Anytone 878 contact list. 26 into my 878 downloaded from radioid.
Anytone 878 contact list Great experience! True plug and play! Plugged it in, turned it on and it worked. digital (above) but the search function isn't very good. Hello. net, Ukraine only Then convert contacts to . " Hola amigos, aquí les informo de como bajar y actualizar las listas de contactos de tu walkie Anytone, 868, 878 y 878 Plus. Now you can easily avail good deals when buying Walkie Talkie from Contact Anytone +86-595-2265 6926 ken6833@qxdz. Here, you can download worldwide codeplugs for your Anytone DMR radio. json file from radioid. 99 Quick demo of updating Anytone DMR contact list using KF5IW's online resource. All Messages By Error] message. net/database/dumpsBRIDGECOM CPShttps://support. Be sure to designate Group Call and Private Call appropriately for each Feb 1, 2022 · Andrea IZ3WNH has just published a brand-new tool on the web app: it is a custom DMR Contact List Generator supporting several DMR radios, Anytone included!. And I'm not sure im using it write. Imported and saved with D-878 CPS; Updated Digital Contact List; Changed PNW parrot TG to 9998; Changed WCSO ACS zone to WECG, listing channels in same order as WECG freq list; Click Ok and then check both boxes Digital Contact List and Other Data. Fast service. Learn crucial tips on saving your current settings, performing the update without errors, and ensuring a smooth process. Contacts do appear to be working as they should. Such as "repeater" and "repeater-1". Mods - 868, 878 and Mods 578: 12c. 17. ly/2BTTTY7Follow us on Fa Rx group lists are good if you to control which talk groups you're monitoring, and if those talk groups all exist on the same timeslot, as it uses whatever slot is programmed into the channel you're currently using. NØGSG Contact Manager Software AnyTone JSON to . It really gives you a lot of flexibility that the Anytone CPS doesn't have. ly/ 15. My Anytone 878 and GD77 with CLIP-14 style belt-clip buttons installed 160x128 blank bmp image for the Anytone D878UV boot screen. csv radio specific format Supports formats from radio: Anytone 878 UV II plus TYT MD-9600 RETEVIS RT90 Assistance with Contact List I am in need of some assistance. Alias Data Format - ISO-8 should be used. Contact-List aus einer der Quellen laden und speichern. In CPS i can write it without any problems. . Amazon. If you're creating your own hotspot and radio combination, you Should get latest dmr-id contacts from radioid. This makes it a versatile option for amateur radio operators, emergency responders, and DMR enthusiasts. and another for just county fire department and another for when you travel to another town. 06 MB: June 18, 2020: 4. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright If you set the Zone in the 578 Mobile and select Scan-On, the radio will scan the talk-groups in the chosen Zone. I put all the channels from a zone into the matching scan list. Links:Anytone 878 Lieblingsfeature:https://www. unten, so dass diese mit der Wipptaste (up-down) schnell erreichbar sind. Meaning not forwated correctly. So I used that one. Create Contact List with DMR-MARC Talk Groups. DMR Contact CSV Files. I've been using it for several years. Joined Aug 7, 2019 Messages 973 Location Today Ron will continue his deep dive into the AnyTone 878 Plus, show you how to update your contact list and update the radio's firmware! AnyTone 878 How to get the Anytone 878 to display a full name on the display and not just the persons first name. 06 MB June 18, 2020: 7. PTT Prohibit: Off. Andrea IZ3WNH has just published a brand-new tool on the web app: it is a custom DMR Contact List Generator supporting several DMR radios, Anytone included!. I've tried exporting the . The New AnyTone AT-D878UVII PLUS Has APRS Receive and Transmit, so now you can receive other users' APRS Transmissions. DMR-Marc primary talkgroup spreadsheet for Alinco DJ-MD5T - click here. 13 - 1. N0GSG DMR Contact Manager. It will ignore the extra contacts. Se si vuole ascoltare solo alcuni talk group impostare dei gruppi dal menu Digital e sottomenu Receive Group Call List e successivamente impostarlo nel canale DMR, e/o Digital Contact List. AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus $ 334. 02N. This list is used as a look-up table to display the contact person information when receiving a call. 500K contact list capacity so you can have every DMR user in your radio no matter how many there are; AnyTone 878 - SkyBridge Max Webinar Plug-n-Play Package Offer Anytone D168UV. Your AnyTone radio needs a CSV file to import. Anytone AT-D868UV Operating Manual (44 pages) Analog/digital handheld dmr transceiver dual band (vhf/uhf) for amateur radio. Proszę o opinie tego Anytone 878 Sending / Receive Talker Alias Talker Alias Settings Alias Display Priority - Air Alias - will show up on the radio as Digital Contact List 1st and then swap to TA display. com: AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus – Dual Band DMR/Analog 7W VHF, 6W UHF Handheld Radio w/FREE $97 Training Course – Bluetooth PTT, Digital/Analog APRS RX & TX - 500K Contacts Plus Great Support from BridgeCom! : Electronics Get your AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus today: https://bit. Using a Previous AnyTone Code Plug; AnyTone 878/878 Plus Digital Contact List; Factory Reset AnyTone 878UV/878UV Plus; How to change the date/time on the AnyTone HT radio? Resolving AnyTone 868/878Plus COM Port Issues; AnyTone 878/878 Plus Helpful Guides; AnyTone 578 Commercial Version Overview Video and Additional Info; AnyTone 578 Factory Reset - AnyTone D868/878 this is the User DB upload procedure. com Technical Supp This sub is dedicated to discussion and questions about embedded systems: "a controller programmed and controlled by a real-time operating system (RTOS) with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints. Personen In this video, Cody will show you how to add and delete a contact with your AnyTone AT-D868UV radio without using any external software. 02 supported. Page 18 AT-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide The Call ID reference the DTMF or 5Tone number programmed under its menu STEP 10 - PREFABRICATED SMS The radio has a function to send SMS messages from your radio to To recap. I'd search on call signs rather than names. Publication date 2020-11-04 Topics Youtube, video, Science & Technology, BridgeCom, Systems, DMR, Amateur, radio, Ham, How to update the digital contact list in your AnyTone or Alinco DMR. Mike - NO7RF Contact Jenny at 867-5309 or her assistant Mike on Anytone 878 problem. 73. 26 To my surprise it only supports 200,000 contacts. There's a variety of reasons you might want to do this. Currently, there are 200,422 Ham Radio DMR IDs worldwide, so it’s nice to have room to grow. ANYTONE 878 TELSİZE RESET ATMA VE KÜTÜĞÜ +86-595-2265 6926 ken6833@qxdz. But the radio can take 200. net/#! There's a variety of reasons you might want to do this. go to menu / TalkGroups/New Contact, and create the contact by hand How can I save / read the DMR ID directly from call log/last call (still keep in mind i HAVE userdb database loaded from dmrid). Is there an easy way to do it. Helpful Links- Unofficial Anytone Radio Site: https://brianjester. Does anyone know how to fix this? I also can not properly activate the Talker Alias function on my Radio Anytone 878 II Plus to show me the callsigns that do not appear on the display. If you're creating your own hotspot and radio Polecam edytowaną listę kontaktów PL DMR csv do AnyTone 878 i 578. It can now receive and transmit APRS, and can store up to 500,000 contacts in its internal memory. What you see on the display is a function of what is in your radio. 18. MAIN MENU Contacts Contacts List: Will display the digital contact list which had been programmed in the PC software. There are now around 215,000 users in the contact list. I don't know how others do it, but I make a scan list name that matches each zone name I create. Vorraussetzung ist eine vorhandenen User Datenbank in der CPS. Battery Eliminator is compatible with the AnyTone AT-D868UV and AT-D878UV ; FREE AT-D878 course included on BridgeCom University with step-by-step video tutorials to get you on DMR and making contacts fast ($97 value). Search for: ON/OFF AIR Estimados colegas, Tengo desde hace poco un AnyTone 878 UV Plus. 205,423 contacts in the Worldwide extended list. The DMR-ID is part of the transmission and the radio uses the “digital contact list” to turn the “Radio-ID” into what you see on the display. This list: https Apr 12, 2020 · Verfügbar zB Ailunce HD1 Anytone AT868/878UV/AT578UV, Baofeng DM 1701, Radioddity GD77, Retevis RT3/RT8, RT3S/RT82, RT90, Tytera MD380/MD390. Enjoy having an updated contact list! You Jul 16, 2019 · In this video, I'm going to be showing you how to update the digital contact list in your AnyTone. Might not be as good as the Anytone but it might get those who do not want to spring for the price of an Anytone but still want to try DMR. Tag: anytone 878 Display Information. Site 5 Firmware & CPS New D168 : 10. Personen Teilweise wurde als Quelle der A T-D868UV CodePlug Programming Guide von T rygve Svärd For more information call 816-532-8451 or email contactus@bridgecomsystems. Access to conjoined DMRC/BMSR Ken, I tried to reply to this several hours ago, but that message seems to have been lost. com/anytone-878-v2-model-cps Support for 500,000 DMR contacts. Mode: Check the mode your radio is in by starting your CPS, Click on Model on the top menu, then Model Information. ): NOTE: if you have the MD380 portable or the 9600 mobile instructions on Sticky UPDATE June 2021 : FW Anytone 578 - 878 version 1 and 2 ! #anytone #dmr #ham-radio #anytone 878 #anytone #dmr #ham-radio Rud61. bridgecomsyst The 578 has more internal memory installed, so more complex features and larger digital contact list will be possible in the future; (The application is also suitable for the AnyTone 878, 878-II & 868, Btech 6X2, Alinco DJ-MD5 & DJ-MD5X, and Alinco DR-MD500/MD520 I suspect these all work with the 878 as well That's the default for Anytone contact lists downloaded through this site, but I'm still trying it out. 5 days ago · This video will show you how to download the most current contact list as of this moment. 26 into my 878 downloaded from radioid. N0GSG Contact Manager. bridgecomsystems. ---Daniel. 3. Site 2 Firmware & CPS 868 8a Site 3 Firmware & CPS 878 - 578 8b Site 4 Firmware & CPS 878 -578 9. Anytone AT-D168UV DMR Mobile Radio * send codeplug (now with Contact List included) to your radio. Joined Aug 7, 2019 Messages 973 I'm reloading my config file again including the contact list and see if it solves the problem. Using a Previous AnyTone Code Plug; AnyTone 878/878 Plus Digital Contact List; Factory Reset AnyTone 878UV/878UV Plus; How to change the date/time on the AnyTone HT radio? Resolving AnyTone 868/878Plus COM Port Issues; AnyTone 878/878 Plus Helpful Guides; AnyTone 578 Commercial Version Overview Video and Additional Info; AnyTone 578 Factory Reset DMR Codeplug for Anytone D-878UV. radioid. Buon divertimento e aggiornamento dei vostri dati. Apr 12, 2020 · Yesterday i noticed that i can't write my new contactlist to my 878. Have yet to QSO on it, but it has taken the contact list and my codeplug with no problems. pdf file that comes with it and watch for special instructions for Anytone 878 radio's. 08; Anytone AT-D578UV Pro 1. Scandinavian Countries including Greenland For more information about the AnyTone Software, call 816-532-8451 or contactus@bridgecomsystems. Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2021 2:53 PM To: ANYTONE-878@groups. Publication date 2020-11-04 Topics Youtube, video, Science & Technology, BridgeCom, Systems, DMR, Amateur, radio, Ham, Feb 1, 2022 · Andrea IZ3WNH has just published a brand-new tool on the web app: it is a custom DMR Contact List Generator supporting several DMR radios, Anytone included!. net/dmr-learning-series-receive-grou Aktualisieren der “Digital Contacts”-Liste 21 Userdatenbank aus dem Internet herunterladen 21 Kontaktdaten in der CPS importieren 22 Community Handbuch zum AnyTone AT-D868UV/AT-D878UV 9 Zum Inhaltsverzeichnis . com/M0FXBHAMRADIODIARY https://kf5iw. You will at least need a contact list, which is a list of DMR ID (each user has a unique ID) mapped to Call Sign, name and other details. Regards LU4AUL. Hi everyone, this is Cody from BridgeCom Systems. Radio DMR et FM bi-bande. it's not as nice as a single-button access to a list, but it is way faster than searching the database! Download the latest codeplugs for the Anytone AT-878 and D-578 series radios. So, upload the full DMR contact list into the radio, with spare room for years to come. See Contact List Import under the Quick Sheets on how to load contacts into the Anasayfa/ DMR Kullanıcı Listesi (Contact List) DMR Kullanıcı Listesi (Contact List) Cihazınıza uygun kullanıcı listesini (contact) aşağıdaki form aracılığı ile oluşturabilir ve indirebilirsiniz. Thread starter jazzboypro; Start date Jul 27, 2022; Status Not open for further replies. Sent it back to the seller, who shipped me out a new radio. I have an Anyone 878 and I've got some items I'm I don’t always see the active user’s name/callsign even when I can manually scroll through the contact list on my computer and comfirm that the On my Anytone 868 if I have it on Dual Watch then the last heard is a signal line at the very top of the display. AT-D878UV and AT-D878UV Plus with CPS versions Contact: RB1: Contact Call Type: Group Call. These downloadable Worldwide DMR contact ID CSV files can be easily imported into the radio programming software. Codeplugs and other files available for download appear on this page. First QSO in 2 minutes success and it looks good too. Éliminateur de batterie Micro haut-parleur Housse en cuir CPL-02 QHM-024 PT-878 AT-D878UV Digital DMR et (Record List) pour entrer Liste d'enregistrements, sélectionnez une liste d'enregistrements pour entrer dans le fichier d'enregistrements. 2. Nie każdy potrzebuje cały świat, który zajmuje pamięć i dłużej się programuje . 03. py. The following tools can help with code plug creation. cn Qixiang Building, Tangxi Industrial Zone, Luojiang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China Voir et télécharger AnyTone AT-D878UV manuel d'utilisation en ligne. Dual-band DMR and FM two way radio. Upgraded 500,000 Contact List instead of 200,000 on previous models so you can grow with the I currently have a Anytone 878 and want to export my codeplug. 454 views; CONTRIBUTO RADIOAMATORI 2020 - 7. DMR Tools. Both Included; USB-74 Programming Cable; Requires: Microsoft Windows 8/8. Read the . POPULATE YOUR SCAN LIST Go back to your Scan List, add the ‘ON’ channels for slot 1 and 2 to this list from the just created group of channels. Click here to purchase an AnyTone 878 Plus: https://www. If you need to discuss potential accommodations related to using this website, please contact Einrichten einer Freunde Liste (Friends List) beim Anytone AT-D868UV / AT-D878UV Beim DMR Funkgerät Anytone D868UV/D878UV kann man eine sogenannte Friends List einrichten. IMPORTANT: before using any codeplugs on this page, you MUST edit the codeplug and insert your DMR ID. 7. But today I started thinking, maybe I'm creating a bunch of extra work for myself. Not the 500,000 that 3. 14 878v2 V2. Digital Contacts List for PNWDigital. com) There is a Worldwide standard and extended list. Alinco DJ-MD5 Fort Myers, FL codeplug (26Jan2023) Many thanks to Ron W2RDK for this codeplug Anytone AT-D878UVII+ Fort Myers, FL codeplug (18Sep2022) Many thanks to Chris Brief video on loading the DMR Digital Contact List into the AnyTone D868/D878 Radios DMR contact lists for AnyTone Here you find reasonably updated contact lists for AnyTone models AT-D878UV and AT-D578UV. Here are the main differences between the AnyTone HT’s. net/ Once the page opens, look for DATABASE, click on the arrow and select DATA DUMPS Dec 22, 2021 · Update your radio’s contact list by selecting “Program→Write To Radio”. For Anytone 878 users and all other DMR users whose contact lists are limited to 200,000 contacts. Downloads. CSV / Excel; Anytone 878 Codeplug (Blue Button) Anytone 878 Codeplug (green Button) 500K contact list capacity so you can have every DMR user in your radio no matter how many there are; 10K TalkGroup list capacity AnyTone 878 – SkyBridge Max Webinar Plug-n-Play Package Offer Sale! $ 1,238. com/watch?v=gxUo7lCgt Talk Group (Digital Contact) List Channel - Frequency Set-Up Optional Setting Digital Function At-D868Uv Radio Icon Software Update. Digital Monitor listens for ANY talk group, and can monitor one or both slots depending on whether you're using single or double slot. io to automatically receive all group messages. Make sure that the “Digital Contact List” option is checked. 000 contacts and the file has about 160. Be sure to check the "Digital Contact List"check box when you start this process. 26 and now with the latest digital contact list. 05. i noticed that the newest cps and firmware is like If you just go to the Talk Group list and hit the PTT it sends to that contact one time for the amount of time set in Group/Private Call Hold Time then it reverts to the previous contact. Quindi TASTO VERDE e’ il MENU Freccia Su fa il cambio della varie ZONE ( Ripetitori ) in dmr TASTO ROSSO scorre nelle Liste ( cambio dei vari TG ) in dmr Riassumendo : Tasto P1 per commutare tra i 2 VFO ( VFO A sopra e VFO B sotto ) Cambio tra VFO / Canali Premere Tasto P2 per commutare tra i due modi. Open Download Copy Link 80. Thanks! '73 Iz5wga More information would help. Resolve the issue that Talker Alias setting is not saved in export CSV file. Follow our simple guide for seamless communication setup. 25 that radio can’t make contact with Repeater. build-contacts. ’73 Just an FYI for everyone. comFor info about the AT-D868UV / AT-D878UV: https://bit. Im planning on buying a Anytone 878 d878 uvII plus. AA3RP Posts: 101 Seite 1 Community Handbuch zum AnyTone AT-D868UV/AT-D878UV Erstellt von Usern der deutschen Telegram-Gruppe zum AT-D868UV Unter Mitarbeit von: DL5MCC, DG9VH, DD5KI, OE3KSS, DM2MT Ergänzungen und Hinweise zu diesem Handbuch bitte an die o. It is on sale for $65 bucks. AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus DMR/FM Handheld Transceiver Bottom Line The AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus off ers added value compared to the fi rst version of this radio. 64 Bit - 32 Bit & Windows 10/11 11. Drivers if required. jazzboypro Active Member. If you're creating your own hotspot and radio combination, you How to Update Your AnyTone 878 Contact List and Firmware by BridgeCom Systems, Inc. Sebastián patreon. Site 1 Firmware & CPS 868- 878 - 578 8. K7ABD's Anytone Config Builder. net and used the jsontocvs converter to get it into the format for CPS. Posted on December 11, 2021 by admin — Leave a comment AnyTone 868, 878, – All of the standard features listed on our website (plus the items listed below) – 150K talk group list Anytone 868/878: Anytone 868/878 Mondo : Anytone 868/878 Italy: Anytone 868/878 Italy + SanMarino: Radioddity GD77: GD77 Italy: GD77 Italy+Sanmarino: Tytera MD380: Tytera MD380 Mondo: Tytera MD380 Italy: Ailunce HD1: DMR Contact download - 31. Then export that into a CSV file to open into a spreadsheet program. It downloads the contacts for United States and Canada from radioid. Company easy to deal with kept me updated at all times via email and phone. com/M0FXBHAMRADIODIARY https://www. Updated to firmware version 1. Question Step 2 Digital Contact List Page 6 Step 3 Radio ID List Page 8 Step 4 Scan List Page 8 Step 5 Zone List Page 10 Step 6 Receive Group Call List Page 12 Step 7 AnyTone. D168UV mobile radio will come with two antennas ( 1 short and 1 long), and two batteries ( 1800mAh and Anytone 878 und 868, Hinweissignal von Funkfreunden (Friend-List) | NDR BSG-AFU | Link; Anytone 878 und 868, Einstellungen für APRS- und GPS-Übertragungen | NDR BSG-AFU | Link; Durchstarten in DMR Digital contact list von Angelo DC9AL | Link | Telegram Channel (Ailunce HD1, Anytone AT-D868 / 878UV, Baofeng DM1701, Rx Group List named "Rx Contacts" with DMR-Marc talkgroups 13 and 310 Contact ID set to talkgroup 310. Codeplug για AnyTone 878uv, Πανελλαδική κάλυψη. io Oggetto: DMR Contacts List generator Hello Andrea IZ3WNH has just published a brand-new tool on the web app: it is a custom DMR Contact List Generator supporting several DMR radios, Anytone included!. If you have a DV Mega plug-and-play package, you might want to update Configure a receive group that listens to the hotspot telemetry TGs, like 9, 9999, 4000 and other hotspot groups. 000 contacts. digital should of taken a donation approach first before closing down and requesting a subscription. Anytone Codeplugs. Lista kontaktów do AT okresowo aktualizowana, bez krzaczków z danymi na lcd i w logu AT. This list is updated daily and contains the worldwide database of DMR IDs from hams. 24N 578 V1. AT-D868UV - All of the standard features listed on our website (plus the items listed below) - 150K talk group list capacity - Digital APRS TX only . 06; Anytone AT-D868UV 2. Receive Group List: None. * send codeplug (now with Contact List included) to your radio. Function Keys - I have set the following programmable function buttons in this codeplug. In diesem Fall, die Contact-List von Angelo DC9AL 2. Download the full BrandMeister TalkGroup List Here This is a full list of all available BrandMeister Talkgroups and Reflectors, pre-formatted for easy import into your "TalkGroups" list on your AnyTone Radio. etc. Use DMR-D878V3 for FW 3. From: ANYTONE-878@groups. Sélectionnez un Today we’ll be showing how to import a talkgroup list into your AnyTone 578 mobile and how to add it to a channel. The field labled Frequencys is the mode number your radio is set in and download the correct one for your radio. IMPORTANT: now select “File→Save As” and save your updated codeplug. Page 30: Main Menu 9. net. I was wondering if there are any sites you could upload the full list and they will let you pick Anytone AT-D168UV 1. Und nicht nur eine Datendatei, sondern auch "gesplittet", zB nur für DACH, DE,EU usw. com Technical Supp Upgraded 500,000 Contact List instead of 200,000 on previous models so you can grow with the DMR community. 93 $ 834. Trying to import the latest DMR Contact List via the Anytone CPS 1. I've been reworking my code plugs on my Anytone 878 radios and had a thought. Download Codeplugs and CSVs for Channels, Talk Groups and Zones. You can create a unique A channel can only be in one scan list. I will be very grateful for your cooperation. io <ANYTONE-878@groups. Attached for download is the codeplug developed by me (Paul VK2ICQ) The Digital Contact List contains callsigns, names, and addresses for all Amateur DMR operators. 05 Codeplug Available. If you want a specific channel in more than one scan list, you have to modify the name. The Anytone can hold the complete list, but other radios might have to • Das AnyTone, mit dem mitgelieferten USB-Programmierkabel, mit dem PC verbinden. Mods - 168: 12b Learn how to effortlessly import talk group lists for your AnyTone 878/868 radio. It says too many contacts. 73 de Richard G4UGB Step 2 Digital Contact List Page 6 Step 3 Radio ID List Page 8 Step 4 Scan List Page 8 Step 5 Zone List Page 10 Step 6 Receive Group Call List Page 12 Step 7 AnyTone. In this video, we'll show you how to easily switch scan lists on your AnyTone 878 Plus. I save each new version of my codeplug as a new file so that it’s easy to go back to a prior version if needed. Transceptor portátil analógico/digital DMR bibanda (3100mAh) Eliminador de batería Microaltavoz Funda de piel CPL-02 QHM-024 PT-878 AT-D878UV Get in touch with some of the best Anytone AT-878 Digital DMR and Analog VHF/UHF walkie talkie Portable Radio dealers around the world today. Download Copy Link 7. 05; Anytone AT-D578UV Plus 2. 15 KB June 18, 2020: 80. Reverse: Off Inoffizielles Handbuch zum AnyTone AT-D868UV/AT-D878UV Erstellt von Usern der deutschen Telegram-Gruppe zum AT-D868UV Unter Mitarbeit von: DL5MCC, DG9VH, DD5KI, OE3KSS, [← Bitte hier eintragen] Ergänzungen und Hinweise zu diesem Handbuch bitte an die o. Currently, the 868 & 878 can hold the entire database. github. Mods - 868, 878 and Mods 578 12a. 1. Contact Alias - will show Digital Contact List. Top. But how many of Feb 19, 2022 · To UPDATE the Digital Contact list in the ANYTONE 878 Go to www. In the 878 Handheld, setting the Zone, apparently, does not determine the scanned talk groups. Compare the header row as well as the data either one provides. Select Record Send, and the radio will display Contact list or Manual Dial. 16. In this video, I'm going to be showing you how to update the digital contact list in your AnyTone. Open the software and select the following: - Tool (from top toolbar) - Import - Digital Contact List - Select the saved database file - Import (at bottom of page) ("Import Complete" message will appear) - Select the proper COM port - Program / Write to Radio / OK Download the full DMR User List Here This is the full user list (data provided by radioid. PNW Digital Files. Received the new radio. Contact TG/DMR ID: 1. 06; Anytone AT-D878UV 3. AnyTone 878 Digital Contacts . are community driven, I think that amateurradio. phphttps://radioid. 7 Watts max power, integrated GPS and Bluetooth, Text Messaging, Recording, Voice Message, Digital Encryption, Emergency Alarm, APRS on FM or DMR, Roaming, CTCSS/DCS, 4000 channels can be stored. Brandmeister primary talkgroup spreadsheet for Anytone 868 and 878 - click here. (Data sourced directly from FreeDMR. I ordered 2 and will get mine next week. Thanks all for the help. For more information 1. If you do NOT want to use NØGSG This is a full list of all available FreeDMR Talkgroups, pre-formatted for easy import into your "TalkGroups" list on your AnyTone Radio. Anytone 868/878. There are a bunch of services that can create contact csv's for the Anytone and I honestly don't know how any of them sort so there's always a possibility that you're losing ID's that are important. Also for the BTech 6X2 and Alinco DJ Get your AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus today: https://bit. One thing I am noticing is, when I get a contact that pops up, if they talk for a period of time, In questo caso valgono le scritte sopra i tasti . With 7 watts VHF and 6 watts UHF power output, built-in Bluetooth PTT (Push-to-Talk), APRS RX & TX, The Structural Import feature allows you to move data instantly between different codeplug families - - for example, you can populate an AnyTone AT-868UV codeplug from the contents of a Connect Systems CS800D codeplug - - all zones, scan lists, channels, and contacts will be moved and will work identically in the target codeplug. 06. ): NOTE: if you have the MD380 portable or the 9600 mobile The RepeaterBook export seems to be working to import into all of the following Anytone CPS: AT-D578UV CPS version 1. · Looking for the freshest DMR digital contact list for your Anytone? You just found it! We automatically and continuously generate a new worldwide digital contact list compatible with the Anytone AT‑D578UV, AT‑D868UV and AT‑D878UV transceivers. Includes: DMR-D878 Software Use DMR-D878 for FW through 3. Anytone 878 VK Wide Codeplug June 16, 2024. 15. io Subject: [ANYTONE-878] Contact List editor? When the contact list hits 200K the 878uv will not be able to handle anymore. This video will show you how to download the most current contact list as of this moment. You can create a unique Loading the RadioID Contacts Database into the new Anytone AT-D578 Triband DMR Radio. Dual-Band VHF/UHF Digital DMR Handheld Radio -AES256, and USB Type-C Battery. APRS Symbol Chart: 12. Note: Code plugs do not have contact lists included. ly/at-878uvii-plusFor more information:📞: 816-532-8451📧: contactus@bridgecomsystems. Hier gibt es verschiedene Downloads für den Amateurfunk. Latest contact list and all talkgroups. 40 878v1 V1. Radio ID List - Meine Vorgehensweise einen Codeplug für das Anytone 878 UV II + zu programmieren. Brandmeister primary talkgroup spreadsheet for Alinco DJ-MD5T - click here. If the Anytone is a bit out of your price range, check out this sale on a Retevis DMR RT3. Repeaterliste Berlin Brandenburg als . com/products/anytone-at-d878uvii-plusFor more information:📞: 816-532-8451📧: contactus@bridgecomsy #anytone #baofeng #digitalradio #dmr #hytera #rádio #radio Anytone AT-D168UV is an entry level DMR radio without installing GPS and Bluetooth, it is smaller in size and less expensive. Puissance de 7 watts, GPS et Bluetooth, messagerie texte, enregistrement, message vocal, cryptage numérique, APRS sur FM ou DMR, roaming, CTCSS/DCS, 4000 canaux peuvent être stockés. Being that a lot of the tools, apps etc. D168UV mobile radio will come with two antennas ( 1 short and 1 long), and two batteries ( 1800mAh and 2500mAh). The AnyTone AT D878UVII Plus is a feature-packed dual-band (VHF/UHF) handheld radio that combines both DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) and Analog FM capabilities. Join ANYTONE-878@groups. o Funkgerät einschalten o Bei Windows 10 wird der Treiber automatisch installiert. 21; Anytone AT-D878UVII 3. AT-D878UV - Same as AT-D868UV (plus the items listed below) - 200K talk group list capacity - Digital and analog APRS TX only - Better AnyTone AT-D878-UV-II-Plus Caractéristiques et Prix. mappa, elenco, interattiva, ponti ripetitori, ponti radio, dinamica, ripetitori, relais, repeater, map, worldwide, radioamatori, ham, HAM, DMR, D-Star, C4FM, FM, EL Get your AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus today: bridgecomsystems. No failure, just ignore it. io> On Behalf Of Ken K Sent: Thursday, June 3, 2021 9:16 AM To: ANYTONE-878@groups. CSVs from 878v1. What firmware and CPS are you running? Did you export and import using the same version of CPS? Did you edit the file after exported it? Resolve the issue in V1. 868 V1. I've got a number of receive group lists broken down by time slot and frequency basically (so everything on TS1 on a particular hot spot for example). Issue appears to be fixed. The 878 model I will hold 200,000 contacts. io Subject: [ANYTONE-878] D878UV firmware update V1. Do you know how to make a scan list on an AnyTone DMR radio? Today we’ll walk through the best practices you can follow to make your own DMR radio scan list. 1, 10 (32 or 64 Bit), or Win 11 Digital Contacts List for PNWDigital. CPS ver 1. I will use the Anytone 878 radio for this example (other radio mfgrs hopefully have a similar process like this. net), import this as your digital contacts list. General So I took the users. Download the full BrandMeister TalkGroup List Here This is a full list of all available BrandMeister Talkgroups and Reflectors, pre-formatted for easy import into your “TalkGroups” list on your AnyTone Radio. uk) Download Feb 1, 2022 · For Anytone 878 users and all other DMR users whose contact lists are limited to 200,000 contacts. AnyTone AT-D878-UV-II-Plus Price and Specifications. I used this web site for the full 200K plus data: AT-D578UV, AT-D868UV, AT-D878UV Digital Contact List (kf5iw. 70. Cheers. It is already formated for the Anytone Radios. Ver y descargar AnyTone AT-D878UV manual de instrucciones online. Alinco DJ-MD5 Fort Myers, FL codeplug (26Jan2023) Many thanks to Ron W2RDK for this codeplug Anytone AT-D878UVII+ Fort Myers, FL codeplug (18Sep2022) Many thanks to Chris Jul 16, 2019 · Hi everyone, this is Cody from BridgeCom Systems. It pulls contacts from the list you've downloaded from amateurradio. Available in our IO Groups at: Next Post UPDATE: Anytone 878-II v2. 99; AnyTone AT-D578UVIIIPRO Tri-Band Amateur DMR Mobile Radio $ 484. Nov 4, 2020 · How to Update Your AnyTone 878 Contact List and Firmware by BridgeCom Systems, Inc. net website, manipulating and then s Da: Alberto - IW2HFG Inviato: sabato 15 gennaio 2022 00:55 A: ANYTONE-878@groups. In the tree: Contacts -> double click on "Digital Contacts" -> a new window opens with the whole list, make your selection -> click on "Delete Selected" button. Joplin DMR, DMR Simplex, ARES analog, GMRS, NOAA WX, and local analog channels. Post author: Web-Team; Post published: August 21, 2022; Post category: To easily explain this, download your contacts into your CPS and export the CSV file to open into a spreadsheet program. Next, open CHIRP and import a contact list from somewhere. youtube. Give DMR Contact Manager a look. If you have a DV Mega plug-and-play package, you might want to update to the latest contact list. A detailed guide to obtaining the database of names / co I feel silly to ask this, but i have failed to see or find a way to delete the digital contacts. 37; TERA TR-7400/TR-7200 3. We’ll also cover how to manage your SkyBridge for optimal performance, including updates to your digital contact list. 99; Program memories, zones, talk groups, contacts, scan lists and other settings of the Anytone AT-D878UV and AT-D878UV II Plus radios. Is this sequence expected for the 878 handheld Contact List. io/- K patreon. Anytone AT-D878uv had issues with contacts. Bei einem Empfang einer Station die in der Liste vorhanden ist, gibt das Funkgerät jedesmal ein Ton von sich. NEThttps://radioid. Gracias a los tutoriales que amablemente realizan compañeros he podido instalar codeplug y lista de contactos, también un hotspot porque desde QTH no llego a repetidores; y hacer los primeros QSOs de forma muy satisfactoria. There are several different types of programming cables available, and the one to Anytone AT-D168UV is an entry level DMR radio without installing GPS and Bluetooth, it is smaller in size and less expensive. Instead the 878 asks for a Scan List. csv, che ben si adatta a visualizzare tutti i dati della stazione ricevuta. cvs files and importing, and it just does odd stuff. RADIO. You can download the full DMR contact list from here. Contribute to alinakis/anytone-878uvii-plus development by creating an account on GitHub. I downloaded NØGSG DMR Contact Manager 2. I want to avoid writing a new one, as I type poorly. There are several different types of programming cables available, and the one to ANYTONE-878; Topics; × Close Search Search Cancel Date Date 1 - 4 of 4 previous page next page how many digital contacts? K0FG I recently downloaded the contact list, but before I loaded it into my radio I deleted a bunch of listings for parts of the world I don't expect to talk to. In this video, we provide a step-by-step guide on updating your AnyTone 878 radio to firmware version 3. g. com/watch?v=FX8mCvuduc8&ab_channel=BridgeComSystems%2CInchttps://ad8g. 0:00 Intro0:49 Read From Radio1:22 PiStar A Nel mio caso, utilizzando una radio Anytone 878, scarico ed utilizzo il file 868_ContactList_LH2. This radio holds up to 300,000 contacts, and today I show you how to l Home / Uncategorized / AnyTone 868, 878, 878 Plus Comparison Guide. Help Center AnyTone 878 (V1 Model) Handheld Support AnyTone 578 (V1 Model) Mobile Support AnyTone 868 Handheld Support DV Programmazione Anytone AT-D878UV II Plus Programmazione . Obtaining the contact list in CSV form from radioID. Can I Rx from both 13 and 310 and only Tx on 310? Anytone 878 and such can dual "Dual Monitor" which will hear traffic from any talkgroup or either timeslot. AnyTone calls these "Scan Lists". Brand . Radio ID: Scan List: None. Programmed Key Scan List Radio Set Chan Set Programming Guide. They could of also offered a free version and have a second version with more features at a small fee. c. net and formats as required by the Anytone CPS for import. DMR-Marc primary talkgroup spreadsheet for Anytone 868 and 878 - click here. cn Qixiang Building, Tangxi Industrial Zone, Luojiang District, Quanzhou I have also provided the Python program I use to create the contacts list for importing with Tools > Import. Pytanie jak w temacie. com/contactdb. I can read and write the rdt files day and night no issues, but I wanted to use the dcf file to import contacts as I need a trimmed contact list to fit in the radio. 734 views; To make this easier - I've created contacts at the end of my talkgroup list for those friends, so i can hit "list" then scroll up from the top (direct to the bottom where those individual contacts are). bmb wdl wofz ejgdx bwvsv eadoiquh uextof ktgzf koo ifp fzu lpo oud uasvnzg obae