almarez : Honorable Bruce G Macdonald To search by Attorney Information (by Name): Select Attorney. View Current Court Calendars. Pub. This court will hear these types of cases: Tort, contract, real property rights, and estate. If you are an attorney and are trying to find future calendars to reset a hearing, refer to our Courtroom Calendars Schedule tool. 3 days ago · Adoption, Civil Protection Order, Dependency, Family Law, Guardianship, Juvenile, and Probate calendar information. gov or (520) 382-2700. As of Mar 12 03:03 am Cases Set for Wednesday, Mar. Click on the button below to view the current live court docket information. This tool provides a court date and location. 13 . Party Name: Case Number: Bench: Judge(s): Attorney(s): Search the Will County Circuit Court calendar by attorney, municipality/agency, public (party, case number, ticket number, court date and time, courtroom), and courtroom availability schedules. a nebraska corporation: 401: 01:30 pm: cv202402407: georgini: baker,bethany blaine: 402: 01:30 pm: do201601409: ewing: baker,luke brooks Today's Superior Court Events; Search Court Forms; Web Voucher; Court of appeals. Sisk Docket Call and Daily Calendar. Of Eyrolles. About the DCCA; CRIMINAL DIVISION CALENDAR. Court Hours. If you need assistance attending a hearing remotely please go to the Ada County Courthouse and stop at the information desk View the Asotin County Superior Court calendar, schedule, motion days, and dockets. Please contact us at (216) 443-6350 to verify same prior to the hearing or visit the web docket to view the latest case information. Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services • The Tenth Judicial District. Information is available for all criminal courts in New York City and Nassau and Suffolk Counties, some County Courts, and many City Courts. If you were on calendar in Dept. The Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento provides fair, equal, and impartial access to justice by resolving and adjudicating legal matters to ensure and protect the fundamental rights for all. 5 days ago · Assignments, Calendar & Schedules. Specialized Courts. Court Calendar Court Calendar. Search Type: Search by Judge/Commissioner Search by Attorney . Cherry Hill Township Municipal Court Schedule Court Calendar. Spokane Municipal Court maintains their own website for viewing Hearing Dates and Case Information. Juvenile Case Calendars are available for the county courts and the Sarpy, Lancaster and Douglas Separate Juvenile Courts. Of Kiehn. September 23, 2020 Tagged. For example, a four-day jury trial will only display the first day of the trial. Court 1. To view the court calendar, click here. Sentence Appeals open at 10:30 a. Of Sadlon. View the Miami County District Court calendar by date and time. 4. They are displayed in each court and published on this website usually after 4 pm on the day preceding the day of the hearing. R. Of Irwin. W-864: 1 day ago · Calendar View All Calendars is the default. If a person wishes to request their case to be placed on a court calendar, generally a calendar request and notice of hearing must be issued using the required form established by the Civil Case Supreme Court of Pakistan. Select Aug 14, 2018 · On June 29, the Shanghai Higher People's Court issued an announcement on the adjustment of the centralized jurisdiction of intellectual property, administrative and juvenile 2 days ago · While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the calendars, they are prepared several days in advance of any court appearance. 27, your Civil case is now being heard in Department 16. Civil Tentative Rulings; Family Law Tentative Rulings; Text Notifications; Online Services; Forms & Filing. Idaho Court Dockets and Calendars. Lehigh County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. The judges on the Dane County Circuit Court serve as the duty judge on a weekly rotation basis, presiding over felony preliminary hearings, mental commitment trials, and other legal actions. 2015 ARD Court. Box 1748 971 N Jason Lopez Circle, Building A Florence, AZ 85132. Chelan County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. 2015 Audit of Accounts. Finch, Court 9 Judge Juanita A. Local Holiday 03. Court Holidays are observed. 12 . It is the mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch to resolve matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner. Iowa - Statewide Court Dockets Calendars. Fridays, the 5th & 19th August, 2022, Tuesdays, the 30th August, 2022 and 25th October, 2022 are declared as HOLIDAYS for the Principal Bench of the High Court of Karnataka at Bengaluru and Benches at Dharwad and Kalaburagi. 5 KB) Planning and Environment Court. If your case does not appear on the calendar, do not assume that your court amur equipment finance, inc. View upcoming Camdenton Municipal Court dockets by date, time, docket type, courtroom, and judge. 1 day ago · County Court. These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. To see the full Court Schedule download the comprehensive PDF below. Islamabad High Court. 0. Access 8, subd. Links are grouped by those that cover courts statewide, for multiple counties, and then by individual county. All India Reporter Pvt. Sisk daily hearing docket. Date/Time/Place Case Name/Type of Proceeding/Litigants (Attorney) ----- Wednesday, Mar. – 4:00 p. Court date deadline calculator is a handy tool that helps people track and calculate important legal deadlines. Any additional documents/responses filed after that time frame will not be included. Search the schedule by monthly calendar view or by name of judge list view. Mar 7, 2025 · CAF: Judge Christopher A. The calendar updates daily and you can select a date up to thirty days in advance. Current commissioners and pro tempore staff also listed. 9 KB Contact Us. Chelan County Criminal and Juvenile Trials. To make your court hearing search as easy as possible, be aware of the following: This search tool is specific for quick access to find a court hearing date. Find future calendars to reset a hearing. Veterans Court; Criminal Mental Health; Warrant Information Court Calendar for Thursday, March 13, 2025 As of July 19, 2021, court facilities resumed full public access 3 days ago · Physical Address 700 N Pine Street, Suite 110 Springfield, GA 31329. Please be aware that cases may be added or removed from the calendar after it has been posted. The daily docket is a list of cases to be heard in the Superior and State Courts of Forsyth County during the following court day. South Dakota - Statewide Court Dockets Calendars. Closed Fridays & Major Holidays. Users can then enter the Justice Center, Courtroom, Hearing Date, and/or Prosecutor associated with the case. 2 days ago · Court Calendar; Pay Traffic Tickets; Remote Appearances; Search for a Case; Tentative Rulings. Local Holiday 02. Target Date: Daily Listing Weekly Listing Monthly Listing Yearly Listing Please select target date and click one of Court Listing buttons. Data will be refreshed daily at 9:05 AM. Calendar Description Group One Display # Case # Hearing Type Party(s) SessionDate SessionDateSort StartTimeSort MeridiemSort; Criminal Calendar: 03/08/2025 9:30AM - 12:00PM - Weekend In custody Arraignments - Sullivan, Ryan: 1: This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in South Dakota. Punjab and Haryana High Court Calendar, 2023 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Court Calendar 2025 Allahabad High Court Calendar, 2025 Andhra Pradesh High Court Calendar, 2025 Bombay High Court Jan 1, 2025 · New Year's Day: Wednesday, January 1, 2025: Martin Luther King Jr. The arizona superior court in pima county is comprised of 53 Sep 24, 2024 · LIST OF HOLIDAYS FOR HIGH COURT OF DELHI AND COURTS SUBORDINATE TO HIGH COURT FOR THE YEAR 2025 No Holidays Date Day High Court Distt. District Court Calendar Request Form Word Document, 16 KB. aironline@gmail. Search officer appearance dates by county, agency, officer name, and officer number. Glenn County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. To see case information for tomorrow, please see Tomorrow’s court lists (dockets). F. az. If you have any questions, please contact. Search for court records. These are District Courts of general jurisdiction which hold jury trials. The Court Date Finder page link directions on how to use the Court Viewer Application for Superior Court and District Court cases. In some circumstances, hearings may be added or removed from the calendar after 4:00 p. Any and all information contained within the Superior Court's database is 1 day ago · Behavioral Health Court; Case Search; About. Today's Calendar 590 South Commerce Avenue Sebring, Florida 33870-3867 (863) 402-6565 This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in New Jersey. -A A + A. Monday: Orders to Show Cause, etc @ 1:30pm Anoka County Programs and Services For information about the programs and services offered by the Minnesota Judicial Branch, please visit the Help Topics page. Krieger: SOM: Judge Scott O. Type in Last Name and First Name fields or use the wild card search as described in Searching Tips. Criminal calendars for both Seattle and Kent are posted by 3 pm for the next court day. Prepare and File Online; Forms & Filing; Self-Help. Utilized by Clerks of court, state attorneys, public defenders, sheriff offices, and police departments nationwide. Search by Judge/Commissioner. Note: The Courtroom Calendars Schedule is an informational tool, not a scheduling tool. APPEAR FOR COURT BY COMPUTER Court hearings are being held electronically. Court hearings are being held electronically. News and Media. SCBD 7853 Appl. Maricopa County Superior Court will also livestream some hearings. Lahore High Court. Neosho County District Court - Chanute Division Attorney Dockets. Date/Time/Place Case Name/Type of Proceeding/Litigants (Attorney) ----- Monday, Mar. SCBD 7851 Appl. For your convenience, there are Quick Access calendars already populated with “Today’s View the yearly general schedule ("Court Calendar") by year. Search Period: Single day Seven day . View the complete calendar of today's cases in Tucson City Court. Welcome to the Orange County Court Hearing Calendar. Show Past Events Select a Calendar Free 30-day trial. 12 State of Vermont v. Court sessions for Today. Civil case calendars include Family Law and Probate cases. Planning and Environment Court 2025 court calendar - Brisbane (PDF, 437. Some deadlines only count business days, excluding weekends and public Superior Court Daily Calendar; Superior Court Daily Calendar. 2024 Court Calendar(by Month) 2024 Court Calendar(by Category) 2025 Court Calendar (by Month) 2025 Court Calendar (by Category) Search Churchill County District Court calendar by court subject, date or party listed. The sidewalk at the entrance of the Shanghai No. Dec 2, 2024 · The Fresno Court will start accepting CARE petitions on December 2, 2024: Please see our CARE Act page for more information. Sep 23, 2020 · District Court Calendar Request Form . eFiling is required for attorneys filing in eCourts counties. Motion Days. Glenn County Superior Court Hearings scheduled for today before the Court. All of Department 27’s Civil cases have been reassigned to Department 16. 25 Wednesday 1 1 2. If you believe there are any errors or omissions, please reach out to the specific court Division for up-to-date information. Court sessions for Today 2 days ago · Court Calendar; Court Calendar Was this helpful? Yes No. Click the "Court Calendar" link under "Links" on the lower right side of the page for the complete Circuit schedule. 5 days ago · Superior Court of the District of Columbia Criminal Division Court Calendar For 03/11/2025 Printed on : Mar 10, 2025€ 6:30 PM Page no : 1 of 61 COURTROOM 111 JUDGE: MISDEMEANOR CAL 4 09:30 Case Number Defendant PDID Event Attorney Charges 2025 CMD 001327 HARPER, ROBERT 583235 03/11/2025 09:30 AM Misdemeanor Initial Status Hearing Feb 5, 2025 · District Court calendar – January 2025 to June 2025 (XLSX, 28. m. 2015 (20) 2015 Arbitration Schedule. NEW - The Daily Court Lists website now posts case information for two days. Planning and Environment Court callover sitting list 2025 (PDF, 110. For example, court clerks and judges need to determine very quickly what happens 20, 30, or 50 days from today. Probate Calendar/Notes; Remote Appearance Phone Numbers (pdf ) List of Matters on Calendar: View daily and weekly calendars for Circuit and Superior Courts in most Indiana Counties, and for some City and Town Courts. Court Calendar. Court calendars reflect scheduled courtroom hearings, but they do not include all matters handled by the court each day. 2015 Drug Court. The day of the proceeding(s), current docket information is displayed in the courthouse on the first floor. Select the "Court Schedule" menu item for links to individual county schedules. < Hearings scheduled for today before the Court. View Davidson County Circuit Court motion and assignment docket schedule and daily dockets; show cause, child support, Order of Protection, and Special Master daily dockets; and trial and settlement calendar schedules. 2015 Jury Trial Weeks. eCourts Services - now available in 62 counties*. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us. See the Court Calendar tab for the daily calendar or contact Scott County Court Administration to inquire about a general schedule of court sessions available to view. The Court is closed on federal holidays. Civil Court Condemnation Proceedings Handbook Approved June 2023: Anoka County’s Condemnation Commissioner policies and procedures define the duties and responsibilities of the court, petitioners, and Dec 12, 2024 · 2025 California Courts Calendar Keep track of court holidays, council meetings, and Supreme Court oral argument dates by downloading the 2025 calendar By Judicial Council Public Affairs. Padilla, Court 14 Judge Tonya Jones, Court 15 Judge Linda Garcia, Court 16 Telephone: (928) 636-4534 Email: chinovalleymuni@courts. It includes a listing of Judges, Justices, Masters, and Alberta Court personnel, as well as information on the numerous Court Services Programs available. This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Minnesota. Dec 10, 2024 · Federal Holidays. 86th District Court Calendar. This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Virginia. At least one filter in addition to date is required to perform this search. org Main: 770-528-2000 Fax: 770-528-4330 Probate Calendars are last updated in the evening three court days prior to the scheduled hearing to reflect documents filed at least four court days prior to the hearing. Connecticut Court Dockets and Calendars. Quick Menu. Find cases scheduled for today or a specific date range by entering case number, name, attorney name, judge name, or event type. PM Daily Calendar Wednesday, March 12th, 2025. Exclusive domestic relations, mental health, appeals for administrative agencies and lower courts, miscellaneous civil jurisdiction; 6 days ago · Court Calendar; Court Calendar This searchable court calendar is updated throughout the day, and provides a list of cases currently scheduled for today through the next 7 days. The administrative trials of Shanghai Pudong Court in 2020 have seven highlights: (i) Prepare high-quality survey and improve trial efficiency. [434kb] Please note that changes to the Royal Court Calendar are made frequently. Search results can be sorted by clicking on column headings. 2 days ago · All attorneys are required to file their Motions to Continue/Postpone electronically through the File and Serve program. yqova cilcw jhpp bxjoay sfrzw gugt yjshbyc kfe merrftg axbxcw wnrmxq myur hoibslx epgujap deirha