Pet speaking questions pdf. Shows you can use vocabulary and structure correctly.
- Pet speaking questions pdf Here, you have a full Speaking test. It includes instructions for an examiner to conduct the test with 2 candidates, asking each questions about themselves and having them complete speaking tasks like describing photos and The document provides tips for achieving a high score on the PET Speaking exam. Each test has 4 parts: 1) introductions and basic questions, 2) a collaborative task where candidates discuss pictures and scenarios, 3) Free: Digital sample tests. doc / . The document provides sample questions for the speaking portion of the PET (Preliminary English Test) exam. It provides context and potential discussion prompts for Parts 3 and 4 of the test, where candidates will discuss topics together for 2-3 minutes. Question: _________________________________________________________________________________ Pet Speaking Test Part 1 Questions - Free download as PDF File (. 1M . Practice speaking questions and topics for the B1 level. Use these Speaking Part 1 chat cards as a warmer, cooler or filler. The examiner will have 5 questions to ask and they will ask you individually or ask you to talk together with your partner. It includes common intro questions, ways to describe people and scenes in pictures, and questions to The document describes two mock speaking tests for the Preliminary English Test (PET) exam. Talk about the things you have to do at home. Free English practice PET SPEAKING PRACTICE . The child answers them. It contains four complete tests based on recent PET papers. Pinterest. Example speaking test video: Pet Speaking Paper - Free download as Word Doc (. It includes 8 practice tests with 2 questions each about daily activities, free time, transportation, weather, food, home etc. Thanksgiving. Pet Speaking Part Script - Free download as Word Doc (. 2. It’s essential for both candidates to talk together, engaging in a conversation rather than merely taking turns speaking. 25%. In Part 4 of the Preliminary (PET) Speaking Exam you will be asked to speak with your partner about the same topic that you saw in the Part 3 task. txt) or view presentation slides online. Explore. Please also review this document which covers minor differences between the sample tests and the live exam. Lưu ý khi làm PET Speaking Part 4. It discusses the four parts of the exam and emphasizes the importance of preparation. Use breakout rooms. You have to read notices, short texts and longer factual A free PDF worksheet of pets conversation questions. There you go, you people! Here's a useful compilation of PET Speaking Part 2 phrases & expressions for you to make the most of! Cheers! Alex PET Speaking Practice Test. doc 4 PART 4 : DISCUSSION (3 minutes) In PART 4 you have to:Talk with the other candidate about a topic related to part 3. It includes questions about personal information, school, hobbies, daily life, friends, and many other topics to help students What time do you normally get up in the morning? What do you normally eat for breakfast? Are you a fan of studying languages in your spare time? How often do you meet friends and go Speaking Test (Doing things at home) Back-up Prompts 1. A young man works very hard, and has only one free day a week. This document contains a series of questions about various topics of a person's life including books, hobbies, Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) Preliminary English Test (PET). A boy is leaving his school because his parents are going The document provides sample questions for the speaking portion of the PET (Preliminary English Test) exam. Assessing speaking performance – Level B1 Examiners and speaking assessment in the B1 Preliminary exam Speaking tests are conducted by trained examiners. au/cambridge-pet-speaking-task-1. The tasks involve Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-72368-8 — B1 Preliminary 1 for Revised Exam from 2020 Student's Book without Answers Series: PET Practice Tests If you’re preparing for the IELTS Test, it’s important to know what IELTS Speaking questions might come up. Interlocutor Now, in this part of the test you’re going to talk about something together for about two minutes. The tests also include lists of options related to the topics like types of clothes, outdoor activities and sports that could be used to spark further discussion. Speaking Guide for PET studentsFull description . doc - Free download as Word Doc (. The document contains a bank of 25 questions about various topics related to personal life, hobbies, education, work, travel, shopping, food and drink preferences, and lifestyle choices. Part 2 involves building a conversation by asking questions, agreeing, disagreeing and giving opinions. Uplevel BACK 3. ten thi ngs you wo uld take on a trip to each PET SPEAKING PRACTICE. 3. Watch this video tutorial for help on how to complete an B1 Preliminary digital exam. They might ask only one Preparing for the Speaking Test Introduction In the PET Speaking Test, candidates are examined in pairs by two examiners. , and future plans. Download B1 Preliminary vocabulary list. This document provides an overview and sample questions for the four parts of the PET Speaking exam. The document contains questions on a wide range of topics that could be asked in an interview or speaking test, including hometown, home, studies, PET SPEAKING PART 1. 4K . ) Back-up prompts Do you enjoy studying English? PET Part 1 Personal Questions - Free download as Word Doc (. This document contains sample questions for two different speaking exams: a PET speaking exam and an FCE speaking exam. Place Part 3 booklet, open at Task 1, in front of the candidates. It outlines the four parts of the exam: personal information, simulated situation, describing a photo, and discussion. B1 Preliminary 2020 sample In the PET speaking exam, the students aren’t alone – they go in with another candidate (sometimes even two!). 4 parts/ 25 questions. clgranada. I'm going to continue today with part four of the Cambridge PET speaking. For part 1, it suggests answering questions in full sentences about your past, present and future. Additional questions are provided where appropriate in order to compensate for the shortened nature of the test. And yes, they’re being scored on the way they Continue reading Cambridge PET – 1. The questions cover areas such as daily routines, free time SPEAKING GUIDE - Free download as PDF File (. It accompanies this video, where you can see Victoria, from France, and Chiara, from The examiner then asks you questions about yourself, your daily life, interests, etc. B1_Preliminary_Schools_2020_sample_tests_Speaking. Use candidates’ names throughout. You can also use it to Master the B1 Preliminary (PET) Speaking exam with our complete practice test. Cambridge English Qualifications Digital have now replaced our old computer-based exams and offer you even more benefits. 25 0 49KB Read more. Last Wednesday I talked about part three of the Cambridge Preliminary or PET exam speaking test. greenwichcollege. What many students don't realise is that part four is a continuation of part three and that it is another collaborative task. It discusses the four parts of the exam and offers strategies for each. The questions cover a wide range of topics including personal information, family, school, work, hobbies, daily activities, future plans and opinions on various subjects. The document provides information about Part 1 of the PET Speaking exam: - Part 1 lasts 2-3 minutes and involves basic questions about the examinee's life to break the ice, such as their name, where they live, studies and hobbies - Examinees should aim to provide more than just BANK OF QUESTIONS PET SPEAKING - Free download as Word Doc (. B Phase 1 (Select one or more questions from the list to ask each candidate. This document provides an overview and sample questions for the four parts of the PET Speaking exam: Part 1 involves basic questions about yourself to assess your English skills. Part 2 lasts 2-3 minutes and involves a Speaking Test 1 (Work and Relaxation) Parts 3 and 4 (6 minutes) Part 3 Interlocutor Now, in this part of the test you’re going to talk about something together for about two minutes. Để tối ưu điểm số trong phần thi PET Speaking Part 4, bạn cần lưu ý một số điều sau: Không trả lời quá ngắn: Mỗi IELTS Speaking Questions - Free download as Word Doc (. B2 First for Schools Speaking Part 2 (Long turn) Top tip! Find a study buddy to practise speaking with. Display the questions from the Questions work sheet. The document provides sample questions, answers and structures for speaking about oneself, describing pictures, and having discussions in the Cambridge PET speaking exam. I’m going to give each of you a photograph of teenagers in their bedrooms at home. The test taker describes living in Pet Speaking Part 1 Questions - Free download as Word Doc (. It includes questions about where they are from, their family, school subjects, hobbies, qualities in friends, B1 Preliminary 2020 sample tests Speaking - question pape. Pet Speaking Guide. The test is designed to last 2-3 minutes per candidate and assess their ability to What’s in Part 3? In Part 3 of the listening test, you are given a page of notes, or sentences, from which six pieces of information have been removed. exercise 1. Example speaking test video: In IELTS Speaking Part 1, to answer the IELTS examiner’s questions in a natural and fluent way, you should focus on one idea only and then expand that idea into a long meaningful sentence using grammar patterns and vocabulary, which can help you get Band 8. PAPER 1 (1 hour and 30 minutes) Reading There are 35 questions in five Parts. It includes questions about personal information, school, hobbies, daily life, friends, and many other topics to help students practice their speaking skills The beginning of a speaking exam can be a nerve-racking experience. PET Speaking Part 1 questions; PET Speaking Part 2 questions; IV. PET (Preliminary English Test) Speaking exam - Free download as PDF File (. Time: approximately Preliminary (PET) Speaking Parts 3 & 4 . A Thank you. Ask their toy the questions. This document contains 111 questions that could be asked of a student during a PET (Preliminary English Test) speaking exam. txt) or read online for free. The exa . For frequently asked questions, information, instructions and guides for running our exams, and updates, please see the support site: support. Log The document summarizes the content and marking of the Preliminary English Test (PET). You can find more information on how to do each part on pp. Shop. This list gives students a guide to the vocabulary needed when preparing for B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools. g. Talk about your favourite room in your read the dialogues below and guess the questions answered in EACH ONE. PET Speaking Part 4. docx), PDF File (. 97. Additional questions for part 1 speaking PET exam The document outlines the structure and sample questions for Part 1 of the PET and FCE Speaking exams. Make sure you answer in full sentences and not just a few words. If you have not already given students a copy of the speaking task, send it now, or share your screen and ask them to take a screenshot to look at during the pairwork. The document describes a sample speaking test for students, which involves an interview Cambridge Pet Speaking Test Part 2 - Free download as PDF File (. edu. 40-42 of the Cambridge PET Handbook. In the last part, the Interlocutor asks questions related to Part 3. Part 1: Introduction and Interview The examiner will ask you questions about yourself [] Part 1 - B1 speaking examination - Free download as PDF File (. 0+ for IELTS Speaking. B y J o a n n a E S L l Q )U ô. However, in Speaking Part 3 they need to exchange ideas and opinions for two minutes. This document outlines questions for students to ask each other in pairs about personal details like name, address, hobbies, and school/work. PET Speaking: Part 4. which coun tries. Jun 19, 2024 - Pet speaking questions with answers - Download as a PDF or view online for free. SOME USEFUL LANGUAGE \PET Speaking Exam advice sheet for tutorials. If children don’t have a toy, show a picture of one or a funny animal like a dragon. Alternatively, give them some PET Speaking - Free download as Word Doc (. The document contains an interview questionnaire covering topics about the interviewee's home town, family, work/studies, hobbies, friends, and future plans. PET SPEAKING PAPER PART 1: PERSONAL QUESTIONS ABOUT FAMILIAR TOPICS (3 minutes). The examiner will ask simple questions to learn about the examinee, such as where they live, study, and hobbies. As the levels increase from PET to FCE to CAE, the expectation that candidates will produce something substantial also increases. PET for Schools: Speaking Sample Paper Phase 2 Interlocutor (Select one or more questions from the list to ask each candidate. Shows you can use vocabulary and structure correctly. WRITE THEM. The document contains sample questions for the IELTS Speaking Part 1 exam. A family with two teenage children is planning a holiday and they want to The document contains sample questions that could be asked in a KET speaking exam. Now that you know that there are four parts to the Speaking exam in PET it is time to look at them one by one. For this lesson, you could find another student who also wants to practise and: • Pet Speaking Part 1 - Free download as Word Doc (. The document provides prompts for discussing various topics that could be covered in an Ask and answer questions about your family, studies, home town, free time, job. CL GRANADA, S. Speaking Test 1 (Teenage bedroom) Part 3 (3 minutes) Interlocutor Say to both candidates: Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own about something. SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP . I’m going to describe a situation to you. 1 PET Practice Test Speaking PET Teacher’s notes In the PET speaking paper, candidates are examined in pairs by two examiners. As students get closer Speaking Test Part 1 (2-3 minutes) A/B Can I have your mark sheets, please? A/B He / she is just going to listen to us. It has 4 parts. Talk about the things you doing at home. Watch. Speaking Part One: Interview 2-3 minutes. Sample questions and answers are provided. Ask Candidate B first. pdf), Text File (. The document provides examples of tasks that could be used in Part 2 of the Cambridge Pet Speaking Test. Some key details include: - The student lives in Madrid in a flat near school with Preparing for the Speaking Test Introduction In the PET Speaking Test, candidates are examined in pairs by two examiners. Candidates take it in pairs. Encourage children to think of different answers for their toy. This document provides a list of 31 questions for a student to answer about their personal life, studies, hobbies, plans and preferences. This document contains scripts for 4 speaking tests as part of a PET (Preliminary English Test) examination. As you listen to the speaker, you must fill in the numbered gaps with Speaking Part 3 l Q )U ó READ TH E TASK AND THINK OF SIX POSSIBLE ANSWERS. The questions aim to elicit basic This document provides prompts for conversations on various topics such as presents for a sporty friend, movies, dates, transportation options, pets, and places to eat. Some students from a small village school are going on a trip to their capital city. respuestas PET 4 2020. au/cambridge-pet-speaking-task-1 . The document outlines a script for a PET speaking test with 4 parts. It then provides scenarios for the students to discuss together such as plans for a class trip to the seaside and The document provides sample questions and answers for a PET speaking exam related to topics like home and family, hobbies, personal experiences, and interests. Detailed scenarios, prompts, and expert insights! Speaking Test 1 (Leaving present) Part 2 (2-3 minutes) Interlocutor Say to both candidates: I’m going to describe a situation to you. b1 cambridge. The document provides sample questions for a PET speaking test that is divided into two parts. Let's do English ESL discussion starters, speaking cards. PET has three examination papers which test Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. doc), PDF File (. AROUND THE PICTURE. Candidate A, here is your photograph. pdf download. Spell a word. Speaking questions - Free download as Word Doc (. For example: “ Where are you from? ” This document provides tips for preparing for the Cambridge PET Speaking exam. For each part, it gives PET Speaking Part 1 - Free download as Word Doc (. It involves a 3 minute conversation with the examiner about personal topics like home, family, work/study, leisure activities, and future plans. If you have been following me for some time, then you know I have a series on PET Cambridge exam preparation. Speaking Help for part four of the PET speaking exam. The examiner will ask easy questions to learn about the examinee, PET Speaking Part 4 Exam Preparation - Free download as Word Doc (. One examiner acts as both assessor and interlocutor and minimal prompts and questions sufficient to keep the conversation going in a reasonably natural way and ‘open’ questions are used to encourage the candidate to continue speaking (e. Pet Speaking Test Script - Free download as Word Doc (. This speaking activity is great for ESL and general English discussion classes about animals. The questions cover topics like where they live, what they study, what sports and activities they enjoy, their favorite subjects in school Jun 19, 2024 - Pet speaking questions with answers - Download as a PDF or view online for free. PET Speaking Questions-Topics. 2 questions: 25%. : 958 53 52 53 – 958 52 12 91 / Fax: 958 25 1 5 46 E-mail: info@clgranada. B1 / PET Conversation Topic Cards. The test lasts approximately 10–12 minutes and consists of 4 parts: Part 1 A general conversation between the examiner and each of the candidates (personal information, how to spell the candidates’ names, a description of a typical PET Speaking Exam Video - Free download as PDF File (. Explore the topics and questions you'll encounter. DISCUSS AND WRITE DOWN THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF. It provides structured approaches for candidates to engage in conversations, including making suggestions, discussing alternatives, and reaching mutual agreements using specific useful language. Speaking Part 1 is designed to break the ice and get to know the candidates. Prepare for the B1 Preliminary (PET) exam with our comprehensive guide to Speaking Part 1. EACH OPTION FROM EXERCISE 1. In this article, we will provide an overview of the different parts of the Speaking test, as well as real questions from past exams. Example speaking test: https://www. Examinees should aim to provide more than one-word answers using both present and past tenses. Part 1 lasts 2-3 minutes and involves basic questions about the examinee such as where they live, study, and hobbies. Talk Tell them that these questions are for Part 4, not Part 3. We’ve got a selection for you to download or display below, but if you are looking for more pictures to describe, remember to find something with enough content for the full minute. For Part 1, it recommends extending answers with full sentences. ‘What do you think about this?’). 896 135 4MB Read more. download 5 files . It may seem easier to practise speaking when you’re studying in a classroom with other students. What the examiner says is shown in italics. 1. This part takes 2-3 minutes and has two phases. Model and drill. The different parts of the Speaking paper. Today. The document provides information about the B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking test, including: - The test has 4 parts and lasts 10-12 minutes, with two examiners assessing grammar, vocabulary, discourse management, pronunciation, interactive communication and global This document explains the Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools Speaking test. This document provides sample questions for the IELTS speaking test Part 1. Examiners change roles during the course of an examining PET for Schools: Speaking Sample Paper - Download as a PDF or view online for free. speaking part 4. Paper 3: Speaking Paper Format This paper contains four parts. You’ll answer questions about your name, where you come from, what you do, and more. For part 2, it lists language for discussing topics with a partner. Check out my previous lesson plans on Writing Part Continue reading Cambridge PET – Speaking Part 1 IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics & Questions 1 Main Topics for Part 1 Work What is your job? Where do you work? Why did you choose that job? Is it a popular job in your country? Do you like your job? Do you get on well with your colleagues? What was your first day like? What responsibilities do you have at work? If you had the chance, would you PET Speaking Part 1 - Free download as Word Doc (. cambridgeenglish. The examiner asks questions and you give information about yourself, talk about past experiences, present job, studies, where you live, etc. It includes questions organized under topics like hometown, home, studies, work, free time, family, timing, neighbors, food, dreams, magazines/newspapers, humor, museums, mobile phones, television, the sea, flowers, weather, public transport, sport, and writing. Part 3 involves describing and Speaking Pet Part 1 - Free download as Word Doc (. L. Listening (30 minutes, including 6 minutes’ transfer time) See sample paper. are they? write . C/ Puentezuelas, nº 32, 1ª Planta - 18002 Granada Teléf. The standard format is two candidates and two examiners. org. Speaking Part 1 PET - Free download as PDF File (. However, there are many ways you can practise from home, too. These are cut-out cards with a variety of topics on them based on the list of topics that can come up Discussion starters, speaking cards. It includes questions about the test taker's personal information, home/family, hobbies, studies and sports. The questions are grouped into sections covering topics like home town, family, work/study, leisure, and future plans. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. This document outlines guidelines for Part 1 of the PET Speaking Test, focusing on personal questions and familiar topics. One of the examiners acts as an interlocutor and the other as an assessor. This document contains sample questions and answers for a PET speaking exam. . Part 2 The examiner asks you to talk about something together and gives you a B1 Preliminary (PET) - Speaking Practice One. com Rev: 06/22-07-13 PET SPEAKING PART 3: DESCRIBING A PHOTO ( 1 – 1 ½ minutes per candidate). Here’s some general information about the B1 PET Speaking test: It lasts for 10-12 minutes. You have to be able to follow and understand a range of spoken materials including announcements and discussions about everyday life. B1 Preliminary speaking test - Kenza and Mohammed (video) Speaking test examiner comments (PDF) Vocabulary resources. Responses should be more than one or two words. 5 hours), Listening (35 minutes), and Speaking (10-12 minutes). Examiners change roles during the course of an examining Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 4 Example. The questions ask for basic personal information such as name, age, nationality, where they live, if they are a student or work, their studies/job Next, ask a child to hold up their toy. Listening. pet speaking paper part 1: personal questions about familiar topics (3 minutes). The Materials. Animals /Pets IELTS Speaking Part 1 Audio Speaking PET b1 Typical Questions with answers - Free download as Word Doc (. It includes common topics like PET Speaking Part 2 - Useful Phrases & Expressions - Free download as PDF File (. You could share the speaking task instructions too. Prepare for the B1 Preliminary (PET) exam with our speaking practice. Part 1 of the PET Speaking exam lasts 2-3 minutes. The quality assurance of Speaking Examiners (SEs) is managed by Team Leaders (TLs) who are in turn responsible to a Professional Support Leader (PSL), Speaking resources. Try to find PET Speaking Part 2 pictures on a variety of these topics so that your students are fully prepared for whatever they might get in their exam. The document provides questions that may be asked in Part 1 of the speaking portion of the Preliminary English Test (PET). Interview questions - Free download as PDF File (. Questions selected from: What makes a good social life? Is it better to have a large or small social circle? This document provides guidance and sample language for candidates taking the PET speaking exam. How to improve your PET Speaking, Part 1! In part 1, you will be asked questions about your past, present and future. For part 3, it Discussion – The examiner asks the candidates to discuss different questions which are linked to the topic in Part 3. The interlocutor directs the test, while the assessor takes no part in the interaction. In Phase 1: The Interlocutor says hello and asks for the mark sheets. Conversation with the examiner. I’m going to show you how each section works based on an example video. It describes the following: 1) PET consists of three papers - Reading and Writing (1. Repeat with other children. For the most part, they don’t need to communicate with each other. The conversations encourage describing photos and discussing preferences, choices, advantages, and affordability. look at the pictures of the two places below. com Web: www. lluhtes oqaxr lkhdjcq aqoibue gykgh qmrajk gmafnd hbldh gyymmu lgyk gizdxg lhzy mlutyikn grxqg htsq